Bug ignored for months with Unstoppable and Phase champs at the start of the fight

World EaterWorld Eater Member Posts: 3,839 ★★★★★
This bug was first reported in March and April and has been ignored.

If you start a fight with an unstoppable or phase , your champ gets hit but the enemy is somehow able to dex away from getting hit. The game has never worked like this until earlier this year. This happens with unstoppable champs like Kingpin and Aeogn or with phase champs like Silver Surfer or Ghost .

I’ve posted FIVE videos in the thread below but it was ignored. Just seems like the S.o.S here on the forums when it comes to bug reporting. What exactly does someone have to do to get a bug acknowledged and eventually resolved? I shouldn’t have to post more than a vid or two.


Here’s a vid from last week. I have more vids and will continue to post until Kabam takes action. This is problem that you can easily re-create. It happens in almost 1/2 the fights when I use those champs See the 1st and 3rd fights shown below.



  • BendyBendy Member Posts: 8,825 ★★★★★
    This issue has been bugged for months where even u can get out from being hit from unstoppable
  • MaskedLegendMaskedLegend Member Posts: 122 ★★
    I've had that issue when using ghost quite a bit, hope it gets acknowledged
  • SirGamesBondSirGamesBond Member Posts: 6,339 ★★★★★
    I faced this while using viv
  • OurobørosOurobøros Member Posts: 2,107 ★★★★★

    I faced this while using viv

    Me too, and Dani
  • World EaterWorld Eater Member Posts: 3,839 ★★★★★
    edited December 2024
    Fight in AQ last week

    Any Kabam mod going to acknowledge ???
    It’s only been ….. 9 months. I had this problem in March and April when I was doing Necropolis. This is a huge part of Aegons kit.

    Also reported here in April

    In March

    But this was the main thread where there are a handful of vids - April 2024


  • Average_DesiAverage_Desi Member Posts: 1,410 ★★★★
    It's a problem of recovery time right? I've had situations where I've been able to avoid the enemy ,but I know for a fact it wasn't possible in the past. Exactly like how the opponent does to aegon.
  • BendyBendy Member Posts: 8,825 ★★★★★

    It's a problem of recovery time right? I've had situations where I've been able to avoid the enemy ,but I know for a fact it wasn't possible in the past. Exactly like how the opponent does to aegon.

    Yeah its most likely something of that where they might have to adjust recovery time on unstoppables as it should be punishing not being a way to get a hit in then be able to dash away
  • JLordVileJJLordVileJ Member Posts: 6,143 ★★★★★
    It is 100 percent recovery time I cannot punish some heavies and specials i should be able to, on occasion. E.g I bait sp1 from mangog, go to punish but he hits me first. Happens with most champs. And don't you dare say skill issue. It ain't.
  • BendyBendy Member Posts: 8,825 ★★★★★

    It is 100 percent recovery time I cannot punish some heavies and specials i should be able to, on occasion. E.g I bait sp1 from mangog, go to punish but he hits me first. Happens with most champs. And don't you dare say skill issue. It ain't.

    Skill issue this recovery time on unstoppable is different to what u did u just went in too late
  • JLordVileJJLordVileJ Member Posts: 6,143 ★★★★★
    Bendy said:

    It is 100 percent recovery time I cannot punish some heavies and specials i should be able to, on occasion. E.g I bait sp1 from mangog, go to punish but he hits me first. Happens with most champs. And don't you dare say skill issue. It ain't.

    Skill issue this recovery time on unstoppable is different to what u did u just went in too late
    Okay then explain this https://youtu.be/jenGZx5NO7w?si=TaxAkcVAtZzpAScR
  • JLordVileJJLordVileJ Member Posts: 6,143 ★★★★★
    Its not a skill issue, I'm actually really good at mcoc
  • BendyBendy Member Posts: 8,825 ★★★★★

    Bendy said:

    It is 100 percent recovery time I cannot punish some heavies and specials i should be able to, on occasion. E.g I bait sp1 from mangog, go to punish but he hits me first. Happens with most champs. And don't you dare say skill issue. It ain't.

    Skill issue this recovery time on unstoppable is different to what u did u just went in too late
    Okay then explain this https://youtu.be/jenGZx5NO7w?si=TaxAkcVAtZzpAScR
    Spacing he went in to slow as ive seen this and its due to very slow reaction as his sp1 recovery is fast as its only shooting fire
  • JLordVileJJLordVileJ Member Posts: 6,143 ★★★★★
    Bendy said:

    Bendy said:

    It is 100 percent recovery time I cannot punish some heavies and specials i should be able to, on occasion. E.g I bait sp1 from mangog, go to punish but he hits me first. Happens with most champs. And don't you dare say skill issue. It ain't.

    Skill issue this recovery time on unstoppable is different to what u did u just went in too late
    Okay then explain this https://youtu.be/jenGZx5NO7w?si=TaxAkcVAtZzpAScR
    Spacing he went in to slow as ive seen this and its due to very slow reaction as his sp1 recovery is fast as its only shooting fire
    What does him shooting fire have to do with anything? Dont worry, I should be able to get another vid pretty quick. Its not a skill issue
  • BendyBendy Member Posts: 8,825 ★★★★★

    Bendy said:

    Bendy said:

    It is 100 percent recovery time I cannot punish some heavies and specials i should be able to, on occasion. E.g I bait sp1 from mangog, go to punish but he hits me first. Happens with most champs. And don't you dare say skill issue. It ain't.

    Skill issue this recovery time on unstoppable is different to what u did u just went in too late
    Okay then explain this https://youtu.be/jenGZx5NO7w?si=TaxAkcVAtZzpAScR
    Spacing he went in to slow as ive seen this and its due to very slow reaction as his sp1 recovery is fast as its only shooting fire
    What does him shooting fire have to do with anything? Dont worry, I should be able to get another vid pretty quick. Its not a skill issue
    Because certain projectiles have faster recovery time cgrs is quite quick recovery
  • World EaterWorld Eater Member Posts: 3,839 ★★★★★
    Kabam continues to ignore valid bug reports. There’s no excuse for this to be ignored for 9 months and counting.

  • Average_DesiAverage_Desi Member Posts: 1,410 ★★★★
    Had an occurrence in BG. I hit onslaught into block. He became unstoppable and immediately threw his sp1. But i was able to dash back and avoid it
  • Average_DesiAverage_Desi Member Posts: 1,410 ★★★★

    Bendy said:

    It is 100 percent recovery time I cannot punish some heavies and specials i should be able to, on occasion. E.g I bait sp1 from mangog, go to punish but he hits me first. Happens with most champs. And don't you dare say skill issue. It ain't.

    Skill issue this recovery time on unstoppable is different to what u did u just went in too late
    Okay then explain this https://youtu.be/jenGZx5NO7w?si=TaxAkcVAtZzpAScR
    That's a cgr thing. I've seen it change . In one update you could never punish it. And then next update you could punish it freely. It's not consistent
  • World EaterWorld Eater Member Posts: 3,839 ★★★★★
    Just now dec 18th, 2024 in AQ . New day, same nonsense.

    Is all of Kabam on vacation or do they intentionally avoid acknowledging this. I’ll post vids every damn day since it happens every day . Very frustrating trying to get Kabam to acknowledge and get a bug fixed. It’s been awful over these last 2 years and that’s saying something because I thought it was bad for the previous 7 years.


  • SirGamesBondSirGamesBond Member Posts: 6,339 ★★★★★

    Bendy said:

    It is 100 percent recovery time I cannot punish some heavies and specials i should be able to, on occasion. E.g I bait sp1 from mangog, go to punish but he hits me first. Happens with most champs. And don't you dare say skill issue. It ain't.

    Skill issue this recovery time on unstoppable is different to what u did u just went in too late
    Okay then explain this https://youtu.be/jenGZx5NO7w?si=TaxAkcVAtZzpAScR
    All i can add is when " I " Dex cgr sp1, I Dex the third hit way too early...
    I have been doing that since the start, Not even kidding, It still amaze me how I can Dex it so early lol. But hey that is the hitbox we are working with.
    This video is skill issue 💯
  • World EaterWorld Eater Member Posts: 3,839 ★★★★★
    edited December 2024
    It would be helpful if others would provide vids of this bug.

    I guess Kabam peeps don’t care about bugs , communication or … doing their job.

    Today in EQ , I phase at the start of the fight with Silver Surfer. Enemy clearly would have hit me and is somehow able to evade my attack. Total BS


    More vids to come cuz this garbage happens EVERY day .
  • World EaterWorld Eater Member Posts: 3,839 ★★★★★
    More of the same today. The first fight goes as it should but the 2nd fight is screwed up


    Kabam mods on Xmas vacation early ???? Naaaah, that doesn’t explain 9 months of ignoring this.
  • World EaterWorld Eater Member Posts: 3,839 ★★★★★
    edited December 2024
    One more for right now. Vid from today dec 19 2024

    Will Kabam acknowledge this or continue ignore ??

  • Kingering_KingKingering_King Member Posts: 1,417 ★★★
    I think Kabam is just ignoring you eat.
  • World EaterWorld Eater Member Posts: 3,839 ★★★★★
    edited December 2024
    Kabam is MIA

    I see a forums mod/content creator making vids about AoA Cassie Lang and a crystal opening. I guess the kabam forums is second fiddle or just ignored at this point,

  • World EaterWorld Eater Member Posts: 3,839 ★★★★★
    edited December 2024
    8 videos posted in 4 days with evidence of a bug plus 5 vids in the original thread started in April.

    Serious question, how does a player get a bug acknowledged ? I would think 13~ videos would be enough to initiate something. It’s super frustrating to put more work into reporting a bug than Kabam does in acknowledging and communicating about a bug. I should be getting paid as part of Kabams quality department at this point, I do more testing than they do.

  • World EaterWorld Eater Member Posts: 3,839 ★★★★★
    Merry Xmas .

    Bugs don’t just cease to exist just because it’s a Holiday or because kabam ignores it.

    First and last fights in the vid below demonstrate the same bug where the AI can hit me and dex out of an unstoppable attack at the start of the fight.

  • World EaterWorld Eater Member Posts: 3,839 ★★★★★
    Day 270 of this bug being ignored by Kabam.

    Holiday or not, , there’s no excuse for such incompetence.


  • P4LP4L Member Posts: 88
    Issue happens with titania also. Got muted once on discord for asking for an update about it lol
  • World EaterWorld Eater Member Posts: 3,839 ★★★★★
    edited December 2024
    @Pikolu can I get some help with this topic ? It’s been ignored for too long.

    Here’s another vid from last night and I can post another vid from today . The hits just keep coming .


    Refer to this thread from April for additional info :
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