The_Doctor_24_1The_Doctor_24_1 Member Posts: 215 ★★
edited December 2024 in General Discussion
I don't usually complain about this, but cmon. It's such a drag to communicate these things?

I actually bought the 10x crystals bundle twice in the store and got the same bad pulls as everyone, but now turns out there are more offers in the units which It's alright (although the only way to know was in the game, but okay). What makes me angry It's the Valiant Banquet Bundle with 10x SBC and a KEY!.

COULDN'T YOU SAY ANYTHING BEFORE? I mean, was it such a complicated thing to say something about it so we didn't feel even more scammed?!



  • Yokozuna1994Yokozuna1994 Member Posts: 70
    Yeah it’s crazy they couldn’t give us a heads up this this deal coming
  • TheTreasonerTheTreasoner Member Posts: 2
    Is this bundle just for Valiant? I saw it for a sec and it disappeared, Paragon here. Saving me some money by removing the temptation if so.
  • FF07KTFF07KT Member Posts: 1
    It’s just unbelievable they keep doing this **** to us. I have also bought two of the banquet bundles and now this show up. Where is my **** key/keys.

    Honestly they don’t give a **** about the player base. Once again it shows.

    Total **** event, should celebrate 10 years 🤢👏🏻
  • Bugmat78Bugmat78 Member Posts: 2,491 ★★★★★

    And now they add a milestone track in the summoners market…

    I made a post first day asking wher ethe webstore track was - no reply...
  • ZarkdingoZarkdingo Member Posts: 56
    Complete nonsense it wasn’t in the Webstore and unit packs in game when the Banquet was released last week.
    Great way for Kabam to aggravate the community
  • DarkNightRiseDarkNightRise Member Posts: 463 ★★★
    Where are you CMs? Show your face and give some explanation
  • Tx_Quack_Attack6589Tx_Quack_Attack6589 Member Posts: 715 ★★★★

    And now they add a milestone track in the summoners market…

    This was announced in the live stream
  • DarkNightRiseDarkNightRise Member Posts: 463 ★★★

    Give us a key or we riot

    What’re you gonna do?
  • klobberintymeklobberintyme Member Posts: 1,687 ★★★★

    Is this bundle just for Valiant? I saw it for a sec and it disappeared, Paragon here. Saving me some money by removing the temptation if so.

    just for valiant.
  • SoundwarpSoundwarp Member Posts: 185 ★★
    Doubt anything will come from this but I do agree, it’s not right.
  • Average_DesiAverage_Desi Member Posts: 1,373 ★★★★
    Why did you buy the original if you think it's a bad deal? If you thought it was a good deal, then you got what you purchased.

    Are they not allowed to make their offers better?
  • Yokozuna1994Yokozuna1994 Member Posts: 70
    It’s crazy so many people agree with the predatory practices Kabam and the game team use on the the players to take advantage of us.
  • Average_DesiAverage_Desi Member Posts: 1,373 ★★★★
    228 said:

    Why did you buy the original if you think it's a bad deal? If you thought it was a good deal, then you got what you purchased.

    Are they not allowed to make their offers better?

    Read the room bro… nobody said they regret buying the original offer. But for it to be the same offer jsut 3 days later with a much better upside? Feels predatory…
    What exactly do you mean by 'predatory'??

    Kabam releases and offer, not enough people buy it, they make the offer better.

    What exactly is wrong in that?

    The longer they wait to change it, the more people there will be who will say "nooo why did you change it"
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