Can we talk about light intercepts?

Sachhyam257Sachhyam257 Member Posts: 1,277 ★★★★
I've noticed that light intercepts are a lot riskier to pull off now. Sometimes the AI will alter their dash timing, delaying for a fraction of a second, and if you throw out a light expecting the dash, it will dash in immediately AFTER your light and hit you. In other cases, the AI counters your light intercepts by walking over and using their light attack (I'm looking at you, Onslaught). I could go on and on about this. Light intercepts were considered "safer" in comparison to medium intercepts, which is still probably the case, but the difference is a lot smaller now. You can't tell me that it's all from my end, this kind of thing was not happening a year ago.

The AI keeps getting better at avoiding and countering intercepts, like when does it end? Intercepts are an important tool in the player's arsenal, and it feels like the AI keeps eating into it, leaving us with less and less. 


  • slothsan050slothsan050 Member Posts: 35
    I only feel comfortable doing light intercept while using abs man. He does them around 80% successfully while for others might be around 50%. I don't usually go for it in BG's though.
  • SG2468SG2468 Member Posts: 88
    the ai these days is countering intercept a lot. when i use silk, 50% of the time i get intercepted by ai when trying to intercept .
  • Darthbane3141Darthbane3141 Member Posts: 988 ★★★★
    I find that I almost never go for light intercepts unless necessary, like Abs Man. I've always been better at medium intercepts, successfully doing them around 90% of the time. I just go for medium intercepts and hope it goes well.
  • IronwarriorIronwarrior Member Posts: 168 ★★
    depends on the characters animations. it's no secret, some champions just move more smoother to allow that 0.005 seconds of room time to comfortably pull an intercept.(off the top of my head : prof x, spider ham)
  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 9,709 ★★★★★
    Onslaught AI is the worst, only defender that’s worse is Enchantress
  • JohnnooooooJohnnoooooo Member Posts: 215 ★★★
    I'm finding light intercepts with Jack o lantern really hard to land, it's as if his light is dead slow and the opponents reacting super fast
  • kus234kus234 Member Posts: 393 ★★★
    Don't intercept.
  • DarkNightRiseDarkNightRise Member Posts: 465 ★★★
    You will never get the answer from them about the AI
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