Ideal sig levels/status focus
Member Posts: 1,160 ★★★★
I have been searching the big 5 YouTube streamers content but I've not been able to find any lists or sheets or videos that cover 7*s and their ideal sig levels (or even generic star levels as it transfers) i know i used to use an image that had the best stat focuses but I've lost that link. Any help? I believe I saw vega has a relic guide but if i had the knowhow I'd create a thumbnail style image guide that had each champs image with a sig level underneath (for ideal) stat focuses set and a Lil relic image that showed their ideal pairing at the moment (holdikg out hope for new relics eventually)
Lets see if someone help you 👍
Imposter. That’s not what he says !
“Just a minute someone will help you 👍”