I'm pretty sure the booster does work on both tracks. The issue is what the booster does. It gives you completion credits for the objectives for each track. However, the Gold track rewards unlock on a schedule, while the Platinum track rewards all start unlocked. When you complete an objective, you can collect the Platinum rewards immediately because there is no timer on them. But even though you get the credit for completing an objective in the Gold track as well, those rewards still require waiting for the reward timer to unlock it.
Collecting the boosters means you can collect Platinum rewards early, but for the Gold track it just means you could theoretically skip an objective and still collect the next reward without needing that objective credit. Also, Gold track rewards end on day 84 while Platinum tracks have extended runways. So boosters theoretically increase the total number of rewards possible in the Platinum track, while boosters only reduce the effort required to get the maximum rewards in the Gold track.
Would not be an issue if i didn’t bought the platinum track right?
Collecting the boosters means you can collect Platinum rewards early, but for the Gold track it just means you could theoretically skip an objective and still collect the next reward without needing that objective credit. Also, Gold track rewards end on day 84 while Platinum tracks have extended runways. So boosters theoretically increase the total number of rewards possible in the Platinum track, while boosters only reduce the effort required to get the maximum rewards in the Gold track.
Thanks for the insight @DNA3000! Wasn’t aware of it that it worked that way.