Winning a 6-Star champ (Arena) - Unexpected and first time

winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,312 ★★★★★
It was slightly over a year ago, I achieved a first time success to land a 5-Star champ in arena.

My roster improved marginally since then, and I thought to give a try to land a second 5-Star.

Target: The Leader
A champ that rewards intercept play and deals damage in the centre of the battle ground.
When asked how the champ is from a crystal pull, most will respond with "L" or "mid".

I made it to 17m points last attempt. Now, I had considerably less boost, but still made it to slightly over 20m at 186 rounds (forgot to take a screenshot), only had one on reaching just past 20m mark.

Well, I peeked at the arena scores. Was those figures fairly representative? Could there be a chance for something better?

How good is the Leader?
Thanks to @Squidopus for insights into a misguided genius level intellect.

Does the champ needs a buff?


  • Herbal_TaxmanHerbal_Taxman Member Posts: 1,428 ★★★★★
    Nice work bro. Definitely a cool surprise when that happens and it wasn’t a sure thing.
  • SpiderVerseSpiderVerse Member Posts: 409 ★★
    Wow, that's a hard earned Leader. Most people just upset to get him from a Titan while you chase him, the 5 star one. He's definitely your trophy champ, and also a memorabilia
  • Feeney234Feeney234 Member Posts: 1,252 ★★★★
    Leader is trash unfortunately
  • Sunstar19Sunstar19 Member Posts: 288 ★★
    Congrats! 182 wins (assumed not broken) is a lot of matches to grind. Highest I got was for a 5 star Warlock and that was already exhausting.
  • TotemCorruptionTotemCorruption Member Posts: 1,465 ★★★★
    Congrats! That's a lot of fights and grinding. I think with a roster of 7s it would take about 60 matches to put up the 20K score.
    You have quite a lot of units saved up, are you waiting for something specific or just the next spending event?
    (Although I also know people who literally just play Arena, not as a grind, but just because they like it and aren't interested in the other content and nodes and the like, so they literally have tens of thousands of units but don't really care about buying anything, because if you only play Arena, what do you really need?)
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,312 ★★★★★

    Congrats! 182 wins (assumed not broken) is a lot of matches to grind.

    Yup, unbroken streak. The number works out about right. 20 rounds per seating, with 5-Stars max rank and above.

    And congrats on that Warlock you won.

    Congrats! That's a lot of fights and grinding. I think with a roster of 7s it would take about 60 matches to put up the 20m score.

    You have quite a lot of units saved up, are you waiting for something specific or just the next spending event?
    because if you only play Arena, what do you really need?)

    I think cannot(?) because this is the basic arena and max at 3x multiplier for 7-Star gives only approximately 120k per round but I don’t know how much more R2 and R3 gets.

    I am still attempting to get the motivation to progress on story, been sitting at 7.2.6 for more than a year now, so I just play casually nowadays.
  • SirGamesBondSirGamesBond Member Posts: 6,196 ★★★★★
    Leader kinda unique.
    Looks nice..good to have if needed in future.
    That's what I feel tho. On the other hand kabam belives he is one of the best 2024 champ.
  • peixemacacopeixemacaco Member Posts: 4,585 ★★★★★
    20m whoaaa
    Most I did once for Morbius was 12m


    Leader I have dupped as 6 stars,but is on a long line to max
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