Best champ to take out MODOK across the board

Has anyone found really good or half decent M.O.D.O.K killers?
Champs where regardless of difficulty, if you have a strong enough version of it seems to work most of the time? I know its a tall order lol
*and yes, I know you need to adjust your combos to 3-4 hits & get distance*
Ive had success with Howard oddly enough & duped Arc Angel after enough specials really hits him where it hurts but they still struggle a bit lol
Champs where regardless of difficulty, if you have a strong enough version of it seems to work most of the time? I know its a tall order lol
*and yes, I know you need to adjust your combos to 3-4 hits & get distance*
Ive had success with Howard oddly enough & duped Arc Angel after enough specials really hits him where it hurts but they still struggle a bit lol
Any ability reducer will make him a "simpleton".
I second that
So dd classic work best for me against modok uncollected.
I did it with OG DD last night, but this is correct: It wasn't fun and it took awhile
Best way I have found to do it is with a Blade with Ghost Rider on the team so Danger Sense for villains is activated
Gwenpool with her bleed stacks and defensive ability reduction.
Blade with Ghost Rider synergy.
Electra. Crossbones. Black Widow are also good.
The problem with this theory is that M.O.D.O.K. will auto-block while stunned.
Ditto. That's what i did. One shot every time in uncollected.
I used 99 Daredevil with Elektra/Bw/hulk combo for power gain and stun ok specials. You never get hit by specials. Dmg is a little lower than other champs but if you bait heavies and specials it’s easy. I use Elektra if I die to finish him off but by the last couple rounds I was able to kill in one go.
beat him in master the 7 fights with him
Lol at resurrecting a dead thread for no reason