Question about Ares Final Phase

It says that when you enter the fight, he loses 1 charge, but he hasn't been losing charges. For reference, I took the Nebula path, so not sure if there is a node preventing that or I'm not understanding his ability.

Sure, it's not a problem if you can solo him but when I'm over here wasting 20 revives or so that extra 1 each time would've really been helpful.
And it did cost me 10 more 20% revives on my first try because of that bug lol. Wonder how the compensation would go.
The complete lack of communication is eye opening. I would have thought they would have been all over this as soon as it was discovered yesterday.
The worst part is that this bug remains unrecognized by Kabam. The second worst part is that any compensation will be far too late for us to use in Epoch, meaning we have to drain units and free crystals in exchange for revives that will later just expire. This is exactly what happened with the Bullseye bug in the AW showcase a week and a half ago.
I am sick and tired of Kabam's "compensation" not actually helping us when we need it.