The 47.0.1 hotfix to address the issue of freezing & flashing lights on loading screens when trying to enter a fight, along with other smaller issues, is now ready to be downloaded through the App Store on IOS.
More information here.

Losing control of champs [Under Investigation]



  • EgeCEgeC Member Posts: 128
    As they'll ask about it:
    Phone: Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge
    OS: Android 7.0
    Wifi: 100 Mbs Fiber
    There were no other apps running as well.
  • mcofnycmcofnyc Member Posts: 28
    It had been better for me for awhile since that one extended maintenance but lately it's been acting up a lot again. Champs just stood around after a dash back 4/6 fights in AW. Awesome, what a fun interactive game.
  • SpiritOfVengeanceSpiritOfVengeance Member Posts: 2,353 ★★★★
    edited December 2017
    I was going throught the last chapter of act 5 and became frustrated at least it is not just me. Good thing you have evidence stored.
  • AfflictionAffliction Member Posts: 382 ★★
    2 days till 4 MONTHS of this issue for me! https://forums.playcontestofchampions.com/en/discussion/17259/characters-just-standing-not-responding-under-investigation/p1
    Happy to see more and more posts everyday and that people are really realizing what's going on! Tytyty @EgeC
  • Darkstar4387Darkstar4387 Member Posts: 2,145 ★★★
    This issue has been going on for awhile through their "fixes"', "patches" and "maintenances" that make me wonder if it's intentional or just something that they can't fix.

    I be been having problems with dropped blocks, blocks just not working parry not sticking and being unable to move for a little bit after blocking specials with certain champions and it seems to be worse in war which can make it an unplayable frustrating mess when coupled with all the other bugs and issues that plauge the game.

    Honestly just fix it already you have more than enough money and information to do so the only question is why haven't you done so already and are you capable if fixing said issue or not.

    I really hope you do but it's a faint hope that's slowy going out like an ember if a dieing flame .
  • NMEONESNMEONES Member Posts: 275 ★★
    edited December 2017
    I had a post about this issue [it had a lot of traction], but I have no idea where it went.... let's try this again.

    Many of us are having issues with not being able to use dexterity while we are blocking. It doesn't happen every single time, but it does happen enough for me to come here and mention it. This bug has cost me countless revives on several LOL paths and now it's following me into Act 5.4. I can't begin to explain how annoying this is. IDK if it's just an issue with dexterity because I know there's a bug were dexterity isn't triggering sometimes and your champ will just be standing there... but I must say, dexterity doesn't trigger more when I'm blocking then when I'm trying to use dexterity while I'm just standing... I'm using a brand new IPhone 8 Plus but I've also noticed this on my Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge+. I'm not one of these guys coming here crying for compensation [although the items I've used In LOL because of this is indeed ridiculous], I'm coming here as a dedicated player of MCoC.... I just want this game to start running smooth. Please have this looked into, idk why my post [& many others about dexterity issues] was removed previously, I didn't break any of the forum rules.... thanks for your time in advance.
  • SomeoneElseSomeoneElse Member Posts: 424 ★★★
    Happy Anniversary!

    It seems like it is worse again. The most noticeable is at the beginning of a fight. I block at the start no matter what. Lately, my champ doesn’t block in time in some fights, and I get clobbered at the start. Dashing back and blocking, using dexterity, and other mechanics that require specific timing don’t work consistently. If Kabam wants to keep making high level content that requires split-second reflexes, then they have to fix these problems. Our champs are noticeably sluggish or completely unresponsive. This has been going on far too long. It’s time to get this fixed.
  • Shadow22brodieShadow22brodie Member Posts: 36
    Its happens to everyone on all devices and OS. Honestly surprised they haven't had a class action lawsuit with their inability to fix issues
  • Shadow22brodieShadow22brodie Member Posts: 36
    Most of you seem to have issue while evading. Most of time for me I get 2 or3 hits into my combo and my champ just stops, no matter that I am tapping away on my device there is no response. Then I get pummeled in the face
  • Shadow22brodieShadow22brodie Member Posts: 36
    Timing with block and parry are all over the place, but mostly seems the harder the content the worse it is. Is this intentional who knows
  • Mmx1991Mmx1991 Member Posts: 674 ★★★★
    edited December 2017
    Are you getting hit with specials now because your champ is locked in and can't evade? It started happening to me immediately after maintenance 1-2 months ago and my alliance mates are noticing it too. Get hit with specials and heavies that launch across the screen and can't do much about it. We're not rookies either, top 100/15m+ alliance.

    They've messed with the dexterity mechanic and it's less effective. Maybe they've increased recovery time between blocking and evading or between evading and evading? Something is wrong and they need to fix it. It's like dexteritys not even on.
  • Mmx1991Mmx1991 Member Posts: 674 ★★★★
    I'm getting hit with the easiest specials and heavies now.

    Starlord's L1. Lunges across the screen and I can't evade where I normally used to.


    Same with his heavy. Launched out of nowhere. Autoconnects. Zero time to react or evade.


    This started immediately after maintenance a month ago. Evades are much more shallow, my champ feels "heavy", almost glued to the ground or glued to the AI, and I can't move back as fluidly as before. And I'm getting hit with the easiest stuff now.
  • Flash_AsherFlash_Asher Member Posts: 80
    They did something for real. A few days ago I was facing a science sym in AQ and then later Rhino. Both times Rhino jumped in the air and stayed there. I had enough time to evade twice and I still got hit by the special. There's no telling how many times my alliance has been complaining about Iron Man's second special. Easy money, but same concept as Rhino. Just hovers in the air, giving us enough time to evade twice and yet we still get hit by it. They broke the game plain and simple to put out more garbage content that doesn't even work half the time.
  • CoatHang3rCoatHang3r Member Posts: 4,965 ★★★★★
    @Mmx1991 You had a thread on this that was answered. Specials and heavies will close the distance with a lot of champs and moves.

    You first video is SL doing just that, firing a special after you dashed back.

    The second video is the heavy closing the distance.
  • Mmx1991Mmx1991 Member Posts: 674 ★★★★
    CoatHang3r wrote: »
    @Mmx1991 You had a thread on this that was answered. Specials and heavies will close the distance with a lot of champs and moves.

    Yes bro, the mods answered it but I'm not satisfied with the answer.

    You first video is SL doing just that, firing a special after you dashed back.

    Since I've been playing this game ( 1 year+) my method of dashing back then dashing back again to avoid the special has always worked. Since 1-2 months ago after maintenance, I'm suddenly getting hit with specials now. They've done something.

    The second video is the heavy closing the distance.

    They're lunging across the screen and auto-connecting. Grabbing me out of nowhere and connecting without giving me even the opportunity to evade. They've adjusted the distance and added auto-connects on some of these heavies and specials now.

    I'm not the only one experiencing this. Most of my alliance mates are too and highly skilled top 100 ally. Can't tell me that I'm just a noob that needs to learn evading. Who gets hit with heavies and specials by SL? One of the easiest attacks to evade.

    They've made changes to dexterity mechanics directly or indirectly. It's so obvious.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,520 ★★★★★
    They haven't made changes to them. Otherwise it would have been listed. They don't make changes covertly.
  • JayCarJayCar Member Posts: 28
    I’ve noticed this too. I’m on iPhone X and have seen others make note of it too. I was thinking
    maybe there’s something different about the screen input and wondering if I’m moving my block finger just a minute amount and it’s intepreting it as a full movement. But otherwise yes, I’ve experienced that very thing.
  • KingyakoopaKingyakoopa Member Posts: 203
    Now that's Kabammed... Game cheats all the time when the Opponent is difficult level...
  • Katy_CandyKaty_Candy Member Posts: 175
    I updated my phone to the new iOS and it was doing this. Got a new phone with iOS 10.whatever and it stopped.
  • Mmx1991Mmx1991 Member Posts: 674 ★★★★
    They haven't made changes to them. Otherwise it would have been listed. They don't make changes covertly.

    The parry mechanic has been massively changed since 12.0 and they never mentioned anything about it's adjustment.
  • Speeds80Speeds80 Member Posts: 2,015 ★★★★
    Grounded wisdom if I ever start a cult you would be an ideal convert, why then are so many people complaining that dexterity is popping up and we are getting hit, there are photos and videos that show this, I'm talking single hit attacks (modoks l2 blades), I'm evading them, dexterity pops up but I'm hit and die, something is definitely wrong, just have a look at the champs standing still not blocking thread
  • asjbobbyasjbobby Member Posts: 54
    Working as intended.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,520 ★★★★★
    I've been using Parry and Dexterity all along. The mechanics have not changed. If that was the case, every person playing would be experiencing the same thing. Now, there could be some other factor going on such as a lag in controls or timing issues. They haven't been changed and continuing to post that they have and haven't disclosed it is just spreading conspiracy. Am I saying you're not experiencing something? No. I can't speak for anyone else's experience. I can say that they haven't changed the mechanics without telling us, and I can say they're working for me. Posting the same thing over and over does not make it true. They haven't altered either mechanic, and they don't shift things without telling people. Plain and simple.
  • EgeCEgeC Member Posts: 128
    No response from Kabam yet. Nobody working on a Sunday there?
  • venon87venon87 Member Posts: 27
    edited December 2017

    Besides other bugs, this one is by far the most frustrating one you guys have released in this game. For me it is so frustrating it is almost making me quit the game. It is happening also to a lot of players from my alliance.

    Against any random hero in a fight, in any random Quest/AQ/AW/Arena at random times I start doing a 5 hits combo, and I get hit in the middle of the combo by the special attack of the opponent.
    Of course I am not talking about fights against champs that have auto-block as Medusa/Thor Ragnarok/MODOK. Or there are no buffs on the nodes that might give the champ a chance to evade or something similar.

    Please have this fixed and maybe do a compensation for this since this issue killed lots of my champs while doing the 8 Hours Modok event on expert, or AQ in day 4-5 when you get KO'ed easily or in AW where now the KOs you get while fighting a node counts big time. My point being that I have wasted lots of resources because of this annoying bug. This issue is having a bigggggggggg impact on the whole game. Please try to fix this urgently.

  • venon87venon87 Member Posts: 27
    Fanoin wrote: »
    Don't waste your time with these posts the blocking issue loosing control of your champions have been reported for months and nothing has been done about it. It is a money grab for them to introduce these bugs on purpose to make you use potions to beat content. They are silent on the issue because all of these bugs are intentional otherwise it would have been fixed by now. They are very quick to fix anything that gives the player the edge. What they fail to realize is that eventually players will leave this game instead of dealing with unfair gameplay but again they don't care they've made their money and are still making money so why fix all of these bugs. It is a testament really to the skill level of a lot of players that they have to resort to cheating to make the game hard for the top 1 to 2 percent of the players

    Indeed, I agree with you, but I really didn't notice this issue until somewhat a couple of weeks ago. I am in the game every day for a couple of hours but this issue when I am hit by a special is something a bit new, and way bigger than any other ''money grab'' issues.

    Still, let's hope they will fix this, just like they prioritize and fix bugs that favor us the players. Or else in January 2018 I am quitting the game, and a lot other which have gathered frustrations over time.
  • BaironDHBaironDH Member Posts: 109
    Kabam Wolf wrote: »
    Hey everyone. This sounds like an really unfortunate issue, and I want to get as much information from all of you as possible. Can any of you who have experience this please let me know the following?

    Device and OS
    A specific fight where you've seen this
    - Champ you used
    - Enemy Champ
    - Game mode

    Beyond that, any videos anyone could provide would be hugely beneficial.

    Thanks so much for your patience on this one, guys.

    Look at the Reddit link above I posted. It is across both IOS and Android. Go to the Green Goblin boss fight in Master Mode and try and block the entirety of his special 1 several times over. Champs are just releasing block on their own. Other times they just stand there and get hit and don't move when you swipe.

    It doesn't make ppl want to spend it makes them want to quit playing this game. We just got double evade fixed and now this?

    Hell, just look at the thread ON THESE FORUMS that have been open for 4+months! The response was absolutely shocking, my jaw dropped! Kabam surley knows whats on their own forums??? Or is that the reason nothing is being done?

    The response Wolf over here gave is EXACTLY whats been posted by mod after mod in the very thread on page one of general discussion its right there.

    Honestly I dont know what theyre trying to pull & I wont even say what Im thinking here but I just want it fixed. I dont experience this issue, my housemate does though & I can understand the frustration, especially after 4 months of an open thread getting the same non-feedback in a loop it just a sloppy & unacceptable servixe response for such a large population experiencing the same issue.
  • Josh51700Josh51700 Member Posts: 88
    This happened with me in AQ the other day, on map 5 and I was using scarlet witch.
  • venon87venon87 Member Posts: 27

    First of all: * Admins please don't move this post again and merge it into the DEXTERITY and BLOCK not working properly. It is not the same BUG/Issue ! It's totally something else if you spend 2 minutes of your time and actually read the actual content I've spend my time writing!

    Now, besides other bugs, this one is by far the most frustrating one you guys have released in this game. For me it is so frustrating it is almost making me quit the game. It is happening also to a lot of players from my alliance.

    Against any random hero in a fight, in any random Quest/AQ/AW/Arena at random times I start doing a 5 hits combo, and I get hit in the middle of the combo by the special attack of the opponent.
    Of course I am not talking about fights against champs that have auto-block as Medusa/Thor Ragnarok/MODOK. Or there are no buffs on the nodes that might give the champ a chance to evade or something similar.

    Please have this fixed and maybe do a compensation for this since this issue killed lots of my champs while doing the 8 Hours Modok event on expert, or AQ in day 4-5 when you get KO'ed easily or in AW where now the KOs you get while fighting a node counts big time. My point being that I have wasted lots of resources because of this annoying bug. This issue is having a bigggggggggg impact on the whole game. Please try to fix this urgently.
  • Kabam WolfKabam Wolf Member Posts: 1,277 ★★★

    The main thread is now here: https://forums.playcontestofchampions.com/en/discussion/39414/losing-control-of-champs-under-investigation#latest. This includes all of the comments from the original thread.
This discussion has been closed.