Was Master Mode Tuned Down Too Much?

I know that KABAM have previously said that they are tuning down Master mode for a more steady progression on PI on champs from the earlier quests to the latter ones, however this month there seems to be an issue in the champs that we are fighting in Master mode. I don't know if it has been addressed already, however I haven't seen anything about this yet.
Last month, and in all the previous ones, the PI of the champs in the quest started around 3k and made it up to 9-10k by the final chapter. I figured that this "tuning down" of master would mean that the final chapter would be around 7-8k rating, however stemming from less than 1,000 to barely over 2,000 seems ridiculous. This quest is so easy it is laughable, and after getting to the bosses every single one of my champs has full health. The rewards for Master are still really good even with the addition of Uncollected mode and other special events - make it a challenge to get them.
Last month, and in all the previous ones, the PI of the champs in the quest started around 3k and made it up to 9-10k by the final chapter. I figured that this "tuning down" of master would mean that the final chapter would be around 7-8k rating, however stemming from less than 1,000 to barely over 2,000 seems ridiculous. This quest is so easy it is laughable, and after getting to the bosses every single one of my champs has full health. The rewards for Master are still really good even with the addition of Uncollected mode and other special events - make it a challenge to get them.
The quest champs might be easy but the bosses are just as hard as before
"It's too easy!". I say good. With the amount of bugs, glitches, lags, and nerfs to parry and dexterity these days anything that makes it easier on us is good.
Present: Easier master + better rewards = give us harder master?
What in the actual F
Stockholm Syndrome.
it's some sort of stockholm syndrome - coming to the aid of their own torturers
"please kabam, make it harder"
bunch of masochists
If Kabam reduced both the rewards and the difficulty then there'd be reason to complain to revert back to the old difficulty with better rewards. However this is not the case (in fact it's the exact opposite), so there really shouldn't be anything to complain about.
Though I can't say the same thing about myself, many people seem to be facing a plethora of bugs, glitches and crashes in the game that cost them both time and money. With all the performance issues people are allegedly facing, Kabam increasing rewards while reducing difficulty should be the least of 'problems' (it's not really even a problem actually).
As for majority of us, no thanks.
Anyone who can beat the bosses and minibosses will find the rest of the level boring. Anyone who feels like the minions are challenging and fun won't be able to beat the bosses.
I'd be okay with rebalancing the mode if it were consistent. Right now, it feels like the bosses and the rest of the map need to meet in the middle somewhere.
Exactly my thoughts. Have a merry Christmas