
Needing help guys, just trying to use Quake to her max potential, never really fought with her til now. I know when you hold heavy she starts concussion, I get that. My problem is I try to evade when somkne rushes me and she used her heavy attack then I get smacked around, what the heck am I doing wrong?
1. Straight after she evades, make sure to parry. This will give you lots of time to stack aftershock charges. (It will take lots of practice to get it perfect).
2. NEVER Back up against a wall. Let the evade do the job. You will be pinned against the wall by the opponent.
3. Learn the attack rhythm of every character. This will make it easier to manually evade their attacks if you're pinned against the wall.
you gotta keep holding. Don't stop heavy attack when opponent is rushing. If you pull your finger before they hit you , you will not evade that attack. Practise more and you will get the idea. It's not hard
As confirmed by Kabam Wolf, some champs at random will not strike Quake’s block on the hit attempt after she autoevades. To date, I’ve noticed this with Thor and UC as well as the Stark tech guys (IM, WM, IP).
Why does this matter? Because after you autoevade, you want to parry. And if the AI doesn’t hit your block (at random), you can’t parry. And if you don’t evade quickly after that AI whiff, you eat the next hit. And no one likes getting hit.
Here’s the discussion link.
And here’s Wolf’s confirm that champs are supposed to randomly miss Quake’s Parry/block attempt after she autoevades
And here’s a shot of what it looks like when Thor tries his Rockette kick after Quake autoevades and she tries to parry. You will notice the EVADE message in the upper left, but no PARRY message nor any indication of damage taken by Quake from the Thor kick.
If anyone has an additional list of champs against whom the Quake AI whiff is working as intended, please add here. It will be helpful going forward knowing which AI champs have the ability to evade Quake’s parry attempt by whiffing.
Dr. Zola