Definition of a “Good 5*”

I personally have been really conflicted over whether or not I can consider certain 5* pulls “good”. Sure that champ may have a good side vand some nice bonuses, but is that champ really good enough to be taken to R4? Because then I have been 1/6 on “good” 5* pulls. Opinions?
If it is someone that wont fit your questing team or give you an advantage in alliance related stuff then its not worth spending anything on.
they mighyt aswell remove every single champion that will not help u progress, u guys have it so rough...
but we all want good champs right?
so they should change it to
ghost rider
is that pool good enough? i literally put every champion that will help u pprogress
thats "good"
not sure how we will even get far if they add colosus, heck he shouldnt even be in this game right?
Great 5* - worthy of rank 4
God Tier - worthy of rank 5
60% worth rank 2.
20% worth rank 3.
15% worth rank 4.
5% worth rank 5.
This post is nonsense. There are lots of "good" champs that can help even if they aren't "god tier".
I'd take every champ to r2 except it would require about 100 t1 alphas lol
Not all at once. Lol. If I'm not working on a specific Champ, I take one up. I don't really have a shortage of Alphas. I pace my Ranking.
Stop ranking up bad 5*s. If they can't help you progress, don't rank them up and that goes for a majority of them.
I never said anything about getting bad pulls. I just simply said I have 1/6 champs that I would personally consider ranking to R4. You don’t have to be such a grouch man chill out
Out of my 16 5* , only 5 are above 1/25 rank. Including rihno currently at 2/35
I disagree. If you learn to play Luke Cage or spidergwen they are still terrible. There’s no changing a champs potential even if you master then
They will be good for example if take Luke cage into a bleed path will he not do something or will he help out. There uses maybe bad but they are not garbage but they still have uses.
Yes I agree. LC could be good on a caltrops node per say. But there are so many better options which make LC look pitiful. Such as Ghost Rider. He has Bleed Immunity and many other abilities that all combine to make him a good champ. And who are you bringing to a path that has Caltrops?
I bring Iceman because he works as my only double immune with Hyperion
Gwen is capable of some significant Damage. Have to disagree with that one. She gets more heat than she deserves.
Luke is a defensive champion? That’s news.
Everyone has their own way of judging, and so should you, because what matters is what the champion means to you and whether or not you'll be using them.
I don't personally think in terms of "good" or "bad" most of the time, I think in terms of whether I will rank them up and use them or not. As an arena grinder, I believe all 5* champions are worth rank 2: the difference in points between rank 1 and rank 2 make it worth it. If I wasn't an arena grinder, I actually think few 5* champions are only worth going to rank 2 and then stopping. That's my bottom tier: rank up to rank 2 eventually.
My next tier of 5* champions are champions with significant utility worth ranking up to rank 3. These are champions that if they were 4* I would rank them to 5/50 and use them at least some of the time. AQ, AW, or an option for questing depending on the path. I'd say probably something like a quarter to a third of all 5* champions are theoretically in this category.
My next tier of 5* champs are champions worth taking to rank 4. These are the best of the best in my opinion, and there's maybe between one and two dozen champs here, when it comes to spending my resources. And my final tier are champs not just worth taking to rank 4, but worth saving for. In other words, not just worth ranking to 4/55 if I randomly get them, but worth doing whatever possible to get them as 5* if the option were to arise. This is a short list for me: Iceman was on it (and I got him), Blade is here, Stark Spiderman was here, and I think Ghost Rider would be here if he were to come up again.
My lists aren't just about good and bad, they are also about recognizing my limited supply of rank up resources. There are a lot of champs that would be "good pulls" even if I couldn't rank them to rank 4, just because I'm pretty sure that eventually I will have way more champs worth R4 than I have the resources to R4. There is such a thing as a "good pull" that for all practical purposes stays at R3 indefinitely because of that.