How Many Units do i need to fully explore act 5?

As the title says, for those of you that already fully exploring act 5, i have around 7k units right now, 1.2m battlechips to open and 300ish uncollected free crystal. I don't have any dependable 4/55 so i'm going with a full team of 5/50. I have every champs i need to beat every bosses in 5.4. I already finish initial run on it.
So my question is, how many units that i need to fully exploring act 5? (not counting energy refill, just for the pots)
Thanks in advance!
So my question is, how many units that i need to fully exploring act 5? (not counting energy refill, just for the pots)
Thanks in advance!
If you are bad, even 20,000 units won't help you.
Do you think exploring act 5 is more expensive (units wise) than LoL easy path?
I have around 30 of em in the stash.. gonna start 5.4 after this week AQ's over.. hence why i'm considering fully exploring it with that amount of resource.
But, as said, it all depends on your skill and your roster as well. You need a solid roster for 5.3 otherwise it's going to be very expensive.
The answer i've been looking for, thank you so much man! Yea i think i'll be struggling with the science path, i only have quake as my best science.
Glad I could help.
I only had cap wwii when I did the science one. Make sure to bring a starlord or some other heavy hitter otherwise is going to take forever.
Chapter 2 = 6,000 units
Chapter 3 = 3,500 units
Chapter 4 = 2,000 units
I love all things Marvel, but this seems over the top. Feels like World of Warcraft would be less of a time sink now.
Op if you’re a skilled player you should be good with just your free crystals. Even if you’re not, you’ve got more then enough units.
It’s 58-60 refills to completely explore 5.4. You’ve got plenty of units.
1. Your skill level
2. Your champion roster
Considering you beat ultron once, it can either mean you did it with the easy path and a few units or a lot of units... If it's a lot then I suggest you wait for a viable 5* option which you can take to 4-55... If you have a 4* maxed corvus or r3 corvus 5* then you'll have a much easier time with ultron.... With a r4 corvus 5* I was able to consistently beat ultron with 0-1 revive per round (needless to say, sometimes I screw up, everyone does) and spend more than necessary... You should post your roster then ask if you have the capability of doing it without breaking the bank, cause 7k units sound good, but you'll kick your own ass later when you realize that you could have saved it or most of it.