Dr Strange actively Gaining Power? [Under Investigation]

I fought Dr Strange on node 35 in AW and he was gaining power each time that I struck him, which he never used to do. I mentioned it to my ally and they confirmed similar encounters with him recently. Node 35 has increased power gain, so maybe there’s a faulty interaction happening. Can someone confirm that this is either a bug or intended? If intended, what all situations does this apply to with him?
Edit: this was in Tier 1.
Edit: this was in Tier 1.
Post edited by Kabam Wolf on
Basicly he can stand there and do nothing and he will gain power passively.
If you combine that with Mystic Dispersion, and a power gain node, its possible he would be acting like he first and originally did.
He gains power steadily
He gains power when he uses a special attack
He gains power from mystic dispersion when opponents buffs fall off
Increased power gain will further increase all of the above
They said before he isn’t supposed to gain power naturally from being struck or attacking on a power gain node. The op is right, he never did before.
It’s probably a bug dude
No, power gain nodes only increase natural power gain. From being struck or from attacking. Basic attacks. According to kabam at least. This was brought up multiple times when war first came out because of node 21
*Power gain from being struck
*Passive power gain
*Power from dex with MD
Too much damn power.
My point exactly. I think it’s a bug due to the power gain node, but want to bring it to Kabam’s attention and make sure.
If you think that is too much power, you must have never came up against Hyperion. Ridiculous power gain, way more than DS ever had.
Kinetic reactor gives power when they strike me, not when I strike them. And there’s no kinetic reactor on node 35 in tier 1 war.
Thank you, I appreciate the notice.
So you mean he's acting like a normal Hyperion does? Where's the Nerf on hyp?
Clearly nothing was solved for 17.0, having the same issues on this node with DS actively gaining power when hit.