Inequity bug fix (not?) - please clarify!

Read this bug fix was about to go live 'within hours'. Woke up this morning to find that due to an unspecified 'underlying issue' it has been postponed to some unspecified time 'in the future'. Which could mean later today. Or the year 2121. I am not happy about that. At all.
As is, this (expensive) mastery is not working as advertised. Because it doesn't scale with increased attack, it is borderline useless in all harder content, including Act 5, AW, AQ and monthly quests. Eg, any content where it might actually be useful.
@Kabam Miike could you please elaborate on (1) what the 'underlying issue' is? The way I see it, this mastery simply reduces attack (a fixed number, even if attack is boosted by a node) by x% if triggered. And more importantly, (2) narrow down the time-frame that it will be fixed. Are you actively looking into this or is it being back-logged? In other words; does 'future' mean today, this week or potentially months from now?
This is one of the few masteries that could negate some of the insane block damage in harder content, and I paid to unlock and rank it up. To read you have a fix ready, only to retract it, is not good enough.
Please clarify asap. Thanks.
Read this bug fix was about to go live 'within hours'. Woke up this morning to find that due to an unspecified 'underlying issue' it has been postponed to some unspecified time 'in the future'. Which could mean later today. Or the year 2121. I am not happy about that. At all.
As is, this (expensive) mastery is not working as advertised. Because it doesn't scale with increased attack, it is borderline useless in all harder content, including Act 5, AW, AQ and monthly quests. Eg, any content where it might actually be useful.
@Kabam Miike could you please elaborate on (1) what the 'underlying issue' is? The way I see it, this mastery simply reduces attack (a fixed number, even if attack is boosted by a node) by x% if triggered. And more importantly, (2) narrow down the time-frame that it will be fixed. Are you actively looking into this or is it being back-logged? In other words; does 'future' mean today, this week or potentially months from now?
This is one of the few masteries that could negate some of the insane block damage in harder content, and I paid to unlock and rank it up. To read you have a fix ready, only to retract it, is not good enough.
Please clarify asap. Thanks.
@Kabam Miike can you update me (and others) on this? What happened to the original plan to release the fix?
Thanks in advance!
Any update on this? This was about to roll out on January 17th but got held back at the last minute. Has any progress been made in the last 43 days?
Given how strongly I agree with you - the warning I got for being entirely out of line, when I suggested there just might be some issues in the game, is utterly deserved, and I’m chastising myself like it has no tomorrow - and how sorry I am for speaking up on behalf of paying customers (mea maxima culpa), I wonder if this question could conceivably be graced with an answer.
If not, I obviously understand. Completely. It’s not like I bought a product that isn’t functioning as advertised. I fully understand that a description is simply icing on the cake, and customers should not pay attention to those. In fact, I subscribe to this idea wholeheartedly. It’s akin to buying a bread. And ending up with a pair of socks, right?
That’s all fine. Silly us. In fact, it’s pretty childish to think that what you buy is what you actually get. Omg! Toddlers know that! However, if you could just confirm that this is indeed what’s going on with this particular mastery here, that’d be swell. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Agreed, they "fix" things fast nowadays.
Rank rewards
Inequity is listed as a recommended mastery for Night Thrasher. The mastery is currently bugged (the damage reduction is only applied to base damage, not scaled damage like in AQ and AW).
Is there a fix coming?
Discovered it was working as intended
Now i have 2 expensive masteries I've had to drop after investing a lot of units in to max out both, only for them to be broken and not working as intended
Yay for me