A challenge for kabam

As innumerous people like myself have complained, android is almost unplayable for some regarding this game. They've submitted tickets, like myself, and they are just met with what is supposed to be an empathetic "sorry, I know it sucks" reply and then the ticket is closed without any resolution. These complaints have been persistent since before the dreaded v12 update and have yet to be properly addressed, and for some the issue has only gotten worse. Time and again we've been informed that they simply can't duplicate the issue on their end, so it must be our devices.

Here's the challenge: next comic con or wherever you host a playable version of the game for the public, I dare you to only have on hand android devices for use. As far as I've been able to discern, you ONLY use iOS devices to show off your content, and to me that speaks volumes more than what you have given us in response to android users' complaints. SHOW US, the game runs fine on these platforms, prove it, instead of hiding behind a chat screen saying you couldn't prove your poo stinks.

Call this unconstructive if you want, but I think it's more than fair you prove to the general public the quality of your game on BOTH major platforms, instead of just the one you actually cater to. You make more than enough money from this game, there is zero excuses that it shouldn't perform the same on both platforms in terms of gameplay (THE most important aspect of the game, before ANYTHING else). I would more than happily take a graphics quality degradation, in order for the game to run smoothly. I've played many other 3d games on my tablet and not suffered isses this bad with the gameplay.

I have a feeling this will never be commented on by kabam, except possibly as a warning...please respond with actual useful information on what you are doing about this instead: you recognize the issue and acknowledge it actually is a problem for many players, what you are doing to rectify the issue (I don't need a solution immediately, I simply want to know how you are trying to do to fix it. As an IT specialist I understand things take time but I also know you don't operate in a vacuum, you have to communicate too). Otherwise, more and more people are going to leave the game except for those lucky few whom experience none of these prevalent issues among the android community of players.

Personally, I play with a galaxy tab A, more or less a galaxy s7 with a larger display. This is a tablet model still on sale, no excuses for the game being so bad with a current device. We have folk leaving our alliance because the gameplay is so bad they can't keep up. There are days I can't either despite having the skill and ability, and champs.

So kabam, think you are up to MY challenge?


  • CoatHang3rCoatHang3r Member Posts: 4,965 ★★★★★
    Sorry Kabam can’t make Jerry rigged Android devices good, that’s on android devices to do. What can be done is the people who want to play this game on android can obtain a decent android device rather than thinking the model found at the dollar store will suffice.
  • CoatHang3rCoatHang3r Member Posts: 4,965 ★★★★★
    Here’s my counter.

    Google “s7 gaming performance” and look at the majority of what comes up.

  • SomethingsomeSomethingsome Member Posts: 176
    My tablet has no heat issues, cool as a cucumber with 10 hours of gameplay on a charge. I play with it on my lap so I know when it gets warm.
  • unknownunknown Member Posts: 378
    @Somethingsome an iPhone 7 is classed by Apple as an old device, and they have admitted to slowing down ALL devices that are over 14 months old. That's the first point

    Next point, I know there seems a lot of people on here mentioning lag. There isn't. There are a core of about 15-20 people on the whole forum who post this over and over. The other millions of players seem to be OK playing the game. Reddit and other sites, there may be a lag post once a week. 1-2 people, and usually shot down as a device problem. You know as well as me that if this lag was causing problems to a large part of the player base constantly, they would be up in arms and complaining all the time. They arent. Also, if this was the case with lag, people would stop playing the game, simple as that. I dont mean someone who says they know some people who have quit, I mean like tens of thousands of people. This is not happening at all

    Third point: And the core of lag-posters wont even read this im sure. Up until last week, I played the game on a 2013 Nexus 7. Really old, lots of lag and freezing. Bought a good new Android tablet this week, not top end, but a top-mid range. It's like playing a different game! No lag at all, ever. No freezing at all, ever. No problems at all with the game, ever

    Same exact set up in every way. Went back to the old Nexus, same lag, slow game play. 2 mins later on new device, same account, and super fast gameplay with literally not 1 problem at all

    Like I said, the core will ignore this, but it is 100% true. Sort of proves its not Kabam I would say

    Lucky you. I bought the Google Nexus 6p when it first came out....lag. next I bought the lg v20...lag. still playing on the lg v20. Guess what...lag. funny thing is, I play on an older Galaxy s3 sometimes, and guess what, the lag isn't as bad. It's not always the hardware. Many times, it's actually the game
  • Mmx1991Mmx1991 Member Posts: 674 ★★★★
    CoatHang3r wrote: »
    Sorry Kabam can’t make Jerry rigged Android devices good, that’s on android devices to do. What can be done is the people who want to play this game on android can obtain a decent android device rather than thinking the model found at the dollar store will suffice.

    S7 Edge worked perfectly fine for many months until 12.0 hit. Then over the course of many months it went from performing great to garbage.

    I didn't buy my phone at a dollar store, maybe someone bought their code from there.
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  • ChadhoganChadhogan Member Posts: 463 ★★★
    I use a Google pixel running Android Oreo 8.1 and the game plays perfectly but when I used my Nexus 5 at the start of my mcoc journey it was not great but it's much better with the latest Android update ?
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  • SomethingsomeSomethingsome Member Posts: 176
    That is a very myopic view of the situation. Of course it's their fault. As a company, they are in it to make as much money as possible from their product. Anyone with a sense of business would acknowledge you get much more money from a larger source of players if you don't limit your product to the latest and greatest hardware. They already have a sliding scale of quality depending on the device it is played on, I'm saying they need to make it more agressive in its reduction to assure smooth gameplay, or give that control to the players themselves, like countless other 3d games have in their settings: a slider for graphics quality. We have zero control over how the game chooses to render, other than what device we happen to have.

    If you are making a game that only accomodates the latest hardware, you are not doing a great job in ensuring you can make the most money off of your product. The end.

    As a CEO I would demand to know why my product has to be played on latest generation of hardware instead of all the millions of previous gen devices out there for those that chose to not to spend a 1000 dollars to have the latest phone right this second. That is money they are ignoring that they would easily have if they allowed for some backwards compatibility. Just running the game at half resolution would almost reduce the overhead by 4x on the device...give or take. The game looks fine at a lower resolution, and I've seen it can omit background objects, effects, and animations in the game to accomodate lesser devices. Their sliding scale is too agressive on visual quality and ignoring the gameplay aspect as a result. Their settings are the reason these devices struggle, regardless of overheating issues or device limitations.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,980 ★★★★★
    Mmx1991 wrote: »
    CoatHang3r wrote: »
    Sorry Kabam can’t make Jerry rigged Android devices good, that’s on android devices to do. What can be done is the people who want to play this game on android can obtain a decent android device rather than thinking the model found at the dollar store will suffice.

    S7 Edge worked perfectly fine for many months until 12.0 hit. Then over the course of many months it went from performing great to garbage.

    I didn't buy my phone at a dollar store, maybe someone bought their code from there.

    12.0 was about a year ago, and devices age. When we talk about them working properly for months, it's possible the device is a factor. What happens is companies only support Updates for devices for so long, and certain devices have built-in issues that don't get resolved. 12.0 can't be blamed for every issue that comes up until the end of time. Lol.
  • SomethingsomeSomethingsome Member Posts: 176
    I've said my peace. If kabam truly wants the android market involved, they still have to prove it on android devices or it's all excuses. In public.
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  • SpiderGuy22701SpiderGuy22701 Member Posts: 4
    edited January 2018
    I have a galaxy 5. No issues, so.....
  • Vinh225Vinh225 Member Posts: 164
    I have another challenge for Kabam:
    Stop giving us rip-off deals or messing up the game for at least 5 minutes.
  • WildpantsWildpants Member Posts: 148
    TheBlet wrote: »
    no you give options to make the app run better, like turning off background animations, shading, etc. This is everywhere on PC games.

    You dont just design the game for the latest version of hardware. Duh!

    He gets it. Apple is the best gaslighter in the industry, remember when you had to be instructed on how to hold your phone?

    This isn't an argument of which is better: iOS or Android, it's about a successful product giving the same gampley experience across all platforms.

    The game should be able to scale appropriately to the limitations of the hardware it's run on, ensuring the GAMEPLAY doesn't suffer. Let all the newest phones and tablets have 4k resolution, particle effects, weather effects, ray traced lighting, ultra high resolution texture maps, etc. An older phone or tablet should be able to run the game at the same framerate without all the whizbang features turned on.

    The game does scale according to the device's specs, but it is too aggressive in meeting the graphics quality and the gameplay suffers. I've asked many times to see a graphics quality slider in the settings to allow user control over the game's rendering. I would happily run at half resolution with all textures and everything else turned off if it gave me smooth gameplay. That option is currently out of our hands, while almost all other 3d games offer it standard.

    Why is that so hard to accomodate?

    Cause Kabam and their MCOC is a special kind of flower. Kabam is that posh kid who thinks that he is better than everyone else.
  • CoatHang3rCoatHang3r Member Posts: 4,965 ★★★★★
    Do you any examples of mobile games that have adjustable graphics settings? I have yet to see one, maybe thats a droid thing because they have so many subpar devices on the market.

  • tutyimutyitutyimutyi Member Posts: 326
    My iphone7 is not even 8 months old.it is still quick,like it was at the 1st day,when it was brand new.all the games are running on it perfectly.no lags,no issues at all.except mcoc.i am not going to pay between 500 and 1000 pounds every year,just because of this bugfiesta game.that is a very bad joke and totally nonsense.i do not even want to talk about my 1.5 years old android.the game is awful on it.off course,every other games are just perfect on that as well.
  • tutyimutyitutyimutyi Member Posts: 326
    Btw,the iphone8 and X owners are complaining too,so what would be to point.it is just the lazyness of this company.
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  • WildpantsWildpants Member Posts: 148
    CoatHang3r wrote: »
    Do you any examples of mobile games that have adjustable graphics settings? I have yet to see one, maybe thats a droid thing because they have so many subpar devices on the market.

    Shadow Fight 2
  • SomethingsomeSomethingsome Member Posts: 176
    Heroes of incredible tales has graphics options too, shadow fight was my first thought as I used to play it a lot.
  • tutyimutyitutyimutyi Member Posts: 326
    Graphic settings option would be nice,but i am afraid of that,they do not care if my game experience is good,or not.i would prefer a nice gameplay without lags,instead of the dust effect on the floor.there is no problem at all with the iphone devices.they just didnt optimized the game,after the ios updates and the server(s) of the game are not good enough.i dunno,probably i expect too much......
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  • tutyimutyitutyimutyi Member Posts: 326
    You are still funny mate and you still know everything much better than everyone.90% of my friends and my alliance members are complaing.60 from 70.they just do not come here to complain,because it is pointless.so who cares what you say?
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