A challenge for kabam



  • edited January 2018
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  • tutyimutyitutyimutyi Member Posts: 326
    He and the other oversmart(gw)guy are so funny.in the boring times,when there is no aq,aw, we are just doing the long and boring arena grind,we are sharing them comments on the alliance chat and we laugh too much.the comments and the statements of them are totally against facts and the reality and they are able to write down the funny-empty-meaningless things thousands of times.the best one was for me,the RD tickets.they wrote down here thousands of times here that,kabam is not going to give us tickets anymore:D:D
  • edited January 2018
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  • SomethingsomeSomethingsome Member Posts: 176
    tutyimutyi wrote: »
    He and the other oversmart(gw)guy are so funny.in the boring times,when there is no aq,aw, we are just doing the long and boring arena grind,we are sharing them comments on the alliance chat and we laugh too much.the comments and the statements of them are totally against facts and the reality and they are able to write down the funny-empty-meaningless things thousands of times.the best one was for me,the RD tickets.they wrote down here thousands of times here that,kabam is not going to give us tickets anymore:D:D

    Mate, you are known as the joke of the forums! You should see what we say about you on redditt lol

    PLEASE, list all the many people you mention?? I can list the millions that dont have this problem. Then lets see who has the biggest list? (hint, you wont win)

    I accept that challenge: post all of the millions of users that don't have these issues. I'll wait while you write down all their names...
  • SomethingsomeSomethingsome Member Posts: 176
    Any chance we can get a response from kabam regarding my friendly challenge?

    @Kabam Miike or someone else?
  • tutyimutyitutyimutyi Member Posts: 326
    If you post any pictures,i will laugh together with you bro.i have self-critisism and i admit that,if someone knows something better,than me.you are just a troll,nothing else.
  • tutyimutyitutyimutyi Member Posts: 326
    You and your best frirnd are having no proof for anything,but i do not mind,'cause you are so funny,like a fanatic guy from a sect.
  • SomethingsomeSomethingsome Member Posts: 176
    I would love to hear from kabam if they'll accept my challenge or not.
  • CoatHang3rCoatHang3r Member Posts: 4,965 ★★★★★
    I would love to hear from kabam if they'll accept my challenge or not.
    Droid has certain effects cut from the game already (to help improve it’s playability(?)). Why would Kabam want to showcase their game on an inferior platform that does not do their hardwork justice? To prove something to you? :D
  • SomethingsomeSomethingsome Member Posts: 176
    I fully admit it won't be the prettiest, but if they are being completely honest they should showcase the software on BOTH platforms.

    I'm simply asking them to show how the game truly is, for both platforms rather than showcasing only one and ignoring the other almost entirely.

    It's basically a dishonest practice by providing for both platforms and only using one when they showcase the software in public. If android hardware is truly the issue they should admit as much and show why they can't adapt to make it work. Instead they ablate people's complaints by saying we aren't skilled enough, or because our internet is slow, or other excuses. It simply doesn't add up with how they've reacted to people's criticisms of the game on the platform. If it was truly a hardware issue it would have been stated as such immediately and succinctly with definitive reasons, but instead they've deflected.

    So, kabam...this is your opportunity to put this to bed. Please share with us why so many are having issues, otherwise your silence on the matter pretty much confirms what we've suspected: android is not something you are putting adequate resources into in order for the GAMEPLAY (not graphics) to reach parity between the platforms.
  • SomethingsomeSomethingsome Member Posts: 176
    Any chance I can get a comment from kabam? I'm still waiting...
  • SomethingsomeSomethingsome Member Posts: 176
    edited January 2018
    Bump. Well kabam? I would like a reponse. I know your mods read this and frankly, a lack of a response pretty much confirms you recognize your product is heavily flawed on the android platform.
  • BahamutBahamut Member Posts: 2,307 ★★★★
    tutyimutyi wrote: »
    You are still funny mate and you still know everything much better than everyone.90% of my friends and my alliance members are complaing.60 from 70.they just do not come here to complain,because it is pointless.so who cares what you say?

    Who cares what you say exactly mate??

    Right, you have proved your point 100%!!! A few people you say you know, say they are having this problem as well you say. The other 99% dont have it. But these people you know, they are the ones to believe. Im with you now mate

    Lets boycot!!

    PS an answer to this would be helpful before I start the boycott please?

    ANYONE at all, ignore the rest of the posts, just explain why it seems that 99% of other players dont have this problem to the level you say you do, and as often? Coz that just doesnt make sense at all, unless it was your device, or IP??? Buy hey, lets not actually look at the facts and try to fix the problems YOU say you are having

    PPS Me, if I was having this problem all the time as you say you are, and it was as bad as you say it is, then I would probably not play the game and find one that works. But that is just me
    Hubris lives up to his name. Give him a cogent response to ignite a constructive conversation of the issues, and he posts his ignorance for all to see.

    Trollers gonna troll, rather than give insightful, productive responses to the issue at hand.

    oh no, you called me a troll! Whatever will I do. Plus I did offer any explanation that you just ignored. Also, do you actually know what Hubris means????

    I know, lets ignore all my posts and choose not to answer them like you have

    Enjoy the lag continuing mate, and enjoy doing nothing about it at all except blame Kabam

    Let me know how that works out for you

    Has it occurred to you that maybe people are flagging you for a reason??
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  • Feeney234Feeney234 Member Posts: 1,253 ★★★★
    As innumerous people like myself have complained, android is almost unplayable for some regarding this game. They've submitted tickets, like myself, and they are just met with what is supposed to be an empathetic "sorry, I know it sucks" reply and then the ticket is closed without any resolution. These complaints have been persistent since before the dreaded v12 update and have yet to be properly addressed, and for some the issue has only gotten worse. Time and again we've been informed that they simply can't duplicate the issue on their end, so it must be our devices.

    Here's the challenge: next comic con or wherever you host a playable version of the game for the public, I dare you to only have on hand android devices for use. As far as I've been able to discern, you ONLY use iOS devices to show off your content, and to me that speaks volumes more than what you have given us in response to android users' complaints. SHOW US, the game runs fine on these platforms, prove it, instead of hiding behind a chat screen saying you couldn't prove your poo stinks.

    Call this unconstructive if you want, but I think it's more than fair you prove to the general public the quality of your game on BOTH major platforms, instead of just the one you actually cater to. You make more than enough money from this game, there is zero excuses that it shouldn't perform the same on both platforms in terms of gameplay (THE most important aspect of the game, before ANYTHING else). I would more than happily take a graphics quality degradation, in order for the game to run smoothly. I've played many other 3d games on my tablet and not suffered isses this bad with the gameplay.

    I have a feeling this will never be commented on by kabam, except possibly as a warning...please respond with actual useful information on what you are doing about this instead: you recognize the issue and acknowledge it actually is a problem for many players, what you are doing to rectify the issue (I don't need a solution immediately, I simply want to know how you are trying to do to fix it. As an IT specialist I understand things take time but I also know you don't operate in a vacuum, you have to communicate too). Otherwise, more and more people are going to leave the game except for those lucky few whom experience none of these prevalent issues among the android community of players.

    Personally, I play with a galaxy tab A, more or less a galaxy s7 with a larger display. This is a tablet model still on sale, no excuses for the game being so bad with a current device. We have folk leaving our alliance because the gameplay is so bad they can't keep up. There are days I can't either despite having the skill and ability, and champs.

    So kabam, think you are up to MY challenge?

    I would LOVE if kabam did this. Im curious to see how android held up against ios in a live performance test. I can tell you for a fact I own a Galaxy Tab S2 (arguably one of their top-of-the-line tablets) and it works decently. Load times are WITHOUT DOUBT faster than both my Galaxy S7 AND Galaxy Note 5.

    I even installed MCOC on my girls iPhone 8 Plus and see how it performs compared to all of my Android devices. As everyone claims, it is indeed noticeably faster. Thats yet ANOTHER slap in the face to half the player base. Please fix this!
  • SomethingsomeSomethingsome Member Posts: 176
    ...and yet all we get from kabam is silence.
  • BuildBuild Member Posts: 46

    Great points. I think a analogy would serve your discussion well.

    It would be a bit like a game manufacturer producing a major AAA release for Windows 10, and not backwards compatible. And, before XP remarks, I mean 7, 8, 10.

    Apple (iOS), is around 20% of the market. Android being the lion's share.
  • Baboss187Baboss187 Member Posts: 140
    CoatHang3r wrote: »
    Sorry Kabam can’t make Jerry rigged Android devices good, that’s on android devices to do. What can be done is the people who want to play this game on android can obtain a decent android device rather than thinking the model found at the dollar store will suffice.

    I have a android Sony Experia tablet, made for gameing yet it still lags on there. No matter how many times I boost it or use all the anti-virus apps it still not good enough for this game. I play with IPhone 6 and very rarely I have problems but there still are.
  • juST4fUNjuST4fUN Member Posts: 172
    I feel that everyone missing the basic question OP is asking, in any of the Comicon or other events use a android device (it can be Samsung 8, 1+5 etc..etc)...lets assume 50 % people use iOS & remaining 50% android, so why only use only iphone for events?

    Android lag issue is been discussed extensively so not going to comment
  • Willjackson16Willjackson16 Member Posts: 289 ★★
    everyone needs to think why it’s faster on Apple A11 Bionic chip makes everything faster if you have a newer Apple phone my iPhone 6 runs the game **** and so does my 7 my 8+ is faster so it’s more to do with the device than the game my Samsung s7 runs fine until it starts heating up
  • SomethingsomeSomethingsome Member Posts: 176
    I highly doubt the hardware is to blame. I will admit I don't know if software is to blame: either lazy coding on kabam's part by not truly optimizing it for android when they port the code from iOS (which I understand to be the case, correct me if I'm wrong), or due to bottlenecks in the android OS. One thing I can say, as a programmer, is if you don't optimize your code for a different OS and instead use an emulator/translator, that will definitely increase lag/latency between input and response as you are going through more layers of code to do the same action as it is translated into a command the OS can recognize, or the conversion is so clunky it uses more code to do the same action on top of those extra layers. Without optimization of the code done for the platform it's intended for, you end up with a lot of "cruft", or useless code that is clunky and slow to chew through, when a shorter more elegant solution could be used instead. Automatic programming convertors don't do a very great job without going in and fine tuning the code it churns out by hand, or rewriting entire sections of code from scratch, meant specifically for that OS.

    An analogy: try using regular english in a translator application to another language, and the grammar is usually...off, and it takes longer to understand what was said/typed as you have to convert english to the other language, it's another step in the process that drags out the conversation longer than if both parties were speaking the same language.

    Good games that are offered on multiple platforms are optimized for each said platform so as to get the most out of what the machine can do, which does mean a lot of extra work to pull it off. Bad games are from compainies that let a program convert the code to compatibility and then call it a day, without fine tuning it for the best performance.

    I would love to know which camp kabam falls under...
  • SomethingsomeSomethingsome Member Posts: 176
    I guess kabam might as well delete this thread as they obviously aren't going to comment or reply on it.

    Pretty much what I expected...
  • SomethingsomeSomethingsome Member Posts: 176
  • ItempasItempas Member Posts: 57
    I use a pretty old Android device that stopped updating it's OS after 6.0. Never had any major problems playing the game though. Maybe a little lag here and there but nothing that makes it impossible to play
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