Hulk Ragnarok's Face Me against Passive Effects

So I'm confused about what is a passive effect and what's not, as it relates to the new Hulk.
Hulk works great against Magik's Limbo, Dormammu's degen and Mephisto's aura, but Face Me does not work against Iceman's coldsnap, nor against Morningstar's bleed.
Can someone help to clarify?
I put Sparky in there to show that Coldsnap has the same impact on him.

Hulk works great against Magik's Limbo, Dormammu's degen and Mephisto's aura, but Face Me does not work against Iceman's coldsnap, nor against Morningstar's bleed.
Can someone help to clarify?
I put Sparky in there to show that Coldsnap has the same impact on him.

And there's another post about this...
Look at your screenshots. See how there is a white border on Iceman's coldsnap and Moringstar's bleed? That means it is an active debuff. See how Magik's limbo and Dormy's degen don't have that border? That means they're passive.
I don't know how Kabam classifys debuffs as active and passive, but that's the way to tell the difference.
And I like the icon idea for Face Me, too.