blade will be nerfed. Save your 5* boiz

guys! listen to me. Blade will be nerfed. I hate to admit it, its a real pain in the ass, but its gonna happen, Rember doctor strange? he seemed so good, but he got nerfed. believe me, save you shards people!
Don't you forget about iron patriot his damage is insane
O.p. just save shards for the blade featured and stop crying it's two weeks away.
And I think you’re wrong. Blade was just the first of the mystic killers they have been releasing. Void and RagHulk, as well as Red Hulk and Luke buffs, are designed to kill mystics.
Anyway you are not the first one crying on this issue
Keep getting butthurt and cry
Agree with the sentiments of this post. Blade is the ultimate mystic killer and for a little while was head and shoulders above everyone else in that regard. Instead of chopping him off at the knees they're elevating other champs. Effectively, they are blunting mystic wars.
Blade is not going to be nerfed because anyone who has done game development for an MMO would know not enough players likely possess Blade for Blade to show up on a report that would put him in the crosshairs for a nerf. It is as simple as that.
But if Blade did show up on such a report, and they had no other way to remedy the problem, then he would be nerfed. MMO developers know players hate nerfs. That's why they are a last resort. If they are nerfing something, it is because there was a meeting where either explicitly or implicitly someone asked "is this worth pissing off the entire playerbase to do?" If the answer is yes, they nerf. Players complaining about the nerf would only be confirming what they already know: players don't like nerfs.
Keep in mind that even the very large protests surrounding 12.0 were not enough to get any champion nerf reversed. Some were softened, none were completely reversed. Threatening to quit won't reverse a nerf, because the devs only nerf if they are willing to have players quit over the nerf. That's why protests almost never work, and even when they prompt the game devs to take action, it is almost never to completely reverse the nerf.
I respect your opinion. I can also disagree. I can also point out the fact that the changes to DS were not the same situation at all. Then there's the fact that a Blade Nerf Post comes up almost daily, and they've said they have no plans to change him at this time.
I think you miss the entire rebuttals to why he DOESN'T need a nerf so let me help you out.
The majority of the players saying he DOESN'T need a nerf implicitly state he is not o.p. and he is not the end-all, gamebreaker champ. He is simply a counter to a bunch of overpowered mechanisms. So someone like myself (that does not think he needs a nerf) is actually not a fanboy, and openly admit I am a spark fanboy and think overall he is much better (have not come across anywhere in the game where I cannot use him, debuff immune nodes are annoying, but still used him there before lol).
The majority of the players saying he DOES need a nerf are the real fanboys because they just cannot bare the fact that they do not have him and everyday that goes by it hurts them more and more <<< the usual daily thread is made. Also in relation to your statement, it is these people that think they need a certain champ to win (blade). Well, sorry kids, if your skills aren't cutting it without blade when you do finally get him you will still get smacked around by the endgame A.I.
I seriously advise you to read between the lines of someone posting about nerfing blade, then make judgement on who are the fanboys that think a specific champ is NEEDED to win.
It's Kabam's thing? Other than 12.0 and glitch/exploit things like GP perma-stun, who has actually been nerfed @Richcowboy888