Disconnections during legends run attempt on the 13th

I had begun doing my Legends run attempt for the new Event Quest and 30 mins into it, i started getting connection problems. I got disconnected 3 times and had the constant "problem connecting to network" thing pop up during my run, which delayed my time significantly. I sent in a ticket to support but they just sent me the generic "i'm sorry we had problems with the server and had to go down for emergency maintenance, blah blah blah", but didn't answer any of my specific questions that i asked. Is there a way that you guys can tell the times that i was delayed from being disconnected and the time that i sat there waiting to re-establish a connection to the game, then deduct that from my total time? If there's not a way for you guys to do that, then is it possible that i be reimbursed for the boosts i used during the attempt?