Ok I read the post about banning players. What about AW pilots?

I read Adora post about banning players and different severity levels of ban for different violations. I get that.
You said you take rule violations seriously. What about AW pilots? I haven’t seen any statement on that. Everyone is cheating on top and I’d say 75% are piloted.
You said you take rule violations seriously. What about AW pilots? I haven’t seen any statement on that. Everyone is cheating on top and I’d say 75% are piloted.
Well if the Kabam police saw 2 speeders, one driving 68 in a 65mph highway or someone driving 55 in a 30mph school zone, which do you think they would rather pull over? Both are technically breaking the law, but the severity of the crime comes into play. If both are given the same punishment of a speeding ticket many would say that’s not fair, the school zone speeder should deserve harsher punishment.
It is very clear what is right/wrong according to the TOS. It could be enforced exactly like that, where wrong is wrong no matter what. But I think we can do better than that and make judgement calls when needed. The school zone speeder deserves more punishment than the 68 in 65 speeder. Just as full AW pilot should get more punishment than the occasional AQ lane mover.