AW matching
i am glad to hear from few alliances that some change was made with search times.
Any updates soon regarding what u guys will do for alliances that missed wars due to long searches?
i am glad to hear from few alliances that some change was made with search times.
Any updates soon regarding what u guys will do for alliances that missed wars due to long searches?
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I just read the announcement @Ad0ra_
Not sure if the solution presented is best, but it is good to see.
My alliance 1nwa missed a war because search was close to 3 hours. I have also heard 1-2 other alliances having had the same problem and not being able to match. Shouldnt all alliances have equal number of matches for the season if they searched with adequet time?
I have voiced out the flaws of the search function on multiple occasions even before the aw season began on the forum and through tickets. Why did it take only now to address this issue?
Nice way to create bad morale in the community and chase people to retirement kabam.
Which is understandable, also fixing the matchmaking system. But fixing the rewards is an insult to everyone else. Everyone individually or alliance wise has issues to over come with bugs, lagging, broken game machaincs etc...plentiful of complaints daily and we won’t see anything rewarded back to us. Favouritism at its best.
Some matches will take longer to find - this is normal and is also impacted by when you enter matchmaking. What made this situation very unique was the fact that they entered matchmaking the second it opened, and matchmaking closed without them getting a match at all.
There's no conspiracy theory here folks - this was a unique situation in how it impacted one alliance in a big way. While it's really easy to dogpile on an alliance at 'the top' or suggest preferential treatment, it impacted them differently and that's a fact. We wanted to be up front and transparent right from the start on how we were addressing this, but don't plan on debating the details of it further.
Also as a reminder - it's against our forum rules to specifically call players or alliances out.