Blade mastery set up for lol

Montu87Montu87 Member Posts: 10
Just duped my 5* 4/55 blade and wanted to start running the rest of the lol paths with him on my roster. I’ve been using 5* 5/65 SL for the easy and short paths, but feel I need to make quite a mastery change to use blade at his full potential. Here’s my current set up. x8x6298ungsy.png


  • GrimmbearGrimmbear Member Posts: 639 ★★★
    Need at least 3 points in deep wounds, preferably 5 obv. Pierce had it's effectiveness reduced post 12.0 (diminishing returns), so I'd only run the 1 required point to get to the crit masteries.
    I personally feel that you can take 2 points out of lesser cruelty as well, in order to get the max in dw.
    Dunno what else you're willing to take out.
  • Montu87Montu87 Member Posts: 10
    I was thinking to take away all 5 from extended and enhanced fury, 2 from pierce, 1 from courage, 4 from lesser cruelty, 3 from lesser precision.
    Putting 4 into DW, 1 into recoil, 3 into liquid courage, 1 salve, 3 into recovery, 3 into willpower.
  • ThreedeadkingsThreedeadkings Member Posts: 97
    Montu87 wrote: »
    Just duped my 5* 4/55 blade and wanted to start running the rest of the lol paths with him on my roster. I’ve been using 5* 5/65 SL for the easy and short paths,

    I’m confused...

    Isn’t that Ultron Classics appearing on your profile? And yet you posted and said that you “wanted to start running the rest of the lol path”??

    I’m very confused ...
  • godsquad891godsquad891 Member Posts: 779 ★★
    Montu87 wrote: »
    Just duped my 5* 4/55 blade and wanted to start running the rest of the lol paths with him on my roster. I’ve been using 5* 5/65 SL for the easy and short paths,

    I’m confused...

    Isn’t that Ultron Classics appearing on your profile? And yet you posted and said that you “wanted to start running the rest of the lol path”??

    I’m very confused ...

    I agree thought you only got that for completing labyrinth 100%? or do you get it for one path?
  • AddyosAddyos Member Posts: 1,098 ★★★★
    Gatchu? Isn't that the name of one of the first people to clear LoL 100%? Isn't he retired now? Why is his profile showing here? Or the OP is using these mastery pics as a reference to make the changes to his own mastery set up.
  • Montu87Montu87 Member Posts: 10
    The picture is not my profile but its what I used for masteries. I have not completed lol, im wanting to get the enrage timer while using blade which is why I threw liquid courage in there. Here is what my top 2 champs stats are at with my current masteries.frkx0varsvvl.png
  • Primmer79Primmer79 Member Posts: 2,968 ★★★★
    I just recently completed the Easy path of LoL with my r5 5* blade. Here's a few pointers from what Ive read in this thread so far.

    1. Masteries do not affect the enrage timer. You need to go off base attack, then factor in synergies.
    2. When using blade as your main champ, I highly suggest deep wounds.
    3. I have despair maxed normally, and left it for LoL. Helped a little for magik for when she did trigger limbo.
    3. For my run through, my r5 blade was above the 2k attack needed, so my synergy team was GR, Sparky, then SL and a synergy to boost crit. Blade against col will make you crazy, and even against OML is annoying, so I chose to use SL on a shorter timer for those.
  • AcanthusAcanthus Member Posts: 447 ★★★
    edited March 2018
    Addyos wrote: »
    Gatchu? Isn't that the name of one of the first people to clear LoL 100%? Isn't he retired now? Why is his profile showing here? Or the OP is using these mastery pics as a reference to make the changes to his own mastery set up.

    It's a video
  • Montu87Montu87 Member Posts: 10
    Didn’t know about the timer going off base atk, good to know. My team is going to be 5/65 SL and 4/55 blade. What 3 champs will give me the highest atk synergy?
  • Primmer79Primmer79 Member Posts: 2,968 ★★★★
    Montu87 wrote: »
    Didn’t know about the timer going off base atk, good to know. My team is going to be 5/65 SL and 4/55 blade. What 3 champs will give me the highest atk synergy?

    I don't know offhand, but a guess would be some combination of Ant man/Yellow Jacket or Red Cyclops/Red Magneto. Either one of those combos, do like 2 5*, and one 4*, etc
  • Hulk_77Hulk_77 Member Posts: 782 ★★★
    Adding recovery would be beneficial for Blade. I second the many Deep Wounds comments.

    Are you still bringing Starlord? If not, you can drop the fury masteries too.
  • Primmer79Primmer79 Member Posts: 2,968 ★★★★
    Hulk_77 wrote: »
    Adding recovery would be beneficial for Blade. I second the many Deep Wounds comments.

    Are you still bringing Starlord? If not, you can drop the fury masteries too.

    I hadn't even noticed the furies at first. Even with SL, I wouldn't bring them, because LOL damage is capped at 50k. a r5 SL should reach that cap
  • GrimmbearGrimmbear Member Posts: 639 ★★★
    Blade only needs 1 attack syn at 455, so bring either AM YJ or Cyc Mags. Last 2 slots are 565 SL and probably GR for villiain synergy.
    Please dont run suicides, it'll hurt more than it helps
  • RagamugginGunnerRagamugginGunner Member Posts: 2,210 ★★★★★
    Montu87 wrote: »
    The picture is not my profile but its what I used for masteries. I have not completed lol, im wanting to get the enrage timer while using blade which is why I threw liquid courage in there. Here is what my top 2 champs stats are at with my current masteries.frkx0varsvvl.png

    Seeing SL at r5 and Blade at r4 makes me sad.
  • Primmer79Primmer79 Member Posts: 2,968 ★★★★
    Grimmbear wrote: »
    Blade only needs 1 attack syn at 455, so bring either AM YJ or Cyc Mags. Last 2 slots are 565 SL and probably GR for villiain synergy.
    Please dont run suicides, it'll hurt more than it helps

    If true, I would highly recommend GR, depending on the path. UCol is technically a villain, and it helps a lot for maestro.
  • Hulk_77Hulk_77 Member Posts: 782 ★★★
    Grimmbear wrote: »
    Blade only needs 1 attack syn at 455, so bring either AM YJ or Cyc Mags. Last 2 slots are 565 SL and probably GR for villiain synergy.
    Please dont run suicides, it'll hurt more than it helps

    I'd do Starlord, Blade, GR (or Dorm/Meph depending on path), Spark, and Vulture/Doc (to get that 1 attack bonus).

    The Spark/Blade synergy is fantastic for Blade whenever he has Danger Sense active.
  • Montu87Montu87 Member Posts: 10
    Heres my updated mastery set up, should anything be swapped around, and thanks for all the advice so far. It shows my blades base atk is 1955, so I would need a synergy to get it over 2000 for the maxed timer right?
  • Mmx1991Mmx1991 Member Posts: 674 ★★★★
    5/65 SL
    r4 Blade
    Dorm/Mephisto (depending on path) like Guilly or DS

    Max out DW
    Max out parry and stupefy (anything to lengthen stun timer)
    Put only 1 point in pierce
    Don't unlock recoil/double edge/liquid courage
    Maybe take out the 4 points in perfect block and add 1 to salve and 3 in recovery (for Blade)
  • BabafrigoBabafrigo Member Posts: 45
    Guys im thinking to start exploration of the labyrinth but i need some advice

    Should use suicides masteries or not?

    My team would be 5/65 blade , 5/50 ghost, 5/50 dormamu, 5/50 stark and 3/30 vulture or 4/40 drstrange it doesnt matter

    I tried some fights without suicide every fight was OK except Old man logan, blade took down 400k hp in first enrage timer , on the other hand stark did 500k hp
    I know old man logan shruggs off bleed but i m thinking there will be any problem as same as him?

    With regen i can cover recoil damage but what should i do?
  • Primmer79Primmer79 Member Posts: 2,968 ★★★★
    seems like a decent build to me. I could argue a few points here or there but its also preference.

    Side note, click the info button on the stats and see the number before masteries change it. itll be a (+x)y number for attack. the Y is your base attack you need to base the timers/synergies for
  • Primmer79Primmer79 Member Posts: 2,968 ★★★★
    Babafrigo wrote: »
    Guys im thinking to start exploration of the labyrinth but i need some advice

    Should use suicides masteries or not?

    My team would be 5/65 blade , 5/50 ghost, 5/50 dormamu, 5/50 stark and 3/30 vulture or 4/40 drstrange it doesnt matter

    I tried some fights without suicide every fight was OK except Old man logan, blade took down 400k hp in first enrage timer , on the other hand stark did 500k hp
    I know old man logan shruggs off bleed but i m thinking there will be any problem as same as him?

    With regen i can cover recoil damage but what should i do?

    Have you done the easy path yet?
  • Montu87Montu87 Member Posts: 10
    The y (base atk) is 1955 on blade and 2301 for SL. So I’m thinking that means I can bring GR only for blade synergy and the other 2 slots would have to be a mag/clops or something similar to push blade over 2k.
  • BabafrigoBabafrigo Member Posts: 45
    Primmer79 wrote: »
    Babafrigo wrote: »
    Guys im thinking to start exploration of the labyrinth but i need some advice

    Should use suicides masteries or not?

    My team would be 5/65 blade , 5/50 ghost, 5/50 dormamu, 5/50 stark and 3/30 vulture or 4/40 drstrange it doesnt matter

    I tried some fights without suicide every fight was OK except Old man logan, blade took down 400k hp in first enrage timer , on the other hand stark did 500k hp
    I know old man logan shruggs off bleed but i m thinking there will be any problem as same as him?

    With regen i can cover recoil damage but what should i do?

    Have you done the easy path yet?

    Yes ı have done it before

  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,445 ★★★★★
    edited March 2018
    Related question: does it still make sense to max Precision and Cruelty? Moving from 4 to 5 points in each adds +85 and +95 respectively; I haven’t run LoL with it, but the two extra points feel more useful in things like DW and assassin.

    Dr. Zola
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