Featured 4* Infinite streak

Anyone know how to do the infinite streak for the 4 star featured arena, I usually just go in and when I lose I just get back to 3x points with rank 1/ 4*s. I’ve searched for videos but I just find basic infinite streaks or I just can’t understand the way they explain what to use when at what streak. Any links or if you have and infinite streak you personally use i would appreciate you help, thanks
Fights 1-9 I use my lowest 4*s Rank 1 Level 10 (Sometimes I uses Rank 1 level 1 5*s but I wouldn't recommend it)
Fights 10-13 I use at least two 4* Rank 4/40s and one 4* Rank 3/30. You can use better champs, but these are going to be the hardest fights.
14-15 You want to get Kang's or Thanos Team so use your strongest champs here. It's possible to use 4* 4/40s but it could take some skill.
16-19 Use at the minimum 4* Rank 4/40s these fights should be relatively easy, just don't get cocky.
20+ To keep your infinite streak going and to avoid triggering death squad use at the minimum three 4* Rank 3/30 champs, anything higher should be fine as well.
This STILL works. Nice Guide. Thanks!!
totally. i faced 3 death squads between 13-15 after listening to the kabam chart. It's not updated to any changes they may have made.
Basically the idea in arena is that once you get up to a streak of 5 wins, you have a score multiplier of 3x. You'd want (I hope) to maximise your score, so you want to keep the streak going to keep the 3x multiplier instead of dropping back down to 1, so basically you want an "infinite streak" to have every matchup give you 3x score multiplier.
there is no "kabam chart".....
infinite streak is not something kabam have ever published......
it is somethin gthat players have worked out and that guide is made and posted by "Marvel Contest Of Champions Trucos" a fan made information site.,
Yeah that might happen, but usually the difference between 4/40 champs and 5/50 champs isn't that big (unlike the usual death squad problem of 3/30 champs vs 5/65s in the 4* featured or 5* arena), so I usually manage to bash my way through them and then just cruise (I only have 1 5/50 champ)
As you can see, today with the infinite streak at 15 (my 16th match) and after facing and beating a Kang and thanks team I brought 3 4/40 heroes and hit this high powered team. Why did this happen?
It seems the metrics have changed a bit. Anyone have an updated strategy that is working as of this week? And how do five star heroes fit in?
Nope, those 10-12 matches gave me deathmatches with 3/30s and one r1
Unfortunately since 19.0 I have been unable to do any real grinding because of iPad issues. It's really disappointing as I wanted to grab void as I don't have him and really like getting all the champs on their second runs. It is really frustrating loosing out on new champs, I feel cheated by this issue and hope they rerun all the arenas they've introduced since crapteen point oh. But who am I fooling, we've seen (more like haven't seen) their solution, and there is no light at the end of the tunnel, just raw sewage.....
Ah I see. My First time grinding 4 star featured, finally got the streak after 20 matches, then the first time I use a team of 4* 3/30 on match 27, I got a death squad and lost my streak. So disheartening
Here you all go a custom made help table for all who need it!
Anyone have a tried and proved method for August 2018???
Also getting death matches at a 7 or 8 win streak no matter what I use after this last update.has anyone figured out a new system?? maybe because Kabam realized that so many people use all their units on arena refreshes to get those heroes so they upped the difficulty.. I've saw a lot of youtube videos lately by popular mcoc posters suggesting we spend units to get the heroes