Current State Of The Game/2 year progression

geoff78geoff78 Member Posts: 221 ★★
Hey guys. I just wanted to throw out my $0.02 about the way the game is shifting, and show my progression up to this point. Later this month I'll be going on my 2nd year of playing, and i wanna get some things off my chest hoping they reach the right ears (not holding my breath). Prepare for a long read hahahah

The Game.
Love it. It's addicting. I find myself jumping on every single time i have free time to kill. That said, there are things I'm happy with, and several things I'm not happy with at all.

AW. Though i was sceptical of the change to the map at first, it really has grown on me. I do enjoy the new setup now. I find it to bring the alliance closer as communication is a must for things to work like clockwork. Seasons brought in some stellar rewards, that I'm happy with, but find moving up to be near impossible. My alliance place in the 600s of gold 1 bracket, and where i do appreciate the rewards, platinum seems out of reach. Platinum and master bracket both seem to be strictly for the elite that have both played the game from the very start, and those that spend an ungodly amount of money in the game. Those brackets to me seem very secluded and out of reach despite the amount i have spent. To me, that's just unfair to those that joined the contest late.
Where i find things like attacker bonuses, and defender diversity great additions, i also find the removal of defender kills atrocious. I would very much love to see defender kills brought back. Well placed defenders should be able to rack up points instead of only costing the opponent 3 attack bonuses at max. My $0.02

AQ. Touchy subject. Where the entire community saw the recent changes to AQ nothing more than a cash grab, i wanted to give it a chance. I don't find the sentinels hard to fight, but they do take enjoyment out of the game as the fights are just so drawn out and monotonous. I do not agree with the changing of difficulty without changes in rewards. I know what was said in the discussion post about this, and a new season is on the horizon, but i see several allies getting frustrated and spending resources to cope. I foresee lots of people quitting aq or even the game because of this. There are several players that ranked specific champs to deal with AQ, that are now useless all of a sudden. I'm in decent shape, champs and resource-wise, but not everyone is lucky enough to be. I really hate to see good people and great players getting screwed over by sudden, un-rewarded changes. Just sucks. I know there's several people against the idea, but i really feel rank down tickets would be a great courtesy to players in that predicament.

Resource Availability. Where things that used to rare and hard to earn are increasingly becoming more and more common, i feel an overhaul in resource distribution is 100% necessary. Map 5 and up alliances are now swimming in t4cc, and everyone seems to be waiting on t1a, t4bc, and gold most. The glory store was a great add, and repricing the t1a was much appreciated, but more needs to be done. I feel that AQ rewards need to be upgraded, and alliance and solo events could use some tlc as well. How many players are sitting at idle waiting for gold and t1a right now? Many of us are at a point that we've nearly abandoned 4*s and began focusing on 5*s, which require a stupid amount of resources to get up. It's sickening.
What saddens me about this is, is the majority of my early spending was to bring up key 4*s to help me clear game content, just to watch those key champs get nerfed, and the game content get softened as well. Who remembers act 4 Juggs before they "fixed" him? I spent so many units to get through him twice, just to watch them change him and make him easier to deal with. Seems kinda **** for those of us that put real money into clearing him. No compensation, no nothing. Personally, i think they should put him back to the way he was when many of us had to deal with it. Seems most fair. As far as the spending on bringing up 4*s goes, lesson learned. Why would players in my position want to spend on taking 5*s to a respectable level, when 6*s are now in the contest, and make of us know in our hearts that one day 7*s will be a thing, and people will have ungodly 6*rosters, and those 5*s will progressively and inevitably start sitting on shelves like our 4*s are starting to now?

In general, i understand that Kabam is indeed a business. I also know that good businesses do take customers seriously. Sudden changes do not make happy customers without added benefits. Fact. I also know that what happened with the 12.0 update won't repeat itself. With things like FGMCs, and AW seasons, the whales wallets are wide open, so as far as AQ changes go, we're all just going to have to eat it. At this point, I'm reliant on t4cc and t4bc weekly income to keep progressing. I wish i could quit AQ, not because of difficulty, just because I'm tired of the weekly grind, but i can't. My account would just idle.
Anyway, I'm just ranting now. Here's my progression. 2 years soon. Many pennies spent. Pretty happy with what I've accomplished so far....
I included the t4cc pics to let you know that the struggle is indeed real. I've let so many expire rather than upgrade mediocre champs, because the t1a and t4bc aren't worth saving the t4cc that i have 12 of. We need gold and more balance to the resources. Make it happen Kabam, and thanks for reading


  • Superhec03Superhec03 Member Posts: 15
    How most of my alliance members profiles look. And this is by design I believe. All Kabam is about is extending the game for profit as much as possible. That’s it.
  • shchong2shchong2 Member Posts: 2,419 ★★★★
    Superhec03 wrote: »
    All Kabam is about is extending the game for profit as much as possible. That’s it.

    I find it hard to disagree with you :)
  • HulksmasshhHulksmasshh Member Posts: 742 ★★★
    Superhec03 wrote: »
    How most of my alliance members profiles look. And this is by design I believe. All Kabam is about is extending the game for profit as much as possible. That’s it.

    Lol isn't that the point of any free-to-play game ever? If they make some bad changes and over time make less profit, then they didn't do a good job. If they continue to make money and continue to have players hooked in the game then they are doing a great job.
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