Should SP3s be Disabled in Arena?

TiemiliosTiemilios Member Posts: 337
I've been doing arena a long time, and you just come to accept after a while that some enemies in arena while you're in the win streak building phase will hold for SP3 and there's nothing you can do about it. You'll be challenging enemies twice your PI and lose only because they saved for SP3 and you happen to not be using a power drain champ. I find this rather absurd and not a measure of true skill at all. I think there should be no SP3 to save you when fighting poorly and no SP3 to be able to do All or Nothing. What do you think?

Should SP3s be Disabled in Arena? 94 votes

Agree, that makes sense!
RagamugginGunnerAlfa_PigeonHaji_Saabvip662009TheManMythLegendStewmanPoolheruheru511zuffyTiemiliosMr_OtterFoxhero007HeddartaShaheerFIazOnmixAnimatronics_to3twocastlesHellstorm_Av3to_XFA_Rebooted 32 votes
Disagree, I think SP3 should remain.
ArcDeAngelusGroundedWisdomNevvBsuperunknown012SolswerdSwe_wolfisA_Noob_Is1AjavedstakGround_Round1Addyosmum_m2SaiyanSomeoneElseJuan3sDexman1349Chris_L_HPrimmer79VartoxSpeedbump 62 votes


  • shchong2shchong2 Member Posts: 2,419 ★★★★
    Disagree, I think SP3 should remain.
    Don't get me wrong, I absolutely don't mind for SP3 to be disabled, it can only be good for me, and I have absolutely nothing to loose but everything to gain. However, I have grinded at least 70k arena wins, alot are from infinite streak, and in almost all cases, as long as I don't bring champs with too low PI, my champs will almost certainly out-class the AI, and in almost all cases, AI will die before he/she even get to reach SP3.

    Again, don't get me wrong, I'm not disagreeing with you, and I'm not claiming what I experienced must be right, and I'm not trying to show-off. However, if there are cases that AI can reach SP3 and break our infinite streak, I would certainly love to know, as I hate to loose the infinite streak I built up, but maybe I'm too lucky, but I played weekly in all the arenas, i.e. Summoner Trials, 3* Featured Arena, 4* Basic Arena, 4* Featured Arena, 5* Featured Arena, T1a Arena, T4b Arena and T4cc Arena, in all of them all the AIs never get the chance to unleash their SP3 before they got killed.

    But again, I certainly welcome SP3 to be disabled, if Kabam is willing to do so.
  • Mitchell35Mitchell35 Member Posts: 1,897 ★★★★
    Agree, that makes sense!
    Honestly, I’m sort of indifferent, but it makes grinding easier I guess?
  • TiemiliosTiemilios Member Posts: 337
    Agree, that makes sense!
    Just to be clear. I don't "sand-bag" my fights (one low champ and two high). This primarily applies when you are building towards the infinite streak. I enjoy the tough fights. I have 3 5*s that are Rank 4 and that's pretty good but I still have a ways to go. I guess, I don't see it as much of a fair contest if they can just save for SP3 and eliminate you, which can prevent you from earning a good amount of points and ending the arena faster. It's not all about what's fair...that's been very clear, but I'm surprised to see the votes have gone the way they have.
  • TiemiliosTiemilios Member Posts: 337
    Agree, that makes sense!
    @shchong2 It's definitely not much of an issue if you've already reached infinite streak. This is in the building phase, primarily Win Streak 8-14 or near that. Kang and Thanos teams you may get have a very high tendency to be all or nothing, for example...or so it seems.
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  • MarzGrooveMarzGroove Member Posts: 903 ★★★
    shchong2 wrote: »
    Don't get me wrong, I absolutely don't mind for SP3 to be disabled, it can only be good for me, and I have absolutely nothing to loose but everything to gain. However, I have grinded at least 70k arena wins, alot are from infinite streak, and in almost all cases, as long as I don't bring champs with too low PI, my champs will almost certainly out-class the AI, and in almost all cases, AI will die before he/she even get to reach SP3.

    Again, don't get me wrong, I'm not disagreeing with you, and I'm not claiming what I experienced must be right, and I'm not trying to show-off. However, if there are cases that AI can reach SP3 and break our infinite streak, I would certainly love to know, as I hate to loose the infinite streak I built up, but maybe I'm too lucky, but I played weekly in all the arenas, i.e. Summoner Trials, 3* Featured Arena, 4* Basic Arena, 4* Featured Arena, 5* Featured Arena, T1a Arena, T4b Arena and T4cc Arena, in all of them all the AIs never get the chance to unleash their SP3 before they got killed.

    But again, I certainly welcome SP3 to be disabled, if Kabam is willing to do so.
  • TiemiliosTiemilios Member Posts: 337
    Agree, that makes sense!
    @GluteusMaximus That really doesn't address any of the points in my It's not about wanting a fight with no SP3s. It would help if they didn't have such a tendency to hold power in the building levels. At least then you could bait more successfully. I'm by no means an arena amateur, I've done it for a long time. It's just something I keep thinking over and over. I truly feel that arena would be better with no SP3s. The biggest benefit of unnecessarily lost fights is finishing arena faster, of course. These days, I want to spend a little time in arena per fight as possible.
  • Julius_SeizureJulius_Seizure Member Posts: 99
    Disagree, I think SP3 should remain.
    git gud /s
  • Lt_Magnum_1Lt_Magnum_1 Member Posts: 640 ★★
    Disagree, I think SP3 should remain.
    But baiting against Thanks and Kang teams should be easier.
  • Mmx1991Mmx1991 Member Posts: 674 ★★★★
    My first instinct was to say yes, s3s should be turned off cause when you're near infinite streak they almost become all-or-nothing nodes, but I think learning how to get an infinite streak going should be a hurdle that new players should learn.
  • BahamutBahamut Member Posts: 2,307 ★★★★
    Disagree, I think SP3 should remain.
    Eh... I wouldn’t have a problem with it but it doesn’t seem necessary to me.
  • phillgreenphillgreen Member Posts: 4,370 ★★★★★
    Disagree, I think SP3 should remain.
    I'll say no.

    If you are using weak champs in an arena you don't have the roster for and can't take at least one SP3 if the need arises and still maintain the streak then it's a case of too bad, so sad.

    I say that as someone with a weak roster who knows their limitations in arenas.

  • GillidafGillidaf Member Posts: 85
    Disagree, I think SP3 should remain.
    I'm all for fixing the aw
    It's like I can't block or parry and can't activate specials something is wrong
  • ArcDeAngelusArcDeAngelus Member Posts: 209
    Disagree, I think SP3 should remain.
    Nah you can do it so why shouldn't the AI be able to, just like the Heavy into a Spec save they do, you can so it's fair the AI can as well.
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  • rockykostonrockykoston Member Posts: 1,505 ★★★★
    Disagree, I think SP3 should remain.
    I see no point here. Even while building and if needed, my champs can eat an SP3 and then some.

    If you are following the infinite streak method I rarely see being pitted against enemies that are twice the pi.
  • shchong2shchong2 Member Posts: 2,419 ★★★★
    Disagree, I think SP3 should remain.
    MarzGroove wrote: »

    What? Your point being? Is this about grammer or spelling? LOL
    You want to become an English teacher? OMG

    I don't have OCD, I can live with typo, some grammatical error, etc, this is a casual gaming forum, this is NOT for my PhD thesis or article to some international symposium or etc ... LOL
  • Dexman1349Dexman1349 Member Posts: 3,060 ★★★★★
    Disagree, I think SP3 should remain.
    Just use higher rated champs. 4/40s and 5/50s have no issues getting through fights 6-15 in the 4* basic arena...
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  • charaderdude2charaderdude2 Member Posts: 1,530 ★★★
    Tiemilios wrote: »
    Just to be clear. I don't "sand-bag" my fights (one low champ and two high). This primarily applies when you are building towards the infinite streak. I enjoy the tough fights. I have 3 5*s that are Rank 4 and that's pretty good but I still have a ways to go. I guess, I don't see it as much of a fair contest if they can just save for SP3 and eliminate you, which can prevent you from earning a good amount of points and ending the arena faster. It's not all about what's fair...that's been very clear, but I'm surprised to see the votes have gone the way they have.

    Suggestion upon your suggestion,Removes the 'seemingly' l3 biased AI In there,Also turn off masteries for AI???(Classic masteries btw,I hate MD)
  • A_Noob_Is1A_Noob_Is1 Member Posts: 762 ★★
    Disagree, I think SP3 should remain.
    It makes for great practice when sandbagging
  • TiemiliosTiemilios Member Posts: 337
    Agree, that makes sense!
    Many people have proposed removing "All or Nothing" tendencies of Kang and Thanos teams, thoughI find that tendency to even happens before you get to the Kang and Thanos teams. I'll sit there baiting for 1-2 minutes before I just try to finish the fight and they use the SP3 as soon as they get it. It's quite frustrating and a waste of time. Overall, this logic is a good solution, but I'm not sure it's one that will work. I'm not sure if they truly have programmed them with the tendency to hold power or anything like that. I know what seems to happen, but I don't know exactly how it's made to work and can't suggest how to fix that part. One thought, though, is that it would be very cool if champs in arena became more likely to use a special with the more time that passes after the last special used. That's an interesting concept and might deserve some attention. However, I felt that removing SP3s entirely might be a more "pure" way to handle it. I felt it was the best way to represent skill in the game. In the same way that it would save you from SP3s, you also couldn't use an SP3 to save yourself, so you'd have to use skill to get out of a tough situation.

    Sure, if I had higher champs, it would be easier, but is that really the point? I think it's ridiculous to say "git gud" or anything like that, because it's not about skill. I'm very good at baiting and taking down tough champs. I'm a boss killer in AW, AQ, and I conquer just about everything with minimal unit expenditure if any. I was Uncollected before I even had ranked up 5* champs, and I spent no units to get it. Bashing my skill level is pointless because I honestly think it's quite possible very few could match it. I don't mean to boast, but I'm very much trying to prove a point.

    Those of you shunning this post and saying get higher can fight poorly with top champs and still survive and win. Good for you, but that is not skilled play. Removing SP3s would allow the skilled fighter to win more often. You would not have a perfect fight only to get creamed by an SP3 after you baited for 2 minutes and nothing worked, which commonly happens.

    When I post items like this, it is a suggestion for thoughtful discussion, not to provoke criticism. I've said before that I don't sand-bag fights and I don't need to. I have the skill to get through and build a win streak regardless. I just want to remove some of the frustrating parts of the game, frustrating only because they do not seem to be fair play. Again, I realize "fair" is not what Kabam is all about, but that's not going to stop me from sharing my thoughts.
  • TiemiliosTiemilios Member Posts: 337
    Agree, that makes sense!
    I very much appreciate those that have provided honest and thoughtful feedback. Thank you! I'm very surprised to see the way this poll has gone, but it's very interesting.
  • HeddartaHeddarta Member Posts: 106
    Agree, that makes sense!
    I believe it would make sense overall for arena fights across the spectrum from building to infinite streak to have the same probability of special use. Limit the gap between the easy starter fights and infinite fights and those might-as-well-be-all-or-nothing fights. Overall, it would be a more true test of skill and baiting in the long run. Perhaps bring the cutoffs in arena down by knocking the less experienced players off their streak more often based on their skill.
  • TiemiliosTiemilios Member Posts: 337
    Agree, that makes sense!
    I'm not at all against the "infinite streak" fights being harder. I want more points per fight. :)
  • GalahhGalahh Member Posts: 32
    edited April 2018
    Should poles like this be deleted?
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