Crazy idea: What about having Adaptoids and Symbioids as an available character?

Alright, I know I sound insane, but hear me out. This just might work.
Acquiring these champs:
At level 5, 15, 25, 35, 45, and 55, you would get an Adaptoid. The first would be Skill, then Science, then rotating all the way back to Mutant. You could pick that champ's SP move and then one Passive ability from that Adaptoid's class abilities that are used in quests. This would be the same for Symbioids, but would be on levels 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, and 60.
Ranking them up:
When you get the champ they would be a 1*. You would go through all the ranking and leveling, then you would be able to upgrade their tier to a 2* for 5 Tier 1 Basic Catalysts and 5 Tier 1 Class Catalysts of whatever their class is. Once you max them out as a 2*, they would be able to become a 3* for 5 Tier 2 Basic Catalysts and 5 Tier 2 Class Catalysts. This would go on and on until they were a 5 star. The tier of the catalyst would increase by 1 for every star upgrade. This would make it insanely hard to make them a 5*, so new players wouldn't be able to pick up a 5* quickly. These Adaptoids and Symbioids would progress in ranking as you do. Due to the expense of ranking them up to the next tier, they wouldn't be many people's top champ unless they just did nothing to anyone else. They would be a fun background champ to use for quests and arenas. Plus, Adaptoids and Symbioids don't have SP3 moves, so they wouldn't be too reliable.
Overall, these champs would just be a fun new concept. They wouldn't be very good, but would be consistently decent since they get better as you do. Let me know what you think in the comments! Thanks for reading!
Acquiring these champs:
At level 5, 15, 25, 35, 45, and 55, you would get an Adaptoid. The first would be Skill, then Science, then rotating all the way back to Mutant. You could pick that champ's SP move and then one Passive ability from that Adaptoid's class abilities that are used in quests. This would be the same for Symbioids, but would be on levels 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, and 60.
Ranking them up:
When you get the champ they would be a 1*. You would go through all the ranking and leveling, then you would be able to upgrade their tier to a 2* for 5 Tier 1 Basic Catalysts and 5 Tier 1 Class Catalysts of whatever their class is. Once you max them out as a 2*, they would be able to become a 3* for 5 Tier 2 Basic Catalysts and 5 Tier 2 Class Catalysts. This would go on and on until they were a 5 star. The tier of the catalyst would increase by 1 for every star upgrade. This would make it insanely hard to make them a 5*, so new players wouldn't be able to pick up a 5* quickly. These Adaptoids and Symbioids would progress in ranking as you do. Due to the expense of ranking them up to the next tier, they wouldn't be many people's top champ unless they just did nothing to anyone else. They would be a fun background champ to use for quests and arenas. Plus, Adaptoids and Symbioids don't have SP3 moves, so they wouldn't be too reliable.
Overall, these champs would just be a fun new concept. They wouldn't be very good, but would be consistently decent since they get better as you do. Let me know what you think in the comments! Thanks for reading!
Huh, never heard of that. Do you think it would be a good idea for everyone, though?
But SP moves are different for each class. Maybe you could create one of each class as I said, but only a certain class is available per day. Would that work?
And why did you get flagged for no reason??
You answered your own question: for no reason. A few jerks got mad at me in some thread and now they just follow me and flag everything I say. And the worst part is I can't even ask them to stop since I can't see who they are since Kabam so kindly removed that. The anonymous responses honestly just encourage this **** since now they can't be held accountable by their peers. The mods have said themselves that they don't usually even look into comments that are only flagged once or twice. So they just get to make my profile look bad for fun. It gets old but, whatever. But back to the main point, lemme know if you have any further ideas for it. I love the feedback.
I'm not gonna try to persuade you on this one. This idea is pretty far out there. There's bound to be mixed opinions. Thanks for the feedback though.
But I'm not sure about the upgrading star system.
Nobody should worry, those X-oids would be just a easter egg for fun, they'll not unbalance anything, remember they have no 3rd special attack neither SIG abilities.
I like it, but it could be improved a little. You could just get one Golden Adaptoid with a "Universal" (Maestro's and Collector's class) at around 15, that would be turned into a Golden Symbioid at 30, which would be Awakened at 60.
The level-up system though... lower the class catalysts amount to 3 (tier 1 only holds 4 anyway), and each tier has a number of levels equivalent to the number of stars (1*->10 levels; 2*->20 levels;...;5*-from 40 to 65, and it would cost 5 t4cc instead of 3). He'd gain an ability from a pool of tier-specific abilities at each new tier, which could be replaced with a small-to-medium gold fee. His Awakened Ability would only have 3 parts, first gained at 1*, second at 3* and the final one at 5* tier; these could be replaced with a small unit fee. All of these would abilities be unique to their respective tier, with the later tiers being stronger, of course.
Turning the Adaptoid into a Symbioid would grant extra stats and two more options to all Ability pools. If you wanted, you should be able to switch appearance. You could choose your animations from a pool, and they'd have a fixed Sp3 animation.
Here's my take on improvements. Keeping in mind it would take t4 basic cats to get to 4* tier, and t5 basic cats to get to 5* (and I'd imagine Alphas somewhere too), this guy wouldn't be too easy to level up for new players, everyone would have him, and his 5* abilities better be godly for the price is all I've got to say.
Using the Gold adaption colors you could choose any type of generic soldier (and change it at any time)
Ultron drone
(Future event skins)
Immunity to poisons of the battlerealm
Lack of blood means it cannot bleed
Armor up when hit
Fury when attacking
Both stack relatively easy and are passives
SIGNATURE (all based on max sig) 2 nodes like NC and SpiderGwen with class relations like Shulk and Duck
Destroy mode
In response to the enemy it can trigger class specific debuffs designed to target that classes weakness
Mystic: Power Burn (the damaging one)
Science: Incinerate
Skill: Bleed
Mutant: poison
Tech: Shock
Cosmic: Degeneration
These are triggered by special attacks and the amount applied correlate with special attack used each having a 80% chance and 80-90-100% damage depending on the special used
Switching to Adapt mode by dodging and holding for 2 seconds
In response to the added class stimuli it can adapt traits to better combat the class with the effectiveness or chance relating to which special is used
Mystic: Fury 75-95-115% increase
Science: True Strike 80/90/100% proc
Skill: Regen 15% heal 80/90/100% proc
Mutant: Armor 50-65-80% increase
Tech: Presision 40/60/80% increase
Cosmic: cruelty 40/60/80% increase
Love your idea but let's be honest kabam aren't gonna Every think to implementing any of this...
We can hope.
We can hope.
We can hope.
but if we're gonna make it "monthly event" driven. just give me one of those rockets with spite...YIKES.
I've made several improvements to the idea. Please go comment on the new version.
Eh, he's made a lot differently. And again, please post in here: