Wolverine bugged or nerfed

I know everyone said he was nerfed when they brought in Sentinels cuz the are bleed immune but that is not really a nerf. Anyway I decided to use him in AQ today anyway and in 2 fights he only got regen 1 time which has never happened. Anyone else noticing drop in his regens during AQ?
I use Wolvie almost exclusively in AQ just because of free healing and he seems to be the same... IMPORTANT: Mine is 5/50 level 91 and we only run Map 2. So I don't need his healing every single node I fight. On Map 5, his regen is more essential. On Map 2, you need his regen for boss and mini boss nodes.
I have run him in the dungeons because you can't buy revives or pots yet and he's done ok.
I've had issues like this with SW and Wolvie over the years and it all seems to average out over the long haul. It doesn't make you feel any better when you're in an RNG rut.
Your post title asks a question with two options: bugged or nerfed. Then you offer up 2 fights as a basis for this either or question. I agree with @BitterSteel
I also just used him to take down a magneto boss in dungeons that was still noded
The reason you posted this thread was to get people to agree with you. Like Noir said, you asked if he was nerfed or bugged. That shows you have only one mindset. That there’s an issue. You didn’t want a discussion unless it agreed with you.
Also, it’s against forum rules to discuss bans or actions taken in game or on the forum.
I've posted part of the original post here for you @BitterSteel. You should try reading things before you jump up on your high horse.