Stagnant game

Does anyone else ever feel the game is stale and stagnant after playing for a while. With the way kabam has the system set up with inventory I no longer get a sense of accomplishment. I have 235 champs with all 4 stars at 3/30 or higher and all 3 stars and below maxed. It seems like all I do now is sell my hard earned ISO I have because I have no Champs to use it on. It's deflating watching your ISO inventory go down knowing that when I do get another new champ I may not have any ISO to rank up. Makes me not want to play as much or spend anymore. I have not even opened the new monthly quest and it's a waste probably to dupe champs knowing I will probably have to sell the ISO.
There's your problem. You're missing out on easy rewards to continue advancing and getting new 5-star champions to level up. I'm at a similar situation with 248 champions all 3* and below maxed. I still get that tingly feeling from opening 5* crystals that I used to get from opening 4* crystals. ISO is no longer a scarce resource and you can either let them expire or sell them for gold, but even then you should have stopped needing gold a long time ago. My goal right now is to get as many max sig 4*s as possible because those extra 275 5* shards really add up.
Pretty much to get the feeling of progression back you need to focus on getting as many 5* shards as possible - event quests, AW, arena, duping 4-stars/max sig, etc.
T1 aren't scarce. You get one from Normal, one from Heroic, 3 from Master, you can buy them with Glory, roll them from Greater Solo and other Crystals, get them from Events...
Sounds like you're losing the motivation in general. If you want to get it back, you will have to play differently. If you don't want to, then best of luck.
I know. I'm aware. I'm just saying they're not scarce. You can get them. Alot easier than T2A.
Only for people choosing to level-up many 5*s, they are scarce. Yes there are many sources to get T1 alphas, but it also cost a ton of them to rank up 5*s. For some players, T1 alphas are more scarce than T4 basic and T4 class catalysts. It's funny because T1 alphas are considered a more common resource than T4 basic or T4 class catalyst, but they are the most needed resource when leveling up many 5*s (for veteran players mostly).
Again this is for the relatively small group of players (usually veterans) in need of T1 alphas more than anything else. In the overall population, T1 alphas are not scarce. So don't take that the wrong way. Oh and yes people can choose to play however they want to play and level up whoever they want to level up. I am choosing to level up my 5*s so it is my fault I am in dire need of T1 alphas. Think I covered everything.