Need a new alliance! Gold 1 or Plat 3 AW.

Looking for a relaxed alliance that is still serious about AW. I’m not interested in AQ beyond map 4 and no other event requirements. Map 4, donations and completing my line in AW. Been playing from the beginning and at least 6500 prestige with 5/65 blade and 4/55 GR & starkey.
We run map3 and concentrate on AW... no event minimums
All you have to do is look at our roster and you’ll understand that we aren’t fooling around here. All of the other lazy bums on these forums too lazy to do less than 5 minutes of research like to miss outbreak in things that are too good to be true because they’re too ignorant to see what is right in front of them. Please don’t miss out on this opportunity because I’m sick of asking people over and over that are looking for the exact thing I am offering to them but they are oblivious to what is going on around them in the world or just have no common sense. I am a man of my word. All you have to do is read my posts to understand. Thanks for your time. If we don’t have room for you, I will make room for you. Let me know if ir is you messaging me since don’t have a name for you yet. Unless it’s same as name here. Just need LINE and can invite you to channels. Thanks again. Please help me to stop looking at these bums on these forums by taking the last spot I have been trying to fill for past couple days after getting the 5-10 or so that I needed when I started recruiting about a week or two ago.