Mystic Dispersion Needs an Overhaul ASAP!

I know this topic has been hit over and over, but something needs to be done ASAP! Mystic dispersion is ruining the AW experience for myself, and I'm sure many others. It needs to be overhauled.
I'm getting sick of fighting nothing but mystic champions on every path just because everyone knows they get easy ko's from dexterity alone. Before the trolls roll in, yes there ate many champs that control power, etc... but wasn't one of the main goals with all the recent changes in the game to provide better variety in champ use? That's not happening in AW due to this one mastery throwing a wrench in everything.
My suggestion as an overhaul option is to make Mystic Dispersion only provide the stated power gain when a mystic champ directly nullifies, counterspells, or staggers a buff. No power should be gained from a buff expiring on its own. That would also eliminate the power gain from the dexterity buff when evading again with an active dexterity buff.
I have max Mystic Dispersion unlocked myself. So I'm not speaking as someone who hasn't burned a lot of units on this expensive mastery. I would be satisfied with the change stated above.
I'm getting sick of fighting nothing but mystic champions on every path just because everyone knows they get easy ko's from dexterity alone. Before the trolls roll in, yes there ate many champs that control power, etc... but wasn't one of the main goals with all the recent changes in the game to provide better variety in champ use? That's not happening in AW due to this one mastery throwing a wrench in everything.
My suggestion as an overhaul option is to make Mystic Dispersion only provide the stated power gain when a mystic champ directly nullifies, counterspells, or staggers a buff. No power should be gained from a buff expiring on its own. That would also eliminate the power gain from the dexterity buff when evading again with an active dexterity buff.
I have max Mystic Dispersion unlocked myself. So I'm not speaking as someone who hasn't burned a lot of units on this expensive mastery. I would be satisfied with the change stated above.
And mutants getting SHAFTED with faster bleed healing… yup totally fair… Mystic is STACKED it doesn't NEED MD and is kinda messing the game
But then it would be the next class then another there will always be that it class the it mastery the it champ saying I see a lot of one type of champ or one type of mastery in a game mode hate fighting them and would rather you Nerf them would solve nothing
PS don't take mutants to aw if u have that problem much not every champ will work for everything look at lol
Lol, so what you're saying is mystics don't need a mastery and we should get rid of it. Great solution! Screw everyone that got it because you can't deal with it. Don't know what mutant healing has to do with it. I'm tired of working for something only to have it nerfed.
Wrong.... juggy and UC just to start with. Or even IF
Jugg can stagger, which is one form of Nullify, I forgot about UC, and IF can nullify armor, fury and crit dam boost.
So u guys don't like fighting a specific type of champ a specific type of way and want them to make it so u can use a specific way to fight. Those specific champs? Is that how things work
All your other champs nerfing posts are annoying AF but I found myself agreeing with you on this aspect.
No I'm saying is that it's a huge disadvantage to the other 5/6 of the game! Do you use Science Serum? Mutengenesis? What about Pure skill? Maybe tech collar as it's the only decent other? Or maybe Cosmic awareness, BAH who uses cosmic?!