Is it worth ranking up a 5* Iceman to R4 - all things considered....

I've long anticipated ranking up 5* Iceman to R4. Well that time has come, but for the first time since 12.0 release, and only the second time since I've started playing I am now doubting if I should rank him up or not.
Given what has happened with Drax, AA, ect., with the latest release I am questioning how long it will be before coldsnap's usefulness is diminished .
It just seems like with the direction Kabam is going with the game, the quiet and unapologetic modifications being made, that investing in any champ at all is pointless.
Given what has happened with Drax, AA, ect., with the latest release I am questioning how long it will be before coldsnap's usefulness is diminished .
It just seems like with the direction Kabam is going with the game, the quiet and unapologetic modifications being made, that investing in any champ at all is pointless.
Similar to my thoughts... I have just lost so much faith that someone I rank up now won't be nerfed down the road that I'm questioning everything
unfortunately that's the thinking that myself and I know quite a few others are left with.
I don't see the changes as exaggerating LATELY when you have become dependent on certain champs behaving a specific way to have that changed.
In both cases, they weren't actually meant to behave that way. Now, there was some miscommuncation with AA, but Drax has never been technically able to bypass Evade.
Iceman has Coldsnap. That much is in writing.
For now...
I leave this here and you tell me if he's worth a R4
The problem which I just saw with Drax against GG in AW is that the first hit landed, but GG evaded the second hit...
Something much bigger changed in the evade handing when you use Drax as an attacker.
And we have seen plenty of times where "in writing" has been changed, after all it's Kabam's right to change as they see fit at any time ...
Wasn't the last time that happened in 12.0?
Release 18.0 where they "fixed" things is. They just no longer consider these things changes the champs and instead call them enhancements or fixes.
Even with the change to AA to prevent him from stunning stun immune he's still an r4 worthy champ. Unless they take away Iceman's immunity, prevent evade champs from being impacted by coldsnap and no longer allow Iceman to tank an sp3 then he's worth the r4. Personally I still find him to be a top 3 option for the Mutant AG as a 5* even.