6 Active - High Ranked Players Looking for Team

Our Alliance has decided to part ways after this last season. We have 6 guys that have been running together for about 2 years now. All ranked between 350k - 475k. Looking for an alliance that is somewhere around Gold 2 in AW (our previous level) and runs some combination of Map 3, 4, 5 for AQ. We use LINE to communicate. If you are interested, hit me up on LINE and I'll get you all the in-game names & any other details you'd like.

LINE ID: mcocwyattearp


  • Andlow94Andlow94 Member Posts: 79
    Hey man! I have a new alliance, just started last this past season, we are currently recruiting strong AW focused players 5k prestige or higher. Only map 3 AQ, no donations. We finished bronze 3 this past season due to being a new team and only havin 10 members. Our goal is to eventually reach gold 1/plat 3. If we can reach 30 members before next season I strongly believe we can finish gold 1. The alliance is: [EWØTB] Elite Warrior of the Battlerealm.

    Add me on line if interested: andlow1
  • Mandingo8282Mandingo8282 Member Posts: 23
    Laid back 3.5 mil alliance silver 3 Aw, just lost players to recruiting mole. looking for members we are 15 strong right now in 3 yr old alliance (DPE11). We run map 3 and 4 but with more players we can run 5. We use line hit me up mandingo8282 in game or on line.
  • BriischampBriischamp Member Posts: 11
    Wyatt, messaged you on Line. I think we have the perfect situation for you. - Briischamp
  • Gblake1965Gblake1965 Member Posts: 23
    Hey Wyatt just messaged you on the Line app. Looks like we would be a good match for what you are looking for.
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