Do MLLLM to get that dark energy and do it all the way to sp2. Do not activate sp2 until your dark energy is fully 100 and has turned into a green color buff. After achieving the green color buff then do MLLLM again but this time combining with sp2. This gives you an extra effect of power drain and power lock.
Do MLLLM to get that dark energy and do it all the way to sp2. Do not activate sp2 until your dark energy is fully 100 and has turned into a green color buff. After achieving the green color buff then do MLLLM again but this time combining with sp2. This gives you an extra effect of power drain and power lock.
Don't do MLLLM when the green buff is active. It will trigger power burn and you will lose your sp2 imbued effects.
I have a video of it but can’t seems to put it up here as only pictures allowed. You know how? I’d be gladly to show you the video to prove it to you that I’m right @Championcritic
Do MLLLM to get that dark energy and do it all the way to sp2. Do not activate sp2 until your dark energy is fully 100 and has turned into a green color buff. After achieving the green color buff then do MLLLM again but this time combining with sp2. This gives you an extra effect of power drain and power lock.
@Ricardobalto you are not totally wrong. MLLLM will cause 7.5% power burn while sp2 will cause 15% power drain. So doing what you suggested versus what I suggested do practically the same thing. Only difference being one will power drain and power lock with no extra damage and the other will power lock and power burn half the amt of power but do additional damage
Comments do you power drain without relying too much on sp2 lol
Don't do MLLLM when the green buff is active. It will trigger power burn and you will lose your sp2 imbued effects.
A link to my YouTube channel where I show a video of my proofs about Dormammu
@Ricardobalto you are not totally wrong. MLLLM will cause 7.5% power burn while sp2 will cause 15% power drain. So doing what you suggested versus what I suggested do practically the same thing. Only difference being one will power drain and power lock with no extra damage and the other will power lock and power burn half the amt of power but do additional damage