Bug re Killmonger's true strike

Hi Kabam,
1. I had used Killmonger against a Spidy OG on aw node31, obviously wanting to make use of true strike against this pesky defender.
Initially I had thought it was a AW node31 bug.
Turns out, after trouble-shooting with my alliance mate, it seems to be a bug wrt Killmonger's abilities?
2. All Attacks
"Hitting opponents that are recovering from a special attack grants Killmonger true strike"
I had blocked all the way until the sp1 animation ends, immediately connecting with a hit after that. No true strike activated.
On other occasions, when I were to evade/dexterity before the last hit of the animation ends, hitting the opponent immediately, triggers true strike.
Problem, in the description above on Killmonger's abilities, nothing states dexterity/evading is required.
Please check if this is a bug?
1. I had used Killmonger against a Spidy OG on aw node31, obviously wanting to make use of true strike against this pesky defender.
Initially I had thought it was a AW node31 bug.
Turns out, after trouble-shooting with my alliance mate, it seems to be a bug wrt Killmonger's abilities?
2. All Attacks
"Hitting opponents that are recovering from a special attack grants Killmonger true strike"
I had blocked all the way until the sp1 animation ends, immediately connecting with a hit after that. No true strike activated.
On other occasions, when I were to evade/dexterity before the last hit of the animation ends, hitting the opponent immediately, triggers true strike.
Problem, in the description above on Killmonger's abilities, nothing states dexterity/evading is required.
Please check if this is a bug?
it does work on spidey sp1, but you have to either evade out of the punches or have enough counter punch charges to block all the way thru (not likely). I use him against unblockable sp1 mini boss almost every war.
what I have noticed is that there is a window to activate it just like everything is this game. too earlier doesn't trigger, too late doesn't trigger.
there is an uncollected symboid that has vision sp1 animation, that if I evade/counter punch too early, the hit registers but no true strike. very irritating.
May be possible but very difficult. I can't evade the 2 web shots and I'm not sure if it's just me but after the web shots hit my block i just stand there holding block even if i swipe backwards
as the description says, you gotta hit whilst they are "recovering from a special attack". not when they have already recovered.
spidey sp1 is hard if you block it, cause he recovers fast. and some specials are just not possible because your knock-back is too far.
@TheSquish671 cap marvel is no issue. you just gotta hit her before she touches the ground again.
I'll try it soon in rol.
I'm thinking about what scooby doo said, that recovering from specials takes different amount of time, but from my interpretation means comparing a full-blocking stance viz-a-viz an evade-counter stance.
So if there is no bug, it would mean that counter-hitting the opponent after the special, from a full-blocking stance, would be too slow compare to evade-counter, and that the opponent would have recovered.
How do I tag a kabam personnel here, so they can verify this?
I've found with Spidey's L1 specifically, it matters how far away you are from Spidey when he activates it. If you're somewhat far to very far away and you block the web shots, you'll be locked into place and won't be able to avoid the hits from Spidey's fists...you're stuck blocking. However, if you're right next to Spidey when he fires it off, you can block the web shots and then evade out of the way so the fists don't make contact at all. This leaves him very vulnerable to counterattack, which means this is the method I use with great success when using Killmonger.
If Spidey has a single bar of power, stay close and block the webs, evade the fists. If he's got 2 bars of power, back up and drop your block to bait the L2, then counterattack. I've had 100% success with Killmonger using this method.
Hi @Kabam Miike , could you pls help to clarify if there was a bug, concerning Killmonger's abilities to trigger True Strike?
My question in the original post stands, even after other players have tried to shed some light. Would like to hear from Kabam.
Thank you
I use killmonger for most fights in wars (t2/t3) because I take paths 6/7 and most of my fights include evaders, and auto block champions. He is currently my favorite champion. If only they’d fix his sp2 chain combo. Ugh.
1. Some champions' SP recovered fast so even when evaded successfully and dash in immediately I couldn't get true strike. Maybe associated to how fast the black tint disappears.
2. After SP1 when I hold block and do last sec evade, unstoppable triggered even I took no damage (dexterity). I think system registered last sec evade as a block, should not happen.
I have no problem chaining combo following by SP2, as long as my last hit of combo is not light attack (light attack makes AI recovers faster)
If it’s all about whether the opponent is still recovering or not when counter attacked or if there even is a “window”, then either some champs don’t have a “window” OR its a super short recovery period after their special is thrown.
I have tested this against IM, kang, ultron sp1s numerous times. They are very inconsistent and difficult to achieve KMs true strike against. IMIW is the same. His sp1 pretty much had zero recovery time to attack and gain truestrike. And this was tested both with and without using KM counterpunch to help immediately strike back within the “recovery window”.
This is very important imo because being able to consistently gain truestrike after opponent uses specials allows me to not be forced to think about bringing WS just to make sure I have truestrike on when facing someone like IMIW.
Moreover in COW's video of 5/65 KM vs LoL OG Spidey you can see that even if he hits Spidey right after SP1, KM doesnt get True Strike
@Kabam Miike @Kabam Wolf @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Lyra
@Kabam Miike @Kabam Wolf @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Lyra @Kabam Zibiit could u guys kindly pls address this true strike inconsistency issue? Naturally we are concerned when it comes to harder fights, since the abilities of certain champs to counter certain opponents is so critical in these scenarios esp in aw.
This chess-like meta is one of the key reasons why this game is so interesting to play
Doesn’t work on Captain Marvel or SIM. Did the attack too early and it didn’t hit, because they weren’t on the ground yet. Did the attack a little later as CM hit the ground, no true strike activated. Someone go try against storm’s s2.
I've been saying this since he came out.
Interesting... his abilities read "Hitting opponents that are RECOVERING from a special attack..." so you have to be able to hit them BEFORE they finish obviously right? I use him constantly but mostly against Modok, Medusa, NC and Spidey's of course with the SPidey's being the trickiest but the others are pretty easy. Let me do some testing.