unlucky me

hey game team is it very unlucky of me or there something problem i reached level 27 and still haven't received any 4 star player every time i spin my premium hero crystal it stucks on a four star player giving hope and then it changes to another player plz fix my problem
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u do know its like 2% chance right, everytime u open one, with no effect on the previous crystal.
I have opened 150 at one time and didn't even get a 4*
The reel is all show, the champ is already determine the moment you place it to spin it.
Que all the veterans chiming in with stories of their first 4*,
I was level 37/38 and mine came from a 175 unit 2x increased 3-4* mystic crystal, my second was from Act 3.
hey my first 4* from 100% act 3 around lv 35, I was never lucky with premiums, got my first 4* like lv 45.
I understand it can be frustrating when the animation lags slightly, leading you to believe you'll receive a different Champion that what is actually awarded. However, I can confirm that the Crystal Spin animation is working as intended.
In future, you can avoid any confusion being caused by the animation by using the “Open Crystal” feature, located on the bottom right of the Screen. This will automatically open up to 10 Crystals that are currently in the Crystal Vault and will not affect the drop rate in any way. The Rewards will be yielded appropriately as if the Crystals had been Spun manually.