How good is Goldpool honestly?

Goldpool is a decent 5 Star. With double Regen when duped, stun, taunt and prowess, it is a very useful utility champion.
But is it really worth the 20 million points that people have been grinding to get him? I mean, IMO, there are so many characters that would wipe the floor with him. SW, Blade, Sparky, GR, GP, Magik, AA, Iceman, DV just to name a few (there are many others). Why are people trying so hard trying to get him, harder than almost any character before?
But is it really worth the 20 million points that people have been grinding to get him? I mean, IMO, there are so many characters that would wipe the floor with him. SW, Blade, Sparky, GR, GP, Magik, AA, Iceman, DV just to name a few (there are many others). Why are people trying so hard trying to get him, harder than almost any character before?
Just saw a youtube of a Summoner with 4* Thanos. Still at rank 1.
Although, I would be interested to see if anyone gets lucky enough to pull him from the single Goldpool Crystal we'll be receiving, or already received dependent upon whether you didn't have your Calendar start date shift from that minor snafu during the launch, from the Summoner Appreciation Calendar. That'd be a nice Calendar payout. Free 5* champ!
I just pulled him from a crystal, dunno what the odds are but my level 45 is damn pleased with a 6*
5* Deadpool xforce (undupe until he gets buffed).
Doesn't really have any other significant use other than being a Trophy
The only use scenarios are probably some special arenas where the Pools give more points, or some nodes where Kabam boost the Pools like in the latest Variant
I actually pulled Goldpool today. I was very happy… but am I going to ever use him? hell no.