Change the “connection error” message

I find it irritating when the game goes down, that the automatic message is telling me that MY connection is the issue when 99% of the time it’s not on my end at all. With how many game outages we are seeing, I think an update to this message is long overdue. Own the outage and update it to something along the lines of “game is currently not responding, we’re looking into it” or some other phrase that does not immediately assume the customers are wrong.
I like that one!
There are simply too many points that could crash to bring the game down.
Yes, but that statement assumes it’s my connection, which it rarely ever is.
Actually, it tells you to do the only thing you have the power to do that might help you. If it said "we're probably down so just come back in an hour" then when it actually was your connection you'd lose play time for no reason. If you check your connection and it doesn't seem to be your connection, that's the end of what you have the power to do to remedy the situation anyway.
I get that. Maybe a better message would be “if your connection is good, the problem is on our end...oh that Deadpool!”
But when i message kabam that's what they send you a list of questions and check your service like they didn't even read what i sent them
That is not an easy thing to know with certainty.
Never ever is hard to quantify. But if I had tracked the last 50 times I had a “connection error” I would realistically estimate that MAYBE 2 or 3 were on my end.