Is Willpower worth it?

Mikey_XO123Mikey_XO123 Member Posts: 17

Is Willpower worth it? 86 votes

ArcDeAngelusCaptain_KandiceAlex_sc11danielmathMegaSkater67Haji_SaabFrostyTeflonscoundrelINTEGRALSIlverProfessorJets44BuckeyeKPMaverick75PsychoakumaVladislas22HollowbornTaimurKhanJohnmaharajaAlex13369ErSand 57 votes
RagamugginGunnerDimples800Spity68TheManMythLegendEmil_LimsonKaks0053GrafikdevStar_Lord_khehmisthendroidsvWaynedavyZzzvikasjoshi9617HendrossCassyGlodey1776ChampioncriticKobster84spaceoctopus 29 votes


  • BahamutBahamut Member Posts: 2,307 ★★★★
    Depends entirely on whether or not you’re going to get the suicide masteries.
  • Mikey_XO123Mikey_XO123 Member Posts: 17
    What if I am not interested in that?
  • Mikey_XO123Mikey_XO123 Member Posts: 17
    @Whathappened I understand. I am a fairly new player to MCoC. I have the points in defense, and enough units to spend on it. However, what other masteries would you recommend besides willpower? (Other than dexterity and parry because I already have those.)
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,321 ★★★★★
    Put 1 point in every mastery (except for that one which generates more gold) and go as far as possible until you reach the class mastery.

    Then decide what your champs are and how you play. If you have many champs you actually play with that rely on fury, then more points in fury maybe possible.

    If you place in AW defense, champs which shrugs off debuff, more points on limber means catching the naive attacker off-guard.

    There is no one size fits all mastery setup.
  • ArcDeAngelusArcDeAngelus Member Posts: 209
    It's good for low to mid tier players, but when you get higher up a combo is going to take you out in most forms anyway, so no need to get back the occasional HP you'll lose to a DoT debuff. You've mentioned Dex and Parry but also make sure you have picked up Precision and Cruelty as they're far more valuable than WP.
  • Mikey_XO123Mikey_XO123 Member Posts: 17
    Will do @ArcDeAngelus. Thank you for the information @winterthur.
  • Solrac_2Solrac_2 Member Posts: 497 ★★
    1 in WP is sufficient and it provides a monstrous pi boost if you do arena often. I've run the offensive no WP setup for a couple of months but went back to 1 WP.
  • CassyCassy Member Posts: 1,108 ★★★
    Act 4 Chaos nodes, yes.
    But no suicides, no wp imho
  • AleorAleor Member Posts: 3,144 ★★★★★
    @Whathappened I understand. I am a fairly new player to MCoC. I have the points in defense, and enough units to spend on it. However, what other masteries would you recommend besides willpower? (Other than dexterity and parry because I already have those.)

    I'd recommend glass cannon for sure. other depends on you roster. if you use bleed champs like x23 or blade, might benefit a lot from deep wounds maxed. can throw one point in assassin, if opponents much stronger then you are. sometime before I'd consider MD, but not it is nerfed, so it is almost as bad as other class masteries and I'm waiting to get points I threw in it before.
    maxing stun time is always a good option for me. maybe max limber for aw defance
  • AleorAleor Member Posts: 3,144 ★★★★★
    actually I had 1 WP point when uncollected gully happened, that's when I changed my mastery and never wanted to go back to using WP - imo even plain attack increase would help more
  • BuckeyeKPBuckeyeKP Member Posts: 693 ★★
    Yes just for the minor regen on an armor break or similar, also to me needed for inequity and resonate.
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