Ghost Rider’s regeneration

So, I just got him and I’m learning his mechanics. This champion can regenerate from almost zero health to 100%!!! And it’s something that the user triggers. This has got to be the most useful regeneration right? If not, please let me know who has a better regeneration.
Ghost Rider’s regeneration 250 votes
no but i used my 4* for ROL.....
long 950 hit fights....
but regen all damage and finish fights on 100%... almost constant regen....
maybe not LOL but other long fights.....
MLLLM, MLLLL, MLLLM, SP1, build to sp2, SP2, parry, heavy, build to SP3.... repeat.....
his damnation totally stops everything. love it... no power, no regen, nothing, just beat the **** outta ur opponent......
He's good but hits like a wet noodle
While he may not have his place in LoL that is probably the ONLY place he can't be used. He can be used in war, AQ, arena, story and event quests. Correct, his damage is low, but you can also change the order of your judgments to get a longer duration on his fury. He's the swiss army knife of champs.
To answer OP's question, I think there are a few champs equally as capable of that regen like Wolvie and DP. While DP's is entirely in your control (passive regen) Wolvie procs regen pretty often even taking chip damage, so I consider him mostly in your control.
This is JUST about the regen, not comparing champs:
Blade: Yeah, because regenerating up to max 70% at the cost of power while blocking is SOOOO much better than going back to 100% while attacking. Have you played A5? Blade doesn't even get the chance to regen because the enemy dashes in before it even begins. Blade is better at a lot of things, but regen isn't one of them.
Redpool's regen is awesome, constant and controllable, but not as...dramatic as GR's. Slightly better than GR imo.
X23: only has regen on RNG and not as strong as classic wolvie (comparable to unduped wolve). It does proc enough, but I sometimes go a whole fight without it. Less dependable than GR.
Wolverine: When unduped = X23. Duped, aeedome, and it is hard to get a fight without a regen. Not impossible. RNG baded, not controllable, therefore just below GR imo.
When using Blades regen, it isn’t best to sit back and try and fill up, you have to always be ready to dash back again. More like you are going a few ticks here and there, to top yourself back off.
Basically fight normally, and use it when you have a chance, or if you want to drain down to use a different special. His regen is elite, just takes a bit of practice
Lol, I meant that what I was going to say was about the regen. It was not intended to refer back to you. Sorry about that.
I still feel GR regen is far better than Blade's in any content with aggressive AI.
I know how it works, it's just that I find myself dashing back when I've only regenerated 1 tic. I don't get hit regenerating, that is not an issue. GR can bring you from 5% to 100% within the same fight. Blade can't, and that is partly due to the lack of opportunity to sit back and regen. Because let's be honest: If you need the regen, you are playing unforgiving content with unrelenting AI. Especially in content with a timer this is a bad idea.
GR is harder to get on anything stun immune or stun reduced nodes but can get back to 100% most often.
I have timed out harder matches using him then just regen back to 100% for the finish.
Ultron is easy and potentially twice per fight but there's no way to get back to 100%.
Blade is harder to regen than you'd think on anything aggressive. Otherwise he counters block damage mostly and also cannot get back to 100%.
Nobody's regen is perfect. The problem with Ghost Rider's regen is you have to land a heavy to trigger it, and then lifesteal lasts however long it lasts until you have to reset all of the judgments again. I love GR and I love his healing ability, but there are lots of times when you can't use it effectively. It is very difficult to use against stun immune champs, for example. And while you note that aggressive attackers make Blade's heal more difficult to use, all it takes is a target going defensive and give you no opening to lifesteal for a window of time and all that healing is gone.
I wouldn't categorize his regen as AMAZING but it is pretty good. I'd rather have deadpool classic than GR where my regen is controlled via my currently stored power, constantly flowing, and also have teh safety if my health gets low.
With GR, his regen just helps when you mess up fighting easier champs on the way to bosses. In harder content where you are fighting a boss that kills you with one combo when you mess up, his regen is useless...
But that's not really a problem with Ghost Rider's regen, no regen can help in that situation.
I don't agree. I love GR. I've got him at 4/55 and his regen is fantastic. Blade's is better though. Easy to go from almost dead to 71%, Easy to stay at 70% despite degen, block damage etc. Takes a little practice to regen safely but it's the only on demand regen in the game.
he has 70% judgment chance withougt blade.....
i use him without blade often and it is not often he fails... and if he does he should be good on the second try
King Groot has the best regen.