Gifting for Alliances

Gifting should be enabled for people in your alliance.
I cannot believe I have to make this suggestion. Having to pay to gift even small items is beyond absurd.
I cannot believe I have to make this suggestion. Having to pay to gift even small items is beyond absurd.
You call it beyond absurd, I'm sharing my opinion. Which is that it should be a feature that needs to be paid for, but that the price could be a bit less.
I do have to point out you don't pay $29,99 for the gifting badge, you pay the $29,99 for the 850 units and on top of that you get a gifting badge.
Wait, so if I decide to pay for the right to give stuff away, I have to then use resources to give other resources to the player I am gifting?
That is absurd. The $30 was enough of a rip off to make sure I on't buy it, but this makes sure I won't buy it unless it is free.
It's just really ment for if your team mate needs a revive or somthing, but doesn't have the units and you have them. Or the other way around obviously. Some alliances reward their members with a refill or core or something when they did specific stuff (beating RoL, first time winning a basic, putting up a ton of points in item use, taking down a high prestige Dorm, etc.)
That is all well an good if the gifting badge was a free item or an item you can earn or buy with units. Once I spend real money on something like that, it should be the end of my expenditures.
I didn't point out what else you get because it varies based on sales. It's not the point anyway. I don't think there should be a price at all. But since you brought it up, what does 850 units really get you in game? That's 1 carbonadium core and 2 stone cores. It can take that much to unlock only a single mastery slot. Contrast that with the $26.99 I paid a few days ago for a full-fledged virtual reality game. It was on sale for about $10 off, and it is not a top of the line game, but there is just no comparison.
I stand by my statement that it is absurd.
Uh, there would be no obvious and easy exploits to being able to gift from your inventory. It would all the the same items you can currently gift, just with the ability to gift from your inventory, and not being forced to spend more units to do so. Your viewpoint is heavily flawed in this. Heavily.
Forcing people to buy a set amount to send gifts is totally understandable. Limiting those gifts to being once again purchased, is not understandable.
Logically speaking, your argument holds no weight, beyond simply being an argument for argument's sake.
Easy exploit, second account and gift the free items you get there (like simply the free crystal items).
I understand that it seems bad, but how it was, was worse. It's not an argument for arguments sake. I do think that it should be given with any first purchase (or any purchase above X amount of $, since Kabam had their reasons for not giving it away with the cheaper packs) instaid of just the 850 and up unit packs.
Your 'exploit' blatantly ignores the fact that I said 'all the same items you can currently gift', which does not include the free crystals. Try again. There is no easy exploit. You'd know that if you had the gifting badge, which I can presume you don't, based on your silly reply.
In this I see a solid improvement where exploiting it might not become an issue. Free gifting badge for alliance members, pay for gifting badge to others. It's not like a lot of people buy the unit pack for the gifting bagde only right now, so Kabam wouldn't lose a whole lot of income on this.
The exploit would be restiricted to dropping the second account in your alliance only when there is room for that, which hopefully isn't often. A simple way to prevent that from becoming an issue could be to use the black out period they have for SA and AQ rank rewards right now, for gifting too. Putting in a second account to send yourself items becomes way more work then the rewards of that offer.
Or go back to my original point: The gifting badge can't be used to send the things you're saying would exploit the system. You already can't send those items. Now, to allow the gifting badge to send from inventory after the main badge has been purchased only makes sense.
I never said a thing about free alliance gifting in my initial post (which isn't there for some reason, even though nothing broke the T&C. Odd).
There is no exploit, bottom line.