A question about Dungeons

Taira89Taira89 Member Posts: 16
Hello to everyone who read this post, the title is a little enigmatic, but at least give the option to open new questions and answer, soooo...here my question:
I noticed that even if my rating is near to 60k the shop game (section dungeon ) give me only 3 stars crystals, so what rating did you need for changing those crystal to 4 stars champion? Please i already recived the "scroll down the page" answer, it needs a specific rating and i'm wondering if someone knows about it. And i'm sorry if someone has already post this type of discussion but it's hard to find the specific question.


  • Unk0wn_S0ldierUnk0wn_S0ldier Member Posts: 53
    The crystals available to you are dependent on your prestige rating, not base hero rating. Your prestige rating is based on your top champs' base PI rating. You can search online how to calculate your prestige rating.
  • Deadpool87Deadpool87 Member Posts: 574 ★★★
    LIke Unk0wn_S0ldier said, you'll have to look up online how to calculate your prestige and then go to this post and see how close you are to the next tier. Go to https://forums.playcontestofchampions.com/en/discussion/95823/dungeons-return-sept-17-oct-2#latest

    You just need to start building up your top 5 champs and your prestige will go up in no time. I learned that a little late in the game and I wish I would've put more of my resources into my top 5 instead of spreading them out.
  • Taira89Taira89 Member Posts: 16
    thank you guys
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