The Almighty Hyperion

So i know hypes already get a lot of love and is widely considered god tier. but i just dont feel its enough, I feel he is the damn best champ in the game, he can do it all. insane dmg on everything. incinerate on s1.. stun and armor break on s2. cosmic charges from s3. his unmatchable power gain. theres also a pretty sweet regen for longer fights. i mean who else does all that!!! anyone not from the mystic class easy fight
AA is another insane dot degen champ
Og vision. The synthesis is pretty bad ass, bleed and poison immune power control. I have the 4* and had bought a max sig stone that popped up tech so hes maxed. Awesome champ for sure
Hyperions damage really relies on building furies up, you bulid those up by heavies. Throwing heavies all the time isn't the easiest especially on a stun immune node. He's not the best defender, gets easily smacked by lots of champs. My favorite against him is stark. Other than his damage he doesn't have a lot of utility.
Yup can confirm that this is possible
Ooh ooh I know, it's doc ock. Automatic power lock ftw
I took out Omega Red in Uncollected with 5* rank4 Hyperion in one shot. Others have posted vids on youtube.
I always use doc oct, his powerlock helps a lot vs hyperion.
Agreed. Medusa and Corvus are amazing but hype is the god of the cosmic class. Hyperion will be my next rank 5 (void and blade first 2 ) he is truly amazing
I been using corvus for this month. But he dies at IMIW in emma frost map and i dont think i will be able to 100%