Been demoted from leader? <MERGED THREADS>



  • dr_nish777dr_nish777 Member Posts: 313 ★★
    This may cost alliance members to lose aq and aw rewards.
  • TheInfintyTheInfinty Member Posts: 1,383 ★★★★

    This may cost alliance members to lose aq and aw rewards.

    plus all the stress and waste of time of all members and effort put in on top of that, the planning and organizing and time spent on defense placements, all down the drain, plus when we are spending on access to the black market and units to enjoy the game.

    And that is not to count alliances that have already been messed up by this incident. Why isnt there a test server before an update is rolled out?

    Imo the only fair compensation would be a 6* general awakening gem for everyone.
    Are you out of your mind a 6 star generic what are you high never in a million years kabam would give us a 6 star awakening gem!

  • renkagerenkage Member Posts: 31
    was demoted to regular member leadership went to someone who had literally just joined the alliance and they've been offline for 15+ hours now and you still haven't restored anything for us!
  • Jaydev1998Jaydev1998 Member Posts: 0
    A alliance member promote to leader to use hacking. I am alliance leader. He is not promoting by me or Co leader but he become leader how???.. Give answer marvel constant of champion game maker
  • dot_dittodot_ditto Member Posts: 1,442 ★★★★
    *psst* read the green announcement you ignored when you posted . ;) heh
  • Nah01Nah01 Member Posts: 243 ★★
    Alliance can't kick inactive players. The game is collectively frozen.
  • Nah01Nah01 Member Posts: 243 ★★

    I'm curious as to what will happen once kabam tries to put everything back together. We already restored everything back to normal ourselves, just as probably many other alliances.

    Will this possibly result in some new crazy switcheroos? Definitely going to follow this thread along either way, though.

    If it wasn't for the actual dangers already implied by many people in this thread, this would be simply hilarious.

    Highly organized alliances are less affected. But middle to low level alliance are in trouble because they don't have good enough communication.
  • HailedHadesHailedHades Member Posts: 1
    Same here
  • Nos4atuNos4atu Member Posts: 33
    Agreed. People who don’t use line or discord could be in trouble. We just started using Discord, but not all are on it. Our new leader, my replacement(lol), is not on Discord and rarely communicates. He was a member before getting promoted. Luckily, he did not go rogue when it happened. It could have been much uglier for us but wasn’t. Interested as to how this plays out.
  • Mega_collususMega_collusus Member Posts: 12
    edited October 2019
    PK21 said:

    Question for kabam, are yall aware a bunch of players were hit with permanent bans after your fix? Not seeing any announcements about that being an additional problem

    They have to know. How could they not? Their inboxes have to be flooded with summoners who sent in tickets. But I’m sure again all they will want to do is censor those who ask or bring it up. Honestly I’m surprised your comment lasted this long.
  • grease2coolgrease2cool Member Posts: 1
    this is crazy ...right before AW - just great and none of the officers were picked!! Just a recent recruit that refuses to speak!!!! this is bullsh*t
  • Mega_collususMega_collusus Member Posts: 12

    This may cost alliance members to lose aq and aw rewards.

    plus all the stress and waste of time of all members and effort put in on top of that, the planning and organizing and time spent on defense placements, all down the drain, plus when we are spending on access to the black market and units to enjoy the game.

    And that is not to count alliances that have already been messed up by this incident. Why isnt there a test server before an update is rolled out?

    Imo the only fair compensation would be a 6* general awakening gem for everyone.
    At best you will see the same old potion and revives with 1 max energy refil. It’s the standard “hey we screwed up” bundle
  • DestaphraDestaphra Member Posts: 4
    Happened to me, too - at least it was an officer that I switched with and we switched back with no harm done. Feel for you if you got shafted by this one.
  • WaddaboutmeWaddaboutme Member Posts: 129
    So the ability to promote and demote player has not been disabled then?
  • jdrum663jdrum663 Member Posts: 551 ★★
    I went from Leader to Member, a guy that's been with us for three days is now the leader.
  • AshleyyTweetsAshleyyTweets Member Posts: 68
    There needs to be some SERIOUS compensation for this, I can’t even do my war placement during war season, the guy that was promoted was a member that is in a time zone 7hrs ahead of mine and regardless has never done war placement. None of my officers can even promote me so I Can’t make any adjustments. You should of brought the game down as soon as you knew this was an issue, there seems to be emergency maintenance every other day but none for this and no in game messages to keep anyone up to date with what’s happening. I only found out because I use line app and concierge posted the link to this. Literally the worst thing that’s ever happened during my time playing, thank god I don’t have anyone vengeful in my alliance that could of caused some real damage.
  • AlienAmericanAlienAmerican Member Posts: 3
    "ditto" to what everyone else is saying.
  • BrennaBHBrennaBH Member Posts: 1
    Any idea when this might get resolved? The guy that got promoted to leader has only been an our alliance for a few days.
  • MogwayLavendelMogwayLavendel Member Posts: 5
    glad i'm not the only one, did however send a help request before i went to the forum..that'll teach me haha. Just hope it will be solved soon. they should shut down the AW too i cant even redo the whole grid a low life is now in our boss section
  • IbsaamIbsaam Member Posts: 5

  • IbsaamIbsaam Member Posts: 5
    Need help #kabam #marvel #contestofchampions
  • Katerina123Katerina123 Member Posts: 1
    We came across the same problem, I was demoted to the member
  • Kabam MiikeKabam Miike Moderator Posts: 8,269
    edited October 2019
    Hey everybody,

    We are about to start the process of Reverting Alliance Leadership to the intended Leader very soon. Many of you have already done this yourself, and this should not affect you.

    Some of you have extenuating circumstances that cannot be handles automatically, but please reach out to our Support team if you feel that you need more assistance.

    We hope to have this concluded in the next hour or two.

    EDIT: An hour was a little pessimistic. This process is complete.
  • IamrahulappalaIamrahulappala Member Posts: 4

    Hey everybody,

    We are about to start the process of Reverting Alliance Leadership to the intended Leader very soon. Many of you have already done this yourself, and this should not affect you.

    Some of you have extenuating circumstances that cannot be handles automatically, but please reach out to our Support team if you feel that you need more assistance.

    We hope to have this concluded in the next hour or two.

    Hey @Kabam Miike please tell us the procedure to reach you out, incase if we need more assistance on the issue. Everyone can't post a problem about this issue and expect a solution here in the forum right?
  • DaBillsDaBills Member Posts: 648
    They are aware of this and working to set everything back to normal.
    @Kabam Miike when can we expect the kick member function to be restored
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 21,762 ★★★★★
    Do you not see the bright Green/Yellow banner stating that this an issue? They know and are aware. There's also a mega thread on it already. #readingishard
  • eggistaeggista Member Posts: 19
    edited October 2019

    ...ou yeaaah
  • VtotheOVtotheO Member Posts: 116
    Is there an estimate for that yet? Your lovely system found us a wonderful gem that has been inactive for over a day now. We were hoping he’d show up to help in AQ and place in AW...but nope, nothing. Please let us know when this will be reactivated. And anyone out there that is looking for an alliance...message me. Please have a minimum 6.5 prestige and be able to handle yourself in map 5 and AW simultaneously. We can set up a discussion on Line.
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