15.0 Alliance Wars Update Discussion Thread

Our 15.0 Update is just about a week away, and with it, it's bringing a huge change to Alliance Wars! Check out everything you need to know about the Brand New Map, Scoring Changes, and new boosts in the Loyalty Store here: http://forums.playcontestofchampions.com/en/discussion/17902/15-0-alliance-wars-update/
Our 15.0 Update is just about a week away, and with it, it's bringing a huge change to Alliance Wars! Check out everything you need to know about the Brand New Map, Scoring Changes, and new boosts in the Loyalty Store here: http://forums.playcontestofchampions.com/en/discussion/17902/15-0-alliance-wars-update/
This discussion has been closed.
We have won a few wars because of defender kills and now you've made it harder for non spenders vs. spenders.
You've made aw less about skill and more about who will spend.
As if spending wasn't bad enough, now a piss poor team can spend their way to win against a highly skilled team.
Totally unfair fighting 5 mini bosses for the same rewards.
And know that the Diversity thing, while well-intentioned, won't matter much at all unless the Archtype nodes are strong. Does nothing to make people rethink adding yet another Magik/NC/Dorm/etc to their defense lineup, as a few points are not worth placing a less effective Defender. Side note, none of the Defenders (the superhero group), make particularly good Defenders
Another edit! You specifically mentioned Increased Energy Damage nodes. Please define what will count in that case. Is it attacks only (IM L2, for instance)? Or will it boost damage from Limbo and Coldsnap?
Roughly translated, we want you to keep spending after you die. Dance monkey dance.
- 5 mini-bosses
- Increased energy damage (Magik Limbo will be paywall)
- Removed defender's kills and increased points in attacker's kills (which means that when fightning against Alliances full of money, we now don't stand a single chance to beat them).
- More battles means more chances to die to Limbo or BS matches.
And I was ready to see the increased rewards but wait, there were no changes made to them ...
Unfortunately, there won't be any more information on Nodes made available at this time. Sorry guys, but you're going to have to wait and see! We've gone through many revisions on them already to ensure that they are not too punishing, and that they are enjoyable to play, while still sticking to that goal of playing up Champion archetypes.
They will only be based on the new Map. Everybody will start at 0 again when the Stat becomes visible, and will start earning MVP again.
But miike, it seems based on this update, whoever is willing to spend more $ wins. No defender kill points?? stupid! 5 mini bosses, still bringing 3 attackers? now there will be 6 magiks as bosses with increased energy damage, on a bigger map with more battles???? $$ wins here. Going to be near impossible to win a war without $.
Bigger map doesn't mean that you'll be having more fights. There will be just as many Defenders as there were before.
Absolutely terrible decision. Instead of AW maybe we can all just do a credit card swipe and whoever has the highest amount wins.
ok, just as many defenders. But defender kills, in combo with 5 mini bosses means $$ wins every war. No more skill. Good job killing wars.