Character Wishlist Thread 3.0



  • PalikarisPalikaris Member Posts: 4

    How about Gladiator (Kallark) as a new Cosmic champion?

  • Notsavage19Notsavage19 Member Posts: 2,817 ★★★★★


    Class: Tech

    Awakened Ability

    Beetle's armored suit is upgraded to give him enhanced durability in battle. While Beetle has an Armor Up, he is Stun and Armor Break immune. If Beetle is struck by an Unblockable Special Attack, he applies an Overload to the opponent and gains an indefinite Armor Up buff, increasing armor by 682.5.

    Awakened Ability

    Basic Attacks
    All Light Attacks do not make contact and have a 30% chance to inflict Shock, dealing 1059 damage over 10 seconds.

    Energy Overload
    When the opponent has 8 or more Shock/Incinerate debuffs active, they are removed and replaced with a Overload passive, which inflicts 8350 damage over 20 seconds. During this period, all energy-based damage-over-time debuffs are 200% more potent, non-contact hits drain 10% of the opponent's current power, and if the Beetle has an Armor Up buff active, he does not take damage from non-critical hits.

    Heavy Attacks
    Inflicts Incinerate with each hit, dealing 3027 damage over 10 seconds. Gain an Armor Up buff increasing armor by 682.5 lasting 8 seconds.

    When Attacked
    30% chance to gain an Armor Up buff increasing armor by 682.5 lasting 8 seconds.

    If an Incinerate debuff is applied over Bleed debuffs, the Bleed debuffs are removed and that attack gains +836.3 attack rating for each Bleed removed.

    Special Attack 1
    Power Steal 30% of the opponent's current power, and inflict an Incinerate for every 2% max power drained, dealing 2048 damage over 8 seconds.

    Special Attack 2
    Beetle's blows with his suit cause the opponent to Bleed with each hit, dealing 2046 damage over 20 seconds.

    Special Attack 3
    Power Drain 10% of the opponent's max power for each energy-based damage-over-time debuff active on them, and if more than 60% of max power is drained, apply an Overload passive on the opponent.
  • MyersVoorhesMyersVoorhes Member Posts: 26
    How about when black panther 2 comes out, we can get Mbaku and Okoye
  • MinvisMinvis Member Posts: 200
    edited January 2020


    Class: Cosmic

    I think Odin would be awesome if done right.

    Request: If you add Odin please make him at LEAST god tier if not beyond. He is the king of gods and anything less wouldn’t do him justice.

    Should have synergies with asgardians and his children. Synergies should be powerful as he’s the ruler of Asgard and father of at least 3 current champions. My suggested synergies probably won’t be very good, use them as inspiration for better synergies or fine tune them to be balanced and effective.

    Adopted Son: (Loki)
    Power gain or power steal? Probably power steal sense that’s what Loki try’s to do.
    Odin: Power can’t be reduced or stolen

    All Seeing, All Knowing: (Heimdel)
    Passive 150% ability accuracy increase. Odin is ‘all’ knowing and Heimdel is all seeing.
    Or it allows you to see hidden champions
    Maybe evade chance?

    Heir (Protector of Asgard): (Thor)
    Thor: if Odin dies Thor gains massive boosts
    Odin: protective boost when charging Odin force or increase in amount of Odin force charges gained per fight Odin isn’t in (maybe double when Thor fights because Thor protects Odin when he does the Odin rest in the comics)

    Lost Daughter: (Angela)
    All campions start battle with a permanent fury boost.

    Vengeful General: (Hela).
    All Asgardians: once per match, when they are below 10% gain a passive regeneration boost that recovers 50% of health over 10 seconds.
    (I like this one, would work well with Hela’s awakened and Heimdel’s synergy)

    Well that’s it for synergies. I think Odin has tons of potential for powerful synergies. With four synergies Odin should be stronger then any other champion is normally as he is the All-father and he has synergies.
    This is already pretty long. Sorry :neutral:

    Awakened Ability
    “Knowledge of Nine” “Rune Stones”
    Something to do with his sacrifice of his eye or runes. (Or both!) Could allow for more buffs, combos inflict random debuffs at cost of 1 Odin force charge. I’m not sure.

    I won’t try and go into super detail about abilities and numbers and such. I’m not qualified for that. But ideas!

    So one power that definitely should be some kind of mechanic is...

    The Odinforce!

    He could gain Odin force persistent charges (start out with a certain amount) that can be used for several abilities, buffs, increasing damage, power gain. Maybe also grant passives, like unstoppable, uninterruptible heavys, true strike, energy resistance. based on amount of charges. This could be a major part of Odin’s abilities.

    Odin Rest: this would be how Odin gains more charges. Could have some sort of “rest between fights mechanic” so he gains charges for every fight he’s not in.
    (This would mirror how it is in the comics with Odin requiring protection while he gains power and could also be a really interesting mechanic).
    Alternatively a simple dodge back and hold block. If the later is done he could gain a certain amount of charges every second, regenerates 1% health every second and if held for around 10-20 seconds he nullifies all debuffs on him.(Which would be awesome)

    For the Odin Rest an ability to stun the enemy or prevent block breaking would be useful.

    Heavy: inflicts Armor break. If you hold heavy Odin begins consuming Odin force to increase damage.

    Maybe something with his ravens (crows?) and his spear that never misses. True strike?

    Energy Resistance, increase with more Odinforce chages up to 100%


    S1 Gungnir Odin attacks with his magic spear twice before delivering a Odin force empowered strike with the spear.
    Unevadeable, true strike, final attack does energy damage based on Odin force charges. Debuffs enemy?

    S2. Odin Onslaught: Odin headbutts his foe breaking their block and stunning them and fallows with a devastating series of Odin force empowered attack. Buffs Odin?

    S3. All-Father’s Fury
    Odin empowers with his spear before throwing it at his enemy stunning them. He then takes advantage of the opening to rush in and call upon the Bifrost to take transport him and his enemy to Asgard. (Odin’s throne) There his crows tear into the enemy, giving Odin time to charge a godly blast of golden Odin force that vaporizes the enemy.

    Consumes all Odinforce charges to drastically increase damage and add debuffs. Nullifies all buffs on opponent If more then a certain amount of Odinforce charges used.

    Animation + Design

    Attacks with Gungnir, Odinforce gold? Not blue (to much blue energy in game already)

    For heavy holds back spear, point toward enemy, then stabs them. Some sorta animation for charging.

    Blocking: Should be the normal block animation.

    Character: Regal, bearded, one eyed, gold armor, like in the movies or show.

    Whelp. That’s my suggestions. I think with his synergies and Odinforce Odin could be a incredibly powerful, unique and fun champion. This ended up way long. I’ve been typing this for hours. If you read my suggestion, thanks! If you like it do what ever makes it more likely for developers to see this. I hope my suggestion has a effect! :)

    Side note this is my first time using forms. The head butting is based on when Odin headbutts Galactics, destroying his helmet. Because that was awesome.

    Now my conclusion has gone on too long...
    It was like 3:40 when I started...
    I’m done.
  • elgaberinoelgaberino Member Posts: 85
    I previously did many weekly or monthly updates here, about the MCOC Wishlist Poll. But the traffic from these message boards to the poll seemed slow. So I changed how I operate, a little.

    This message board is fine to tell Kabam what you want. But to discuss future champs with other people also interested in the subject, ongoing, Twitter seems to be a much better place. So I started a Twitter dedicated to that topic where I tweet:
    • content creators' predictions for future champs
    • leaks, hints, and easter eggs about future champs
    • some of YOUR suggestions from this thread, and
    • whenever champs we don't have yet are added to other games

    Kabam team members have even replied to some of our discussions on Twitter, hinting when our guesses are on the right track. If you want to follow, look me up. I'm the Other MCOC Gabe @elgaberino_MCOC.

    I also run a blog where I'm slowly collecting info on each future champ, including links to write-ups you post here. Check out and follow the MCOC Wishlist Blog.

    • Frontline MCOC thinks you should check out the poll if you haven't yet, and
    • Rich the Man thinks you should follow me.
    • Also there's no reason NOT to: no catch; no charge.
    Until my patience for this hobby runs out, I am at your service. See you online!

  • NewcenturygibbonNewcenturygibbon Member Posts: 1
    The Lizard
    Alpha Flight (all of them)
    Excalibur (all of them)
    Black cat
    Nightcrawler (without a sword)
    The Collector
    The Blob
    Absorbing man
    Wrecking Crew (all of them)
  • Rogers 2~1Rogers 2~1 Member Posts: 135
    I hope that
    The Odin
    The ancient one
    will be added soon
  • elgaberinoelgaberino Member Posts: 85


    Bodhizen said:

    Pestilence (Caliban)!

    Minvis said:


    If you have a Twitter account, please include it when you post these, so I can tag you if/when I get around to Tweeting them out to the community. Thanks!

    Other MCOC Gabe
    Editor of the MCOC Wishlist Poll

  • BodhizenBodhizen Member Posts: 304 ★★
    @elgaberino, my Twitter handle is @Bodhizen.
  • MoNsTeR_804MoNsTeR_804 Member Posts: 726 ★★★
    Professor X
    Why do u still not have that guy. He's awesome
  • MinvisMinvis Member Posts: 200

    Professor X
    Why do u still not have that guy. He's awesome

    I think it’s because he’s in a wheel chair which makes animation hard.
    He could be in a floating chair like in the cartoon and be animated similar to MODOK.
  • Anubis_Ti_GooluAnubis_Ti_Goolu Member Posts: 2
    I would love to see M'baku and Shuri and someone else also brought up Okoye! Please they would be much welcomed characters!!!
  • Alex_sc11Alex_sc11 Member Posts: 200

    HEALTH: 33600
    ATTACK: 2937

    Character Class: Skill
    Basic Abilities: Cruelty, bleed, Critical bleed, Block Penetration


    Bullseye excels in making every object a deadly weapon and he uses this in every fight. Medium and Heavy attacks are projectiles, therefore they do not make contact and can't be evaded and have a +80% block penetration.

    Projectiles have a 75% chance to bleed dealing 1976 Direct Damage over 10 seconds. If the opponent is a robot, the projectiles cut their wires provoking a shock debuff with the same potency. These can stack up to 5 times

    If the projectiles do a critical hit their target they have 15% chance to do a critical bleed multiplying their potency by the Critical Damage Multiplier and lasting for 10 seconds

    Heavy Attacks

    If the Bleed procs a Critical Bleed, this has a 20% chance to convert all active bleeds into Critical Bleeds

    Special 1 – Trickshot

    Every hit of this attack is considered to be a projectile.

    On activation: 70% chance to gain a Cruelty buff, granting Crit Damage by 70% for 12 seconds.

    Special 2 – You can run....

    The last 3 hits of this attack are considered to be a projectiles.
    If any hit of the attack triggers a Critical Bleed, it will reset all active bleeds and duplicate (going above the stack limit)
    On activation: 80% chance to gain a Cruelty buff, granting Crit Damage by 100% for 12 seconds.

    Special 3 – I like you

    Bullseye becomes obsessed with its target for 20 seconds. While Bullseye is obsessed , his critical bleed chances have a 300% chance of triggering.

    100% chance to gain a Cruelty buff, granting Crit Damage by 200% for 15 seconds.

    Signature Ability – Adamantium Enhancements

    Bullseye has some bone structure enhancements, gaining up to 90% perfect block. (100% in well timed blocks)

    Bullseye can crit and proc bleeds even against a block.

    Synergy Bonuses:

    Didn't I Kill you Already? : Daredevil, Elektra

    Bullseye: Every hit is guaranteed to crit when opponent is below 10%

    Daredevil: His signature ability works in the same percentage for any kind of special attack.

    Elektra: Gains a 20% to proc Critical Bleeds

    Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate Synergies.

    Hey Boss! : Kingpin

    Bullseye: Gains a +250 Precision Buff after each special attack

    Kingpin: Gain +200 Crit Damage per each rage charge

    Thunderbolts Unite: Red Hulk

    Bullseye: Gains an indifinate Fury that grant +500 attack against Heroes

    Red Hulk: Gain +200 Crit chance per each heat charge

    I am the better Hawkeye: Hawkeye, Ronin

    Bullseye: Each time Bullseye procs a bleed, he has a 15% chance to proc a second one

    Hawkeye: Arrow attacks can't be evaded and if critical can have a 50% chance to proc Critical bleed

    Ronin: Gains 10% of block penetration per cruelty buff
  • Notsavage19Notsavage19 Member Posts: 2,817 ★★★★★

    If you have a Twitter account, please include it when you post these, so I can tag you if/when I get around to Tweeting them out to the community. Thanks!

    Mine's @notsavage19!
  • Anti_Carnge2099Anti_Carnge2099 Member Posts: 5
    edited January 2020
    I’d do Venom 2099 cosmic
    Spider-Man 2099 Science and tech
    Anti-Venom cosmic and tech
    Anti-Agent Venom cosmic and combat
    Toxin cosmic
    FYI if you are going to do this please give the user Caden Keith all of these characters in 5 star free to him thank you
  • Notsavage19Notsavage19 Member Posts: 2,817 ★★★★★

    The Spot

    Class: Science

    Awakened Ability

    Warp Manipulation
    Once Spot has 10 or more Warp charges, he can warp his fist right in front of his opponent, causing a 30% for attacks to be unblockable.
    Whenever Spot Dodges an attack, he gains a Warp charge.


    Spotworld Connection
    If the opponent performs more than one Light Attack in a row, their attack passes through a warp, causing them to Miss, and placing a Warp charge on Spot.
    Once Spot has 15 or more Warp charges, any Basic Attack (Light, Medium, and Heavy Attacks) when Spot is not Stunned has a 100% chance to Miss and reflects 100% of that attack onto the opponent. This includes abilities that arise out of attacking the opponent, such as Bleed. This ends when Spot is struck by an attack, which removes all Warp charges currently on Spot.
    Furthermore, whenever the opponent's Light Attacks Miss, they are inflicted with a Passive Disorient that reduces Block Proficiency by 5% and Defensive Ability Accuracy by 10% for 3 seconds. Missing a Medium Attack inflicts a Passive Weakness, reducing attack by 10% for 5 seconds. Missing a Heavy Attack inflicts a passive Stun for 2 seconds and a passive Concussion, reducing Ability Accuracy by 15% for 7 seconds.

    Heavy Attacks
    If successful, stop the timer on all passive Debuffs.

    When Hit
    Resume the timer on all passive Debuffs.

    Holding Block
    Gain a Warp charge every 4 seconds.

    All attacks cannot be evaded.

    Special 1
    Places a Passive Power Sting for every Passive Debuff Active for 6 seconds. An opponent with sting takes 3558 Direct Damage when activating a Special Attack.

    Special 2
    Places a Passive Power Sting for every Passive Debuff Active for 9 seconds. An opponent with sting takes 3558 Direct Damage when activating a Special Attack.

    Special 3
    Inflicts a Paralyze for 3.4 seconds, Stunning the opponent and reducing their Power and Regeneration rate by 70%.
  • MinvisMinvis Member Posts: 200
    edited January 2020
    Spots abilities would be completely OP

    Particularly his “Warpworld Connection”. It sounds like it’s make it so you can’t hit him until you hit him. Unless you have a special attack ready you’d have to let him hit you until you did.
  • Notsavage19Notsavage19 Member Posts: 2,817 ★★★★★
    Minvis said:

    Spots abilities would be completely OP

    Particularly his “Warpworld Connection”. It sounds like it’s make it so you can’t hit him until you hit him. Unless you have a special attack ready you’d have to let him hit you until you did.

    Oopsies you're right! I think maybe if you could hit him with a Heavy, it would all be good. So...

    Spotworld Connection
    If the opponent performs more than one Light Attack in a row, their attack passes through a warp, causing them to Miss, and placing a Warp charge on Spot.
    Once Spot has 15 or more Warp charges, any Basic Attack (Light, Medium, and Heavy Attacks) when Spot is not Stunned has a 100% chance to Miss and reflects 100% of that attack onto the opponent. This includes abilities that arise out of attacking the opponent, such as Bleed. This ends when Spot is struck by an attack, which removes all Warp charges currently on Spot.
    Furthermore, whenever the opponent's Light Attacks Miss, they are inflicted with a Passive Disorient that reduces Block Proficiency by 5% and Defensive Ability Accuracy by 10% for 3 seconds. Missing a Medium Attack inflicts a Passive Weakness, reducing attack by 10% for 5 seconds. Missing a Heavy Attack inflicts a passive Stun for 2 seconds and a passive Concussion, reducing Ability Accuracy by 15% for 7 seconds.

    Thanks for pointing that out! (He can also be hit while stunned)
  • Notsavage19Notsavage19 Member Posts: 2,817 ★★★★★

    Minvis said:

    Spots abilities would be completely OP

    Particularly his “Warpworld Connection”. It sounds like it’s make it so you can’t hit him until you hit him. Unless you have a special attack ready you’d have to let him hit you until you did.

    Oopsies you're right! I think maybe if you could hit him with a Heavy, it would all be good. So...

    Spotworld Connection
    If the opponent performs more than one Light Attack in a row, their attack passes through a warp, causing them to Miss, and placing a Warp charge on Spot.
    Once Spot has 15 or more Warp charges, any Basic Attack (Light, Medium, and Heavy Attacks) when Spot is not Stunned has a 100% chance to Miss and reflects 100% of that attack onto the opponent. This includes abilities that arise out of attacking the opponent, such as Bleed. This ends when Spot is struck by an attack, which removes all Warp charges currently on Spot.
    Furthermore, whenever the opponent's Light Attacks Miss, they are inflicted with a Passive Disorient that reduces Block Proficiency by 5% and Defensive Ability Accuracy by 10% for 3 seconds. Missing a Medium Attack inflicts a Passive Weakness, reducing attack by 10% for 5 seconds. Missing a Heavy Attack inflicts a passive Stun for 2 seconds and a passive Concussion, reducing Ability Accuracy by 15% for 7 seconds.

    Thanks for pointing that out! (He can also be hit while stunned)
    Also wanna clarify that the Power Sting on the specials is only if they're successful!
  • MinvisMinvis Member Posts: 200
    That’s a fairly good fix. Now players would just need to be aware of how his powers work.

    Also does he lose all charges when stuck if he’s below 15?
  • Notsavage19Notsavage19 Member Posts: 2,817 ★★★★★

    Spider-Man 2099 Science and tech I think for me, he'd be more of a Science, so...that's what I'm doing :smile:

    Ladies and gents here's

    Spider-Man 2099

    Class: Science

    Awakened Ability

    Paralyzing Venom
    Performing a successful intercept of the opponent's attack inflicts a Neurotoxin debuff on the opponent, doing 6035 over 10 seconds, and having a 100% chance to Stun opponents for 1.50 seconds.


    Spider Genetics

    Organic Webbing
    Every time Spider-Man lands a Medium Attack, the Web counter on the opponent increases by 5. As time passes these counters deteriorate. Max 50. The more counters, the more effects they have, lasting indefinitely until the counters decrease. Once they are no longer indefinite, they last for 4 seconds.
    • At 10 or more counters, opponents are inflicted with a Weakness debuff, reducing attack by 30%.
    • At 30 or more counters, opponents are inflicted with an Ensnared debuff, and they suffer 30% reduced Ability Accuracy and cannot trigger Passive Evade Effects
    • At 50 counters, opponents are inflicted with a Petrify debuff, reducing Regeneration and Power Gain rate by 40%
    Heavy Attacks
    Converts all Web counters into a passive Stun lasting 0.1 seconds for every counter removed.

    Basic Attacks
    Spider-Man's sharp talons lacerate and rip through the opponent, having a 20% chance to inflict Bleed, dealing 3052 damage over 4 seconds. If the opponent cannot be bled, his talons still cut through any armor, inflicting Armor Break, removing one Armor Up buff and reducing armor rating by 496 for 4 seconds.

    When Attacked While Intercepting
    Spider-Man Evades the Attack due to his increased dexterity. Cooldown, 5 seconds.

    Special Attack 1
    Has a 70% chance with each hit to multiply all debuffs active on the opponent.

    Special Attack 2
    Inflicts Concussion, reducing Ability Accuracy by 60% for 8 seconds.
    Places an indefinite, passive poison, dealing 205 damage per second, lasting until contact is made with Spider-Man.

    Special Attack 3
    Stops deterioration of Web counters for 10 seconds and sets it to 50. As long as the counter stays at 50, Spider-Man has an indefinite Fury buff, increasing attack by 603 for every debuff active on the opponent.

    So...idk much about Spider-Man 2099, but here's my take on him!
  • Notsavage19Notsavage19 Member Posts: 2,817 ★★★★★
    Minvis said:

    That’s a fairly good fix. Now players would just need to be aware of how his powers work.

    Also does he lose all charges when stuck if he’s below 15?

    No! The Spot keeps his opponents on their toes, forcing them to change up their attacks and punishing them if his spots multiply!

    My thinking is that if he's on defense, having his counters reset every time the opponent hits him with a Heavy just makes him an easy defender to deal with since the only way he can gain charges is through having the opponent use more than 1 Light or holding Block for 4 seconds. This way, if you do mess up, your mistake "comes back to haunt you" in a way! Hee hee! The goal when fighting him would be to play aggressively with Medium, Light, Medium combos and Heavies.
  • Thi101Thi101 Member Posts: 807 ★★★
    edited January 2020
    Ok... after quite a few months, here’s my second attempt to make a decent power sheet for


    Class: Mutant

    Awakened Ability

    At the start of the fight and every 7 seconds, Mystique copies all buffs currently active on the opponent. Each buff copied lasts for 10 seconds and have their potency reduced by 30%.

    Additionally, when a buff acquired through this ability expires, Mystique receives a indefinite Precision buff, increasing her Critical Rating by 350 per stack.


    Every time a non-damaging debuff is inflicted on Mystique, she has a 65% chance to shapeshift and shrug it off.
    Shrugging off debuffs this way inflicts the opponent with a Distraction debuff for 10 seconds. Champions who are distracted cannot evade or auto-block incoming attacks. Distraction debuffs do not stack.

    Heavy Attacks
    Mystique’s heavy attacks will always be critical if the opponent is distracted.

    When Attacked
    Mystique has a flat 3% chance to evade incoming basic attacks. However, she will not attempt to evade while blocking.

    Special Attack 1
    3% chance to Stun the opponent for 5 seconds for each hit on the combo meter.
    80% chance to inflict Bleed, dealing 2241 damage over 5 seconds.

    Special Attack 2
    If the opponent is distracted, this special attack is Unblockable and receives 1000 additional Critical Rating and Critical Damage Rating.

    100% chance to inflict Concussion, reducing Ability Accuracy by 50% for 9 seconds.

    Special Attack 3
    Consumes all currently active buffs on Mystique and places indefinite passive Cruelty buffs equal to the number of buffs consumed. Each stack of Cruelty grants Mystique an additional 250 Critical Damage Rating.


    Motherly Bonds - With Nightcrawler and Rogue:
    Mystique - Distraction debuffs also reduces Defensive Ability Accuracy by 30% and decreases block proficiency by 10%.
    Rogue - Copied buffs now are indefinite, until Rogue is struck by an attack or stunned and have 50% more potency.
    Nightcrawler - The chances of triggering an instant bleed on critical attacks is now 100%
    Unique synergy. Does not stack with duplicate synergies

    First Class - With Emma Frost, Wolverine, Magneto, Beast and Professor X:
    Mystique - Evade chance is increased to 5%
    Emma Frost - Armor Breaks inflicted on Emma Frost last 50% less
    Wolverine - Every hit on his Special Attacks have 100% chance to bleed the opponent
    Magneto - If the opponent is Magnetized, they also suffer from 40% reduction on their Block Proficiency
    Beast - Health recovered and damage dealt by correctly chaining a combo are increased by 50%
    Professor X - ????????????????
    Unique synergy. Does not stack with duplicate synergies.

    Family - With Nightcrawler and Rogue
    All champions gain +5% health.

    What do you guys think of this Mystique?
  • MinvisMinvis Member Posts: 200

    Odin part 2

    Thought of idea for Odin’s Awakened ability

    (S.B)= signature based
    These are based on real runes. The Norse rune name is in ( ) .

    Runic Knowledge

    Prefight ability
    Before a fight Odin can apply one rune to the node granting benefits to your champions or weakening the enemy.

    Rune of Power (Uruz):
    Start battle with (S.B) power. Immune to power drain and power lock.

    Rune of the Warrior (Teiwaz):
    Increase duration and effect of fury and physical resist by (S.B)%. Also increases physical damage dealt by (S.B)%

    Rune of Fire (Kaunaz):
    Reduces received fire damage by (S.B% up to 100%) I.e incinerate.

    Rune of Ice (Isa):
    Reduces damage from ice effects such as coldsnap by (S.B)%. Opponent starts with a coldsnap debuff.

    Rune of Foresight (Fehu or Dagaz):
    Grants (S.B)% auto evade chance. Reduces opponent auto evade chance. Start with a permanent true strike buff.

    Rune of Luck (Peorth):
    Increases your ability accuracy and critical chance by (S.B)% and reduces opponents ability accuracy and critical chance by the same.

    Rune of Protection (Algiz):
    Start fight with a regeneration and invulnerability buff that lasts (S.B) seconds.

    Rune of Odin (Ansuz):
    All Asgardians have (S.B)% increases buff duration and reduces debuff duration by the same. Odin generates Odinforce charges (25%-200%) quicker.

    Rune of Death (Eiwaz)
    Opponent starts fight with a permanent heal block and degeneration buff dealing (S.B) damage every second. Your special attacks deal (S.B)% more damage.

    Some runes could be tied to synergies like Rune of Death-Hela, Rune of protection- Thor (because it translates to Thor).
  • MinvisMinvis Member Posts: 200
    Some cool obscure champions.



    The Destroyer would be neat
  • Notsavage19Notsavage19 Member Posts: 2,817 ★★★★★
    So I've been putting this guy off cuz it's so hard to make basically the same character into a different character while giving them the same sort of powers while making them unique...ya catch my drift?

    Swooping into the Battlerealm is


    Class: Tech

    Awakened Ability

    Chemical Weaponry
    Whenever the opponent is inflicted with a poison debuff, they suffer Inverted Controls and Concussion, reducing Ability Accuracy by 60% for the duration of the poison.


    Hobgoblin has a 10% chance with each attack he lands to trigger a Cunning, lasting for 10 seconds. While Cunning is active, opponents suffer a 30% Power rate and Green Goblin gains a +100% attack rating on Special Attacks.

    Hobgoblin has a 20% chance when blocking an attack to trigger a Ruthlessness (50% chance when it is well-timed) lasting for 10 seconds. While Ruthlessness is active, Hobgoblin gains a 30% Power rate and a 200% potency on damaging debuffs.

    Well-Timed Blocks
    After a well-timed block, the next hit inflicts a Shock debuff, dealing 4038 direct damage over 10 seconds.

    Heavy Attacks
    Afterburner has a 40% chance to inflict Incinerate, dealing 3852 direct damage over 6 seconds.

    Special Attack 1
    80% chance to Bleed with each hit, dealing 3852 direct damage over 6 seconds.
    Pumpkin bomb has a 70% chance to inflict Poison, dealing 3852 direct damage over 10 seconds.

    Special Attack 2
    100% chance to Power Steal 10% of the opponent’s max power with each hit.
    Pumpkin bomb has an 80% chance to inflict Poison, dealing 4382 direct damage over 15 seconds.

    Special Attack 3
    Reverses all healing for 20 seconds.
    All possible damaging debuffs that Hobgoblin can inflict are placed on the opponent.

    He's not as flashy as some of the other champs I've made, but he has his uses...I think.
  • SADDANSADDAN Member Posts: 23
    I want nothing more than Scarlet Witch and Wolverine 5 stars
  • JLHaningJLHaning Member Posts: 1
    Hello, it would be really cool if you added Jonah Hex and the original Ghost Rider on the horse, in one of your new events. Just a suggestion? God Bless!
  • shadow_lurker22shadow_lurker22 Member Posts: 3,245 ★★★★★
    JLHaning said:

    Hello, it would be really cool if you added Jonah Hex and the original Ghost Rider on the horse, in one of your new events. Just a suggestion? God Bless!

    Carter Slade would be cool but Jonah Hex is DC
  • shadow_lurker22shadow_lurker22 Member Posts: 3,245 ★★★★★
    edited January 2020
    JLHaning said:

    Hello, it would be really cool if you added Jonah Hex and the original Ghost Rider on the horse, in one of your new events. Just a suggestion? God Bless!

    Carter Slade would be cool but Jonah Hex is DC.
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