FTP - Act 6.4 100% Exploration!

Been saving units and BCs for a long time and decided that I would put some of this isolation time to use and pushed thru and finished Act 6 100% last night. Pretty stoked I could get it knocked out within the first week and do it as a free-to-play player. Come check out what I got - some rewards creepily familiar from Abyss and other rewards that are Abyss worthy!

Haven't touched Story Quests since 6.1 completion. Just no push to do so. You're really great!
My team for that line was:
5/65 Sig 47 Dr Doom
5/65 Sig 200 Claire
5/65 Sig 200 Thing
4/55 undup HT
4/55 undup Sunspot
Thing was ok and gets incinerate on L1 with the HT synergy
Doom was ok cause you can easily get in a heavy knockdown with the passive stun heavy but his shock was often too short to rely on/get the timing down
Claire was very awesome for the line in general. get her into incinerate mode and heavy knockdowns apply incinerates and any combo ending in medium. Her L2s in that mode just destroy people quick with the extra energy damage
Human torch was good because you can always have incinerates on. I did make the mistake of enabling his prefight ability once.... horrible stupid mistake - nova will NOT prevent the heal so wasted fairly health HT fight there.
Sunspot was obviously also good for the line, easy incinerates, perfect block on parties with incinerates (Punisher & Fury)
Now that Domino fight... I had tagged teamed it all the way down to around 30%. Found my strategy was that I didn’t have best options so get as much damage as I could in first 20 seconds. If I had incinerates or shocks going, well keep plugging along. But if I didn’t cause I messed up on timing or Domino does what she does best and Crit fail you, pause and quit before the heal back happens. If I paused too late and found that she did heal back, In the pause I would force quit and dump the app and take the half health hit and try again so she wouldn’t be at full.
With a fight with Thing, missed getting the L1 off in time so she was going to heal, paused, she had NOT healed - it was a tick away - as about close as you could get and quit the fight, came back in with Doom and SHE WAS FULL HEALTH!!!! 😡🤬😡 Had to start all over. That cost me so many extra units. How much you may ask...?? I’ll just say ‘Everything!’ 😒😭😥
By this time I didn’t have any Health Pots left (maybe should have farmed ROL WS for some but just wanted to push thru). A team revive seemed like best option cause Domino just killed me from Crit fail with a snap of her finger. Having to parry or hard block to bait heavy to get your own heavy in to get the charges down so you can still do actual damage is my biggest gripe on this fight. She would Crit fail you when attempting and you’d take so much damage. HT/Sunspot at 40% health at 4/55 rarely lasted past the 1st 20 seconds... Crit fail on the incinerates and died so fast. Claire was MVP for Domino. If I didn’t get Crit failed too bad, her L2 would bring do big damage. I should have just revived her and healed her back up unit L5 HPs. That would have likely been more cost effective for what I had to work with.
In hind-sight, I really wish I had brought my R2 Domino. I don’t have 5/6* Massacre for extra stun time but I do have a 3/45 Rulk. I’m dumb for not bringing that pair and just not using Rulk.
I wish I had a Hyperion but Kabam won’t let me have him... Hype would also be legit.
Basically parry heavy with Domino. It’s such an Easy fight. For added Damage to the opponent you can launch Domino’s L2 and hope for some Crits lol.
Please do share more info.
I saw the Selective Timestream node and just tied it to that final Variant Kang boss..... BUT in looking back now, there was an additional node that prevented healing rate modification so you couldnt use AA etc on him to heal block. This is the price you pay sometimes for not re-reading everything and testing out an option or two rather than going full speed ahead.
Thanks for the tip, hope others won't make the same mistake I did.