Character Wishlist Thread 3.0



  • ArchroyArchroy Member Posts: 2
    Champion suggestion:
    1. Thor storm breaker
    2. Worthy capt. america (mjolnir)
    3. Rescue pepper potts ironman
    4. Thanos end game (no gauntlet)

    You probably have them in your radar or was already suggested, so may i suggest an anniversary special release showing of the movie to give relevance for its timing. The 1st two suggestion is highly recommended. I am very excited to see them and for sure mcoc players feel the same way.

    Thanks and be safe
  • Notsavage19Notsavage19 Member Posts: 2,817 ★★★★★
    Archroy said:

    Champion suggestion:
    1. Thor storm breaker
    2. Worthy capt. america (mjolnir)
    3. Rescue pepper potts ironman
    4. Thanos end game (no gauntlet)

    You probably have them in your radar or was already suggested, so may i suggest an anniversary special release showing of the movie to give relevance for its timing. The 1st two suggestion is highly recommended. I am very excited to see them and for sure mcoc players feel the same way.

    Thanks and be safe

    I really wouldn't want to see more endgame avengers characters added. We already have enough Thors, CAs, IM.
  • AydenPlays1AydenPlays1 Member Posts: 119
    Green Goblin 2099(Tech)
    I guess he would have th overcharge thing like Punisher 2099
  • imaginejimimaginejim Member Posts: 333 ★★
    Hey all, here is a buff idea for Magneto. It is being discussed on Twitter here but wanted to throw up the latest iteration here for feedback as well.

  • Marvel2289Marvel2289 Member Posts: 1,008 ★★★

    Hey all, here is a buff idea for Magneto. It is being discussed on Twitter here

    but wanted to throw up the latest iteration here for feedback as well.

    It looks good, but Shouldn't this be in the Champion improvement thread, not the Character Wishlist thread.
  • imaginejimimaginejim Member Posts: 333 ★★

    Hey all, here is a buff idea for Magneto. It is being discussed on Twitter here

    but wanted to throw up the latest iteration here for feedback as well.

    It looks good, but Shouldn't this be in the Champion improvement thread, not the Character Wishlist thread.
    Dang it. I'm an idiot
  • Biggumsss55Biggumsss55 Member Posts: 33
    Mystique and quick silver kabam could make quicksilver have some awesome abilities
  • GP19012002GP19012002 Member Posts: 2
    Please add Thor with Stormbreaker from Marvel Cinematic Universe. The classic version of Thor now is useless because there are cosmic champions who are much better than him, such us Corvus Glaive, Hyperion and the new Captain Marvel. The only good thing about Thor (Ragnarok) is the prestige and Thor (Jane Foster) is a mediocre character. An Infinity War version of Thor could also complete the hypothetical trinity with Captain America (Infinity War) and Iron Man (Infinity War). Thor deserves a very powerful version in this game, because he's one of the most powerful Marvel superheroes, he's one of the most important characters of the Marvel Universe and he's also much loved by fans.
    Other characters I would like to see in this game are: Lizard, Scorpion, Michael Morbius, Kraven the Hunter, Sandman, Quicksilver, Apocalypse, Adam Warlock, Odin and Surtur.
  • 060295060295 Member Posts: 47

    It was an average day for spidey, kicked venom's a$$ as usual... Knocked him so hard it parted the symbiote from Eddie Brock!!! While Eddie was knocked out in emergency room.. Venom had escaped via sewage system... After a hard day when spidey comes back to his home only to find his wife bonded with his worst adversary!!!! .... Enter M.J Venom or she venom!!!
  • 060295060295 Member Posts: 47

    Ghost spider was a Peter Parker who recruited Spidermen of different dimensions only to feed on their powers.. After he died and his soul went through torment, he was borne with the spirit of vengeance as GHOST SPIDER!!! won't it be nice to add a mystic spiderman that has ghostly powers like regen, invincibility, poison immunity etc!!!
  • 060295060295 Member Posts: 47

    Kaine Parker or scarlet spider was a clone of Peter Parker known for his repulsive behavior and mutation powers borne outta agitation and rage.. When his rage consumed him... He became a monstrosity known as tarantula!!!
  • 060295060295 Member Posts: 47

    On a parallel Earth, Venom and his brood are being hunted by a race of beings known as the "Poisons". They will not be satisfied until they've consumed and assimilated every Venom in the multiverse. And even though Venoms from across the multiverse are assembling into a resistance to combat this threat, the Poisons are winning. Even Spider-Man could not survive the Poisons' assault. He was assimilated into their army, becoming one of their most powerful soldiers, a slave to the Poisons' will. Add poison spiderman!!!
  • 060295060295 Member Posts: 47

    After being left symbioteless due to the events of Spider Island, which killed his Anti-Venom symbiote. Brock decided that symbiotes were a plague on earth and needed to destroy them. However Brock was captured and forcibly bonded to the Toxin Symbiote, becoming the new Toxin.
  • VuskaVuska Member Posts: 175
    Please buff and more sinergy on Dr.Strange... its really weak hero now after nerf years ago
  • NojokejaymNojokejaym Member Posts: 4,127 ★★★★★
    edited May 2020
    hey since there's alot of ridiculous characters asked to be brought into this game how about we add THE ONE ABOVE ALL oh and also ONE BELOW ALL
  • LightMagiciansLightMagicians Member Posts: 42
    Little Changes that would go a long way.

    1: Remove the meaningless ISO that's awarded in chests while questing.

    Fix: Replace it with gold chucks or 4 or 5 star crystal shards. Example -
    1* chest now gives 10K gold
    2* chest 20K gold
    3* chest 30K gold
    4* chest 40K gold etc.

    Also the gold that's awarded for moving through quest can also use an increase. This game was created a long time ago and I don't think anything has ever changed in this area of the game.

    2: Masteries.

    Masteries at the time of writing this is nothing spectacular, nothing exciting, nothing that let's say, beneficent to the players.

    Masteries should be rewarding, especially after the cost of unlocking the more "advanced" ones in the skill tree. They should make your champs feel strong and empowered while not penalizing you for using certain masteries.

    There should also be multiple different ways to create "UNIQUE" Mastery setups.
    Unique setups that can be tailored to your play style of choice.

    NOT like what we have now, basically there's two main mastery setups that are used as of now... 1: Standard general questing setup. 2: Suicides setup. Both = Outdated and Boring!

    Basically I'm saying the entire mastery tree needs a complete overhaul. You can keep some old ones but improve their stats and abilities, while also creating and implementing new powerful masteries.


    Hope for the Best
    Thank you.

  • MulticatkidはいMulticatkidはい Member Posts: 11
    I’ve been wanting super skrull for a while

    I made this Character not because they already exist, but because they don't. If no one throughs there Ideas out then the marvel universe will no longer expand. so what if I can't write comic books I have ideas that I want to share whether or not they are ever going to become realized. I know that Señor Spice is a silly character idea but so is hit monkey and Howard the Duck. So I hope that you can accept my strange character for his strangest qualities and that if you have ideas that you share them because more then likely your ideas are great.

    Yes cause believe or not venom was a fan made character... not symbiots, but Eddie Brock being venom look it up
  • MulticatkidはいMulticatkidはい Member Posts: 11

    Little Changes that would go a long way.

    1: Remove the meaningless ISO that's awarded in chests while questing.

    Fix: Replace it with gold chucks or 4 or 5 star crystal shards. Example -
    1* chest now gives 10K gold
    2* chest 20K gold
    3* chest 30K gold
    4* chest 40K gold etc.

    Also the gold that's awarded for moving through quest can also use an increase. This game was created a long time ago and I don't think anything has ever changed in this area of the game.

    2: Masteries.

    Masteries at the time of writing this is nothing spectacular, nothing exciting, nothing that let's say, beneficent to the players.

    Masteries should be rewarding, especially after the cost of unlocking the more "advanced" ones in the skill tree. They should make your champs feel strong and empowered while not penalizing you for using certain masteries.

    There should also be multiple different ways to create "UNIQUE" Mastery setups.
    Unique setups that can be tailored to your play style of choice.

    NOT like what we have now, basically there's two main mastery setups that are used as of now... 1: Standard general questing setup. 2: Suicides setup. Both = Outdated and Boring!

    Basically I'm saying the entire mastery tree needs a complete overhaul. You can keep some old ones but improve their stats and abilities, while also creating and implementing new powerful masteries.


    Hope for the Best
    Thank you.

    Little Changes that would

    I agree but this is the wrong forum got to game improvements

  • Notsavage19Notsavage19 Member Posts: 2,817 ★★★★★

    Little Changes that would go a long way.

    1: Remove the meaningless ISO that's awarded in chests while questing.

    Fix: Replace it with gold chucks or 4 or 5 star crystal shards. Example -
    1* chest now gives 10K gold
    2* chest 20K gold
    3* chest 30K gold
    4* chest 40K gold etc.

    Also the gold that's awarded for moving through quest can also use an increase. This game was created a long time ago and I don't think anything has ever changed in this area of the game.

    2: Masteries.

    Masteries at the time of writing this is nothing spectacular, nothing exciting, nothing that let's say, beneficent to the players.

    Masteries should be rewarding, especially after the cost of unlocking the more "advanced" ones in the skill tree. They should make your champs feel strong and empowered while not penalizing you for using certain masteries.

    There should also be multiple different ways to create "UNIQUE" Mastery setups.
    Unique setups that can be tailored to your play style of choice.

    NOT like what we have now, basically there's two main mastery setups that are used as of now... 1: Standard general questing setup. 2: Suicides setup. Both = Outdated and Boring!

    Basically I'm saying the entire mastery tree needs a complete overhaul. You can keep some old ones but improve their stats and abilities, while also creating and implementing new powerful masteries.


    Hope for the Best
    Thank you.

    Ma'am, this is a Character Wishlist.
  • All_KnightAll_Knight Member Posts: 3

    Charnel, Namorita, justice
  • ArrowstreamArrowstream Member Posts: 178
    edited May 2020

  • Notsavage19Notsavage19 Member Posts: 2,817 ★★★★★


    Class: Mutant

    Signature Ability

    Sonic Shock
    Banshee deals an extra 10% of damage as energy damage for each Sonic Vibration charge on him during basic attacks. This is increased to 25% for each Sonic Vibration removed during Special Attacks.


    Banshee's sonic attacks during his Special Attacks cannot be Evaded or be caused to Miss.
    All Special Attacks deal energy damage.

    Sonic Vibration
    Max stacks 20.
    When the Opponent makes contact with Banshee, remove one Sonic Vibration charge to mitigate 95% of the damage done.
    When Activating a Special Attack, convert all Sonic Vibration charges to Prowess, each increasing the attack rating of the Special Attack by 100%.

    Medium Attacks
    70% chance to gain a Sonic Vibration charge.

    Heavy Attacks
    Gain a Sonic Vibration charge.

    Special Attack 1
    Inflicts a Disorient debuff for 7 seconds, reducing Block Proficiency by 10% and Defensive Ability Accuracy by 5% for every Sonic Vibration removed in this way.

    Special Attack 2
    Inflicts a Concussion debuff for 9 seconds, reducing the opponent's Ability Accuracy by 10% for every Sonic Vibration removed in this way.
    Stun the opponent for 0.25 seconds for every Sonic Vibration removed in this way.

    Special Attack 3
    Increase all energy damage dealt to the opponent by 100% for 20 seconds.
  • Notsavage19Notsavage19 Member Posts: 2,817 ★★★★★


    Class: Science

    Signature Ability

    Clones Galore
    Special Attack 3
    Instead of fighting his actual opponent, Jackle fights a clone, reducing his opponent's Attack Rating, Critical Rating, Armor Rating, and Ability Accuracy by 30% for 10 seconds.


    Immune to Weakness effects.
    The duration of Debuff effects cannot be decreased.

    Basic Attacks
    20% chance to inflict Bleed, dealing 203 damage over 5 seconds.

    Heavy Attacks
    Inflict a Petrify debuff, decreasing Regeneration Rate and Power Gain Rate by 10%.

    When Inflicting a Debuff
    Refresh existing debuffs and increase their potency by an additional 5%.

    Special Attack 1
    Inflicts a Bleed debuff for every debuff currently active on the opponent, dealing 203 damage over 5 seconds.

    Special Attack 2
    Inflict an Injury Debuff. Hitting an Injured Opponent bypasses 50% of their Physical Resistance for 10 seconds.

    Special Attack 3
    Increase Jackal's attack rating by +1058 for 10 seconds. While this Fury is active, all damaging debuffs have infinite duration and gain 200% potency.
  • Psychic_2002Psychic_2002 Member Posts: 195
    Cyclops(Phoenix) would be great. Here are the characters stats and abilities I think he should have.

    All stats are base off a max 5 star.

    Base health 23500

    Base attack 2300

    PI(max signature) 11050

    Character Class: Cosmic

    Basic Abilities: Phoenix Fraction charges, Incinerates, Degen, Furry, Slow, Power Burn

    Hard Hitter
    Cyclops(Phoenix) has huge potential for damage from his furries and his incinerates. He also has a pretty good power gain and regen reverse.

    Specials Attacks
    Special attacks allow Cyclops(Phoenix) to build his incinerates so he can access more damage. He also has a good power burn but you must make sure the have enough incinerates on.

    Cyclops(Phoenix) has pretty good physical and energy resistance. He also has a good block proficiency.


    Cyclops(Phoenix) has a relatively low health pool and almost no armor but good physical and energy resistance.

    Debuffs Management
    Any one who can shake off or purify debuffs will be affective. Cyclops(Phoenix) will also lag in fights when the opponent is on a dubuff immunity node, since he relies heavily on the debuff.

    Cyclops(Phoenix) starts with 1 persistent Phoenix Fraction charges (up to 5)

    Each Phoenix charge grants an additional 20% damaging dubuff potency and duration

    Each Phoenix charge provides a Fury that increases Cyclops‘(Phoenix) attacks by 20%. If the furries are removed in any way, regain them after 15 seconds.

    All of Cyclops’(Phoenix) basic attack incinerates the opponent. Incinerates last for 10 seconds and deal 15 dps.

    Incinerates remove perfect block chance and reduces their block proficiency by 50% while active.

    Incinerates reduces the opponent power gain and Regen by 10%

    Cyclops(Phoenix) can put up to 35 incinerates on the opponent.

    All of Cyclops‘(Phoenix) basic attacks incinerates the opponent.

    If the opponent is immune to incinerate than Cyclops(Phoenix) will put a degen on the opponent that last for 10 seconds and deals 10 dps.

    Degen counts has incinerates.

    Cyclops(Phoenix) is immune to any debuffs the opponent has on.

    When the opponent has 10 or more incinerates on than they gain a slow dubuff.

    When the opponent has 20 or more incinerates on them than Cyclops’(Phoenix) special attacks become unblockable.

    When the opponent has 30 or more incinerates on them than Cyclops’(Phoenix) special attacks burn 75% of the opponent’s power bar for each bar Cyclops(Phoenix) spends.

    Cyclops’(Phoenix) presence incinerates the opponent. Every 2 seconds they spend near him the gain an incinerate.

    Block breaker:
    Purify 5 incinerates and deal burst of 2000 damage.

    Special 1:
    Put 3 permanent incinerates on the opponent.

    Special 2:
    Put 8 permanent incinerates on the opponent.

    Special 3:
    Put 15 permanent incinerates on the opponent.

    Gain a Phoenix charge (this can only happen once per fight)

    Signature ability - All Hail The Dark Phoenix
    Each Phoenix charge grants an additional 30% damaging dubuff potency and duration.

    Synergy Bunuses:

    The Phoenix 5 with Emma, Unst. Colossus, Magic, and Namor

    Unique Synergy: does not stack with duplicate synergies

    Cyclops(Phoenix) starts each fight with an additional Phoenix charge for each dead member on the team.

    Emma start each fight with a prowess and gets an additional 1 for each dead member on the team.

    Magik starts each fight in limbo for 3 seconds and each dead member on the team grants limbo a 0.5 seconds duration.

    Namor starts each fight with 10 outrages and each dead member on the team grants his bleed 0.5 seconds duration.

    Unst. Colossus starts each fight with an 1 indefinite fury and armor and each dead member on the team grants his fury and armor 10% potency.

    World’s best strategist with Cap

    Unique Synergy: does not stack with duplicate synergies

    All Avengers and X-men gain a 10% ability accuracy and attack .

    Romance with Phoenix and Emma

    All champions gain +8% power gain

    Successor with Phoenix

    Unique Synergy: does not stack with duplicate synergies

    Cyclops’(Phoenix) furies gain 10% potency.

    Phoenix’s incinerates gain a 10% potency and duration.
  • Parodical_Sun1Parodical_Sun1 Member Posts: 143
    Raiden141 said:

    I'd like to see an Apocalypse that has a "Power Amp" synergy that works like heimdall's synergy and the "Courage" skill where when a champs health drops below 50% they get a 30% damage increase for 20 seconds

    Apocalypse: mutant class type.
    Synergies: Archangel,Cable,Mr. Sinister,Cyclops,Magneto
    This is based mostly on the Marvel Universe comic characters who he have mostly been featured with.
  • This content has been removed.
  • Notsavage19Notsavage19 Member Posts: 2,817 ★★★★★
    Since June is Pride Month, it would be awesome to see some LGBT+ characters in June of 2021!

    Characters like Hulkling/Wiccan

    Iceman(who we have)/Pyro



    America Chavez

    I might be writing up some abilities later, but representation would be awesome!
  • X_golddallax_01X_golddallax_01 Member Posts: 62
    I love it if marvel bought the rights to Spawn and The violator.
    It would be a dream come true and they would be get the mcoc community buzzing about it. This would be my dying wish to play with him. I hope one day marvel will consider this.
  • FighterDebashisFighterDebashis Member Posts: 45

    Emplate enters The Contest MM/DDth at TT AM

    About Emplate:

    Emplate, a vampire-like mutant who can take on the abilities of those he feeds upon as well as control their minds. Emplate was the main villain of Generation X, and will come into the Battlerealm to inflict "PESTILENCE"!!!

    Base Stats & Abilities

    *All stats based on 4 Star, Rank 5, Level 50, Signature Level 99

    .Health: 15660
    .Attack: 1227
    .Max PI
    .Without Signature: 3727
    .With Signature (99): 4737

    #Control: Counter #Villian #X-Men
    #Hellions #Size: S #Year: 2021

    Character Class: Mutant/Mystic

    *Passive: Pocket Dimensions
    .Emplate suffers from a permanent (active) Degeneration debuff that drains 0.2% health each second.

    .When against mutants, Emplate senses Mutant Aura of target which grants Emplate 1193 attack rating while also reducing the opponent’s Ability Accuracy by 50%. This Ability Accuracy reduction ignores mutants immunities.

    *Medium Attack Combo Finisher:
    .50% chance to cause your opponent to Bleed for 1500 direct damage over 15 seconds.

    *Heavy Attack: Vampiric Infection
    .100% chance to inflict Vampiric Infection to opponent, passively Heal Blocking and Slowing them for 7.5 seconds.

    ✓Developer Note - The Heavy Attack animation has to be of 6 hits for convenience of players during playing.

    ~Density Control: Another natural power Emplate does have, is ability to control his own density, from being intangible to invulnerable.

    *While Heavy Attack Charging -
    .Become Intangible and opponent has 100% chance to miss, providing the Opponent isn’t able to bypass Miss.

    *Dash Back -
    .Become Invulnerable for 3 seconds, this indestructibility also ignores all DOT debuffs and passives.

    *Special Attacks -
    .100% chance to cause your opponent to Bleed for 2000 direct damage over 20 seconds.

    #Signature Ability: Energy Siphon
    .Being a Energy Vampire Emplate has also the ability to Siphon Energy from his target through their Bone Marrow Sap, and utilising it for his requirements.

    *Bone Marrow Sap (Max Stack 42):
    .50% chance to gain 1 Bone Marrow Sap per Critical Hit.
    .For every 3 hit on Combo Meter gains 1 Bone Marrow Sap.

    ✓Developer Note - Emplate's normal Combo will be of 6 hits, i.e. he will gain 2 Bone Marrow Sap per 1 Combo Rotation.

    *Special Attacks:
    .Consumes same number of Bone Marrow Sap as number of Hits on that Special Attack.

    ✓Developer Note - Special Attacks effect will be depend upon, the type of Stance at which Emplate is during Special Attack activation.

    ~Emplate can Siphon Life, Power and Buff from his opponents depending upon his current Stance.

    *Emplate has 3 Stances -

    >Attack Energy

    .SP 1 - 100% Chance to Drain 35% of the target's current power.
    .SP 2 - 100% Chance to Steal 50% of the target's current power.
    .SP 3 - 100% Chance to Power Lock the target for 20 seconds.

    >Buff Energy

    .SP 1 - 100% Chance to Drain (Nullify) all of the target's current buffs.
    .SP 2 - 100% Chance to Buff Steal for 10 seconds.
    .SP 3 - 100% Chance to Buff Lock (Stagger) for 15 seconds.

    >Life Energy

    .SP 1 - Inflict Life Steal, Stealing 1000 Health from the opponent.
    .SP 2 - Inflict Life Steal, Stealing 2500 Health from the opponent.
    .SP 3 - Inflict Life Steal, Stealing 4000 Health from the opponent.

    ~Emplate will start every fight with Power Siphon stance when he gains enough Bone Marrow Mass.
    ~To change Stances from one to another dash back and hold block for 1 second.

    ✓Developer Note - If during activation of a Special Attack a minimum amount of Bone Marrow Sap is not present than the Special Attack will not produce any of the above listed effect.

    .Utility God when Awakened.
    .Very Good against Mutants and champions who Bleed.
    .Can tank damage through Density Control mechanic.

    .Has not got any kind of Immunity.
    .Will struggle against Bleed Immune champs.
    .It is relatively hard to get Bone Marrow Mass when playing against champ who can bypass Critical Hits like Ebony Maw, Ant Man, Captain America IW.


    *Generation X with Emma Frost at 3-Stars and higher Unique Synergy

    .Emplate: Against Mercenary Champions Emplate, gains Cruelty Buffs increasing Critical Damage by 35% for 20 seconds.
    .Emma Frost: When in Telepath form gains a passive Fury, increasing Attack Rating by +1373.

    *Age of Apocalypse with Mister Sinister at 3-Stars and higher Unique Synergy

    .Emplate: Mutant Aura bonuses expand to include all Hero Champions.
    .Mister Sinister: While performing well timed blocks 100% chance to inflict Degeneration, dealing 266.6 Direct Damage over 3 seconds.

    *Timeline with Bishop at 4- Stars and higher Unique Synergy

    .Emplate: Increases the Duration of all Bleed Effects by 20%.
    .Bishop: Gains +2000 Physical Resistance.
  • Notsavage19Notsavage19 Member Posts: 2,817 ★★★★★

    I love it if marvel bought the rights to Spawn and The violator.
    It would be a dream come true and they would be get the mcoc community buzzing about it. This would be my dying wish to play with him. I hope one day marvel will consider this.

    Spawn and Violator aren't Marvel though...
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