Which mystic champ should I take to r5/r3 next?

Jcray705Jcray705 Member Posts: 30
edited September 2017 in Strategy and Tips
I already have a r5 voodoo and magik, so they aren't options for this poll

Which mystic champ should I take to r5/r3 next? 15 votes

Scarlet Witch (Sig 39)
Jank39AfridadqqedfyvrVartoxCedricccSakkbanStark78AlfaThecurlersamarthaadi 9 votes
Ghost Rider (unawakened)
UnsaferBinkie7Anonymous346vinniegainz 3 votes
Guillotine (Sig 79)
GroundedWisdomTheMageHunter 2 votes
5* Iron Fist (Sig 20)
Wait for a better 5* mystic
Hazerface 1 vote


  • UnsaferBinkie7UnsaferBinkie7 Member Posts: 658 ★★
    edited September 2017
    Ghost Rider (unawakened)
    Gr is an aq beast. Awakened is 10x better of course. That fury is really really good. Unduped at r5 he still works well tho. His prestige ain't that bad either(well awakened with a high amount of sigs of course.)
  • Jcray705Jcray705 Member Posts: 30
    So you think he's still worth it, even with the shift toward 5*s coming?
  • UnsaferBinkie7UnsaferBinkie7 Member Posts: 658 ★★
    Ghost Rider (unawakened)
    Jcray705 wrote: »
    So you think he's still worth it, even with the shift toward 5*s coming?

    Definitely, he's one of the better mystics. If ur sw was 99 than maybe.. again maybe I would've suggested her. She's based on luck and that can be wack at times. She needs to be really close to max sig to be pretty useful.
  • UnsaferBinkie7UnsaferBinkie7 Member Posts: 658 ★★
    Ghost Rider (unawakened)
    Guillotine isn't a bad one at all either, she's really good, but my thinking is since there's a 5* of her, you could pull her there. I know voodoo and gr are gonna be available 5* soon but they're better than most champs in the game, meaning that a r5 4* version of them is still extremely useful.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,966 ★★★★★
    Guillotine (Sig 79)
    I'm still a fan of Guillie. Witch and GR would be good options, if you prefer. GR has slightly more complicated mechanics. Witch depends mostly on RNG. I just prefer Guillie. She has good uses. Mine is Max Sig. She carries me well.
  • AfridAfrid Member Posts: 529 ★★
    edited September 2017
    Scarlet Witch (Sig 39)
    I sill like Sw. She hits a lot harder than GR and she won't be available as a 5* .i would rank her up. Take her up-to sig99 as soon as possible
  • samarthaadisamarthaadi Member Posts: 31
    Scarlet Witch (Sig 39)
    just chuck a few sigs into her, she will take you far
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