iPhone 12 pro max issue! (Help me plssssss)

Okay.. so I just got the iPhone 12 pro Max and I cannot parry or block on the phone unless I hit the very middle of the screen, side note I am a girl with very tiny hands so this is proving difficult, if I try and parry either it doesn’t block so I get hit or it drags me back.
Half the time aswell I can’t block at all I just stand there like ‘yeah please hit me in the face with an sp1 I live for this ****’
Please tell me other people are having the same issue or they have a solution because I’m not a stun immune fighter, I don’t dex like a god, I’m just out here trying to live my best life as a parry god and get war MVP.
Help would be appreciated!
Muchas Gracias
Half the time aswell I can’t block at all I just stand there like ‘yeah please hit me in the face with an sp1 I live for this ****’
Please tell me other people are having the same issue or they have a solution because I’m not a stun immune fighter, I don’t dex like a god, I’m just out here trying to live my best life as a parry god and get war MVP.
Help would be appreciated!
Muchas Gracias
Post edited by Kabam Ahab on
At this point it’s just pay per word of the title.
Block sometimes doesn’t register. Dash backs sometimes doesn’t register either specially after attacking block 4 times and dashing back my, I’m just staying there and get hit.
The most annoying one so far for me is sometimes the dash back will actually register as dash forward and thats just a disaster every time it happens.
At first I thought it was the way I’m holding the phone because it’s bigger and it does feels different but I’ve been paying attention lately and I’m pretty sure there is something else going on....
Outside of game play the buttons in the bottom right of the screen will not select the correct button. For example I'll try and open objectives chat will open.
@Kabam Lyra @Kabam Miike is there any more reports if this issue or is it just us? If its just us we just need to adapt and get gud!!! 🤣
Unfortunately kabam haven’t acknowledged it yet which probably means its not in the radar of things to get fixed next update. Hopefully I’m wrong but sure looks like it
Parry works sporadically, dashing back sometimes results in a dash forward. I feel like drunk when playing this game.
First, I had an iPhone 12 mini without a case. I used it for several days and sent it back as I wanted a bigger screen, so I ordered the iPhone 12 (normal one) and used a case.
I experienced the very same issues on both phones. First, I thought that I touch the edges of my iPhone. I used a case on my iPhone 12, so I am very confused what else could cause these kind of issues. I just googled a little bit and found this section within the forum. Happy to see that it's not only me having these issues.
I still have my iPhone 8, but it's lagging sometimes, so it's "okay" to play with, but the lags also affect your gameplay.
As I used to play on a high standard (Platin1+, Map7), it is more than annoying that a) iPhone 8 is not enough anymore for this game as it lags hard b) iPhone 12 is irresponsive (even though very fluent gameplay on screen).
Playing map 7 with iPhone 12 causes me to use massively items, while I am able to go through Map 7 without any items on my iPhone 8 as the commands all work fine (lags can sometimes cause a death, but luckily you have 3 chars to play with).
iPhone 12 is a total mess. I tried several times to run through a path, which I already finished without any problems in Act 6.4, but I failed so hard with the iPhone 12.
With my iPhone 8 it worked without failing.
Two things I have found:
1 — enable Touch accommodations in Accessibility settings, but none of the subfeatures.
2 — clean the device screen often. Seems super-sensitive to fingerprints.
This has helped a lot but not 100 percent.